WEEK 6 : 23 AUGUST - 29 AUGUST 2020



WEEK 6 : 23 AUGUST - 29 AUGUST 2020



Day Log/Activity
1 23-08-2020 Sunday


2 24-08-2020 Monday


(1)  At 8 am

Reinstalling nanoCAD 5 due to some circumstances. After 10 minutes, the software is successfully downloaded. 

Then, i start to trace second layer of turtle manually. As the colour of turtle is not very clear, it was hard for me to trace one by one. Arc method is most suitable way to trace rather than using spline line or polyline. Only certain part need to be edit according to the desired shape.




(2) At 9.30 am

I had weekly meeting with manager. The main purpose of meeting is to explain and describe the flow of our task. As i was done my part for the grill panel, so i was showing my work on that part. Last week, i had trouble on simulation as i was using 3D corner engraving and profile machining wrongly. This time, i successfully understand the basic step of using 3D corner engraving and profile machining for this task. 

And then, i showed my second task which is turtle. As i was only finished second layer, so i showed the overall second layer. Luckily the technique is correct and i just need to continue for the next layer. At first, i count only 9 layer is needed, but then i calculated again, i need or i must trace around 13 or 14 layer of turtle. 

(3) At 1 pm

As i was running out of time, i focus first on the leaf. Finish on simulation and edit some part before machining. I was done edit at 4 pm, but then i think i could not finish machining on time. So i continue trace for the turtle. 





3 25-08-2020 Tuesday


(1) 8 am

I was about to run the machine, but then i realised something wrong with the simulation and the shape of the leaf. At the corner of the leaf is having an arc shape rather than sharp shape. So, i continue edit that part for all the 3 grill panel of the leaf that need to be machine. 




(2) 9 am

I started machine for the first grill panel. Before that, i have to clean the machine area because there are so much stuff on the base of the machine including stuff from Iqbal project. There are also dust on the base also on the floor that need to be clean up. Thats why it takes longer time than expected. As i planned to use new 12 mm mdf board, i seek help from Zakir to help me to bring to base of machine. After finished everything, i started my work. Machine the grill panel. 




(3) 1 pm 

I continue machine for the second grill panel. As the second grill panel about to finish, suddenly unexpected thing to happened. I carelessly run the toolpath output which 3D corner engraving twice. From 5 mm thick become 10 mm thick. So the part for 3D corner engraving become so big and break the shape. So i stop the machine and not willingly to finish for the last grill panel. I could not finsh machining for all the grill panel.

So happenly, fisa doing her task which also grill panel. 



4 26-08-2020 Wednesday


(1) 8 am

I started my day editing the yesterday work which i need to edit for simulation of 3D corner engraving. It happenly occur also for last grill panel. 

(2) 9 am

I redo for the second grill panel. Luckily it was much better from the first grill panel because using the new cutter tool for conical. Also the workspeed is different which using the lower workspeed with 1000 rpm. The spindle run for about 190 rpm. 

After that, it was about lunch hour. So i take a break and not continue for the last grill panel.




(3) 1 pm

I continue trace for the fourth and fifth layer of the turtle. 






(1) 8 am 

I continue edit for the turtle in nanoCAD. After finish tracing, i started copy and paste the tracing line to become the desired shape. 

(2) 10 am

Suddenly, i found a new way in copy and paste which trasfering all the tracing line from nanoCAD into Ucancam. So, i started doing back copy and paste method from first into several layer before continue back copy paste after lunch break. 

I could not finish copy paste for all layer. 








(1) 8 am

As usual, i finish the work which i could not finish the day before. 

(2) Around 10 am

I had short meeting with manager which to discuss about task or to know my flow. This time, i had not so much comment regarding the task. I just need to finish my task faster as the time frame is next week. 

(3) 1 pm 

I started doing the simulation for the four layer of the turtle. 



