WEEK 1 : 20 JULY - 25 JULY 2020



WEEK 1 : 20 JULY - 25 JULY 2020



Day Log/Activity
1 19-07-2020 Sunday


2 20-07-2020 Monday


(1) I registered to the company. Then, direct to the office on the second floor, waiting for Mrs Chee, the financial manager of AC Meca (M) Sdn Bhd. Mrs Chee give rough explaination about the company and introduce several staffs.After that,we have been toured around the company and had been introduced to all the staff member

  • Mr. Chan Chee Leong as the manager
  • Mrs. Chee as the human resource manager
  • Mrs. Jessi as purchase and sales manager
  • Mr Sazali, Mr Sham, Mr Adan 
  • Iqbal as operation executive and supervisor for internship student

(2) Around 8.30 am, had been introduced to a computer numerical control (CNC) router machine by Mr. Iqbal which located in the workshop and he gave a thorough explanation as well as about how to run the machine tthat is used for cutting various hard materials, such as wood, composites, aluminium and glass.

I also had been demonstrated by him about how to cut a piece of wood using the router machine. The machine is controlled by a cpntroller and to control the tool of the machine, there are also codes to be learnt that are extracted out of a specific software. 

Learnt the safety rules upon entering the workshop, the place where a machines are fabricated. The rules as followed, wearing safety boot, gloves to run the machine and gogle when running machine involving wood. 

(3) At 2 pm, had learnt the use of NanoCAD software to build a 2D design. I also had been assigned to excrete a 2D design using the software out of a 2D drwing given The software is just as similar as AutoCAd where a 2D design can be created.



3 21-07-2020 Tuesday


(1) I have been assigned to finish drawing using autoCAD or nanoCAD. The theme for the drawing are based on the shape of metal given. Before that, i calculated the full dimension of the metal including circle and chamfer. 

I faced so many challenges to finish the task :

  1. Error occurs due to parallax error because of measuring tape.
  2. Error due to the material as the other part of metal have been broken.
  3. Error due to lack of skill in autocad or nanocad. 
  4. Error during reading the vernier callipers and measuring tape. Eyes is not perpendicular to the tools.

At the end, i successfully finish the task around 1.30 pm.


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(2) I had first meeting with the manager of AC MECA (M) SDN BHD, Mr Leong. The content of meeting mostly about the module prepared by the company. In the module stated the objective and the schedule for 12 weeks of internship. 

The objective is about to expose the intern student for actual sample products fabrication and process planning with CNC router machine, Ucancam V11 software, factory equipment and tooling. To manipulate and understanding the process flow of a product design. 

So, from this module i get the rough idea of what will be assign to me for this 12 weeks of internship. 


4 22-07-2020 Wednesday


(1) I started my day downloading Ucancam and going through the demo inside the DVD. There are overall 16 video tutorial on CAD function to be finish but i only watched 4 videos first. The videos include installation, text editing, graphics and image and node editting. 

  • The best part after watching the video is when i try to edit the text. This Ucancam apps is different from the one i have tried before, solidwork. It can only be accessed by using USB (license) to start the drawing.
  • For graphics and image, there are a lot to try. At first, it quite hard to edit the graphic from Ucancam but after tried several time and make it familiar, everything just so good and a lot easier.
  • Node editting teach me on how to break the fix shape into several part and shaping the object into desired shape.


(2) After that, Iqbal brought us tour around the workplace where there a lot of machine including CNC router, CNC waterjet, and CNC plasma among others. Toolbit also important in this touring as it will be used by the machine.  

  • Each machine have been explained in very detail. There are two machine that attracted me which are lay machine and drilling machine. I have been seen those two machine in my father's workshop and because of that i feel more curious and want to learn more about the machine. 


(3) Apart from that, i filled my time with improving my skill in autoCAD. Have been known the important of autoCAD in this program or project, it make me feel want to try out and explore more in this field. The theme of my drawing for today is android and i successfully finished the drawing before i am going back. 



##3rd day are just fascinate just like a day before. There a lot to be learned everyday and i never waste my time doing unuseful thing##






(1) Upon arrival, i completed the daily log book/report in its.utm.my and eportfolio. It takes around two hours to write and edit the information. After so long not update the eportfolio, the awkwardness and forgotten using the app totally hunt me. I need to rewatch the tutorial and make use the app before continue writing the information.

(2) In the afternoon, i started continue watching the demo of ucancam. Make use the Ucancam Pro V11 till i familiar with the app. 

(3) After that, supervisor (iqbal) give me a task regarding ucancam. The task is more likely to choose between profile machining and area clearance. To obviously learnt the profile machining and area clearance, Iqbal teach very clearly and explained in detailed. For this task, profile machining is more suitable compare with area clearance. 


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(1) For this whole day, i practiced using both nanoCAD and Ucancam Pro V11. The theme of the nanoCAD that day was an anime, batman and mickey mouse. Both of this sketches involved so many circle. 





**I take emergency leave because my brother just pass away 


