WEEK 4 : 9 AUGUST - 15 AUGUST 2020



WEEK 4 : 9 AUGUST - 15 AUGUST 2020



Day Log/Activity
1 09-08-2020 Sunday


2 10-08-2020 Monday


(1) At 8 am

As i get a new project, so i started my day planned on what i should draw and choose upon the unique design in google. The theme for this project was using mdf board either 12 or 9mm thick and shape almost A4 size. 

By the time keep running, i wasted my time scrolling over google and pinterest almost half of the day. The first design that interest me was 


As i was on leave for a week due to my brother death, i think i was lack on some skill in ucancam. So, I choose the simple design first to improve in 3 part which are 3D corner engraving, profile machining and area clearance. 

In the middle of doing this, i had weekly meeting with manager, Chan Chee Leong. As usual, the main agenda of the meeting was about the progress, add comment for the product and did some adjustment also information towards poduct.

(2) At 3 pm

Mr Sam give us task involve arcylic that need to be machine. That task need to be programmed and edit in Ucancam. So we both, fisa and i did one each. 


3 11-08-2020 Tuesday


(1) At 8 am

With a refresh mind, i continue edit yesterday picture and did some adjustment based on my interest and perseverence.


After getting comment on my first idea, i added some artistic value on my drawing. To be add, i did second drawing on toilet. This drawing involving several depth that need to be machined. 



(2) At 2 pm 

In the evening, we did machined for the acrylic matter. We did two set of this and this product had been progtammed by me in Ucancam. During doing this task, there a some difficulties happened. First because the base of 3mm thick mdf board are not smooth. So it affect the depth that need to machined. Some part are not in line and not connected. The best solution is adjust the depth by ourself by manually during machining. 



4 12-08-2020 Wednesday


(1) At 8 am

Today planned of the day is to touch up upon the project and for the new acrylic.








(1) At 8 am

For this half day, Fisa and i only involved in machining. We both machined for acrylic matter and our own product. We wasted our time in adjusting CNC machine and changing base 3mm thick mdf board. Too be add, we try on the old mdf board before using the new one. The result was so bad and not satisfy.





(2) At 1 pm

We still doing last minute editing for the project. This time, we are doing the best because we are going to use the new mdf board. 

In the middle of doing project in Ucancam, i had a second meeting in a week. The meeting was about the new project that need to be done end of this month. There are about 5 big task and around 7 sub task. The task is then divided equally. 






(1) At 8 am

As usual, i am doing a final touch up for the given project. As today is a last day to submit the project, i add some value to the project in the ucancam. My first idea for a project is like a simple and there is no artistic towards it, i decide to do the new drawing. It takes around 2 hours before start machining. This final touh up is more like a combination of old idea with a new idea. 

(2) At 10.45 am

I had a meeting with manager, Chan Chee Leong around 1 hour and a half. The meeting was about a new project that need to be present at the end of this month. There are overall 5 products need to be done. This include using ucancam and solidwork. 






(3) At 1.30 pm 

Fisa and i start doing machining for a project. The machining start with my product first. It takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes to get the result. After that continue with fisa's product and also takes around 1 hour for machining. 








