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  • Faculty: Computing
  • Student ID: A19EC0200
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Date of birth 29 January 2000
Place of birth Melaka
Citizenship Malaysia
Gender identity Woman


Personal goals
  • Taking care of my parents in their old age
Academic goals
  • Just want to successfully graduate from UTM.
Career goals
  • Able to secure a stable job in Melaka or Johor.


Academic skills


Success comes to those who work hard.

But if it comes to those who aren't,

It's just your luck,

Be grateful always.


And to those who work hard,

But success is still not in your hand,

Don't ever give up,

God knows what's best for you.


"Success will come at the right time."


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Mid-Semester Reflection

Mid-Semester Reflection

in Mid-Semester Reflection Graduate Success Attributes
Malaysian Dynamic's Reflection

Malaysian Dynamic's Reflection

in Malaysian Dynamic
Refleksi Pemikiran Sains Teknologi

Refleksi Pemikiran Sains Teknologi

in Pemikiran Sains dan Teknologi

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Session 2021/2022 - Semester 2

Tags: fyp1, psm1


Through the completion of FYP1 project, I realized the importance of it to my learning. In short, 

1. It gave me exposure to the real-world value of work.

2. It made me realize the importance of keeping track of work and time management skills.

3. I got to apply my knowledge and skills acquired from previously taken courses.

4. I become more independent in decision-making.

5. I demonstrated a lot of skills as a thinker.



Semester 2
Section 06

Reflection on Project 1

During the process of conducting the project, I have learnt a lot of things that may help me in becoming a better student. It cannot be denied that research and project-based experiences are one of the best ways in learning and studying certain knowledge. In this case, I have had a first experience in conducting and distributing my group’s survey for my PSDA course assessment. During the process of finishing this assessment, I did make a number of mistakes that allowed me to reflect and learned some valuable lessons in return. For instance, before distributing the questionnaire of my group’s survey, it involves several drafts before having the perfect draft to be distributed. In every draft of it, I realized that it is important to always do analysis to determine whether the questions asked are suitable with the objective of the survey.

However, due to lack of information and content that my group can obtained from the answers of our respondents in the draft of our survey, discussion would take place in order to renew the survey in a better form. Thus, my group made use of other sources of data to validate our findings on the result. For instance, for the first part in the project, which is Part A, my group and I need to always refer to the data type requirement according to the rubric while doing this project.

           Through this assessment, I get to enhance my communication skills as my group need to do a lot of discussion to ensure the requirements in the rubric are fully fulfilled. Moreover, I also get the chance to improve my leadership skills as my team members give their trust to me to become the group’s leader. Despite the fact that there are some hardships I have faced while becoming the team’s leader, for instance the skills to distributing work among members and the difficulties in understanding others members’ ideas, I also cannot deny that all these hardships for sure shaping me into a more good and great student.

            Next, I also want to reflect on the process of presenting the project. My lecturer, Dr. Chan Weng Howe told us that the presentation of the project will be in term of video. At first, I was clueless on how to record and create our project’s presentation video. The pressure of being the team leader really hit me hard as this video is important in getting good marks for the project. However, I realized that I need to bear the burden as I am the team leader. Hence, from my experience, my group decide to go with my suggestion in creating the video, which is by using Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Video. It is also a good method as we get to show our face while presenting the slide regarding our social media’s project. The hardest part during this process is when the government inform the country the PKP movement due to the Covid19 outbreak. One of our team members went home before we even started recoding the video. Nevertheless, it was understandable as the Covid19 outbreak is dangerous. Thus, I proceed the video recording slide presentation with my other 2 members, and it went smoothly, thanks to our good cooperation between one another.

              In conclusion, writing the reflection of Project 1 has helped me to become a better student in the future as I get to know my weaknesses and thus correct it. I realized that all 4 parts in the project, which is Part A(Data Type), Part B(Data – Graphical Presentation), Part C (Format & Content of Report) and Part D(e – Portfolio) have their own purposes for the students to learn for their future benefits. Nevertheless, the PSDA’s project, which is Project 1 is a great learning material for the students in this course as we are given the opportunity to do statistical analysis in any perspective and thus do the synthesis of it. Thus, I want to thank my lecturer, Dr. Chan Weng Howe for always supporting us and giving us guidance while conducting this project.


Malaysian Dynamic RSS

Malaysian Dynamic's Reflection

Hari ini, 21 November 2019, Encik Hassan bin Husyin,guru kepada pelajar seksyen 03 telah menjalankan satu aktiviti bersama pelajar kelasnya. Aktiviti yang dijalankan ialah ceramah wacana yang bertajuk Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera yang dianjurkan Pusat Islam UTM dengan kerjasama YADIM bertempat di Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM. Wacana tersebut disampaikan oleh Ustaz Ali bin Muda, pegawai khas YB Menteri Agama. Pada pendapat saya, aktiviti ini amat baik untuk dijalankan dalam kalangan generasi muda zaman ini. Ini kerana golongan muda ini lah merupakan harapan masa depan ummah. Bagi membina negara yang diredhai Allah seterusnya Berjaya dipandang tinggi oleh negara lain, salah satu aspek yang penting ialah bagi membina negara yang rahmah yang kemudiannya akan membawa kepada ummah yang sejahtera.

               Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa tajuk wacana yang dijalankan ini amat relevan dengan seluruh manusia, sama ada muslim atau bukan muslim. Aspek negara rahmah merupakan impian yang ingin dicapai oleh semua pemimpin di dunia ini, terutamanya Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai latar belakang yang berbeza. Maka, sudah tentu perpaduan merupakan satu elemen yang penting bagi mewujudkan ummah yang sejahtera. Persoalannya bagaimanakah cara untuk mengapilkasikan falsafah Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera ini ke dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia?

               Ustaz Ali menyatakan bahawa dalam mencapai falsafah Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera, gagasan Rahmatan lil alamin perlu dijadikan sumber dan asas penting dalam konteks negara Malaysia. Ini kerana gagasan rahmatan lil alamin mencegah perpecahan antara umat manusia. Pada pandangan saya, aspek perpaduan antara masyarakat amat penting dalam memastikan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan umat manusia dan alam semesta. Selain itu, gagasan rahmatan lil alamin juga penting kerana pada zaman ini, umat manusia dihebohkan dengan fenomena dakwah yang keras dan kasar. Fenomena ini perlulah dicegah kerana ia boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada sesebuah negara.

               Akhir sekali, Ustaz Ali juga menyatakan bahawa setiap individu mempunyai peranan masing-masing dalam mencapai falsafah Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera. Salah satu peranan penting individu dalam masyarakat ialah golongan kaya mestilah sedia menghulurkan bantuan kepada golongan miskin. Dengan ini, taraf hidup masyarakat dapat ditingkatkan seterusnya dapat menuju kea rah ummah yang sejahtera. Selain itu, Ustaz Ali juga menyatakan bahawa sedekah haruslah menjadi amalan kebiasaan antara umat manusia. Perpaduan dan keamanan dapat dipupuk antara masyarakat tanpa mengira latar belakang bangsa, agama dan kaum.

               Kesimpulannya, dalam mencapai falsafah Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera, sudah jelas bahawa gagasan Rahmatan lil alamin merupakan salah satu elemen penting bagi memastikan masyakarakat dunia, terutamanya rakyat Malaysia hidup dalam keharmonian. Setiap individu mestilah memainkan peranan dalam memupuk perasaan kasih saying dan hormat terhadap satu sama lain tanpa mengira perbezaan kaum, bahasa, gaya hidup, agama dan sebagainya. Kerajaan perlulah sentiasa memastikan hubungan rakyat antara kaum sentiasa utuh dan teguh. Pelbagai inisiatif hendaklah diambil kira dari pelbagai aspek untuk mencapai falsafah ini. Falsafah Rahmatan lil alamin akan dapat dicapai sekiranya setiap pihak di Malaysia saling berganding bahu dan bekerjasama antara satu sama lain dengan rela hati dan ikhlas.


Graduate Success Attributes RSS

Mid-Semester Reflection

Mid-Semester Reflection


          For the past few weeks, I believed that I have learnt a lot of knowledge from this course. One of Dr Hadi’s class that leave a remarkable impact to me was when he showed a video regarding job interview to us. Believe it or not, the competition in getting a job in any career is very fierce nowadays. From the video, I could conclude that understanding in doing certain task is important for any workers, especially among fresh graduates. However, I also wanted to express my devastated feeling about the world’s reality. One of my classmates, Ain stated that, “Academic achievement does not really secure the graduates any job. “. Hearing that, I thought for a while and had a battle of fight in my mind regarding her statement. Although it is difficult for me to accept the statement, it is a good point and the truth. Nowadays, students strived hard in studying all the knowledge from every level of education in Malaysia. The struggle to achieve a good academic achievement is not a joke yet it is a dream for every student. However, we cannot deny the fact that academic achievement of student cannot secure you any position in the work field if you do not possess other important skills, such as communication and thinking skills.


Dr Hadi also emphasized about top 5 reasons why fresh graduates did not get hired. The detailed explanations given by him had help me to fully realize and understand the current reality regarding job opportunity. For instance, one of the reasons why fresh graduates did not get hired is they are being choosy about the job or company. I am partially agreed to this statement. Fresh graduates supposed to consider the factor of fierce competition in getting a job in the industry. Knowing that the opportunity in the work field is already competitive enough, fresh graduates who already managed to secure the job should just try to adapt themselves with the company working style. No matter how hard it is, success will always follow us if we are able to face this challenge despite having various company to work with. Most importantly, graduates who have work with various company must always appreciate the experiences they got with each employee as they can use it as an advantage and specialty in grabbing a better position in the work field in the future.


          Furthermore, I also want to reflect the lesson Dr Hadi gave us past three weeks. After giving lecture about communication issue, Dr Hadi had assigned us to group. I got the chance to create new friendship with both local and international students thanks to Dr Hadi’s method in creating the group. I realized that one thing I got each time after Graduate Success Attributes class is that I manage to create new friendships with new people. Each group were given different topic to discuss among members. We decide to choose the topic about how to be a good daughter and son as it is relatable for us and other classmates. Through this activity, I got to hear so many stories from different backgrounds. Each of the groups has different experience to tell the class regarding each other’s topic. Each topic presented by different group had widen my mind as I can never expect what the others have gone through. The experiences I got from them can be useful to me as I can use it as a guidance when I face difficulties in the future.


          I also learnt a lot from Dr Hadi’s class past two weeks. We were informed through e-learning that the students were required to give a prompt talk in front of the class today. I was quite nervous for this activity as my speaking skills was not so good, but I also wanted to do it as soon as possible because I did not want to have any fears for the next class. Before the prompt talk activity started, we had to form a group for the next assignment followed by a short lecture given by Dr Hadi, which was about communication skills. Next, after the short lecture finished, Dr Hadi gave us about 1 minute to think about an issue or topic for the prompt talk. We can talk about anything we want, whether it related to our life, current news, or even facts. There were some students who talked about money and happiness. Most of them agreed that money cannot buy happiness. However, I have some different opinion to share. From my point of view, money does matter in achieving happiness in human’s life. It is all depend on how humans spend their money that can determine one’s happiness in life. A lot of things that bring happiness to one’s life and even others can be done if we have a stable financial. Most importantly, we can achieve happiness in life if we always do kindness, be humble and remember where we come from when we have a huge amount of money in the future.


In addition, my friend, Desmond also managed to give me a lesson from his prompt talk. He said that he did not do very well in English. Both speaking and listening. He admitted that he was having difficulties to understand most of lecturers’ class as English is being used as the medium to communicate with students. This is due to when he was in Sarawak, he only spoke and listened in Chinese language. From this incident, I learnt that not all Chinese can speak and understand English fluently. Most of Malaysians, including me expect that speaking and listening to English language is not a big deal to Chinese. However, after hearing Desmond’s honest confessions today, I realized that Chinese were also like other races. The ones who get education and live in an urban place will find that speaking and listening to English is not that hard. Malaysians need to change this stereotype so same level of education can be exposed to everyone.


          Hence, from all the lessons I have learnt from Graduate Success Attributes course, I believed that my learning will be more advance for the next part of the semester. First and foremost, I will become braver and have more confidence in doing any tasks, assignments or activity. In fact, I realized that I am a great follower, not a leader. Hence, in the next group assignment, I hope that I can contribute so much efforts to my group and hence become a great supporter to my leader’s command. Furthermore, I will also try to be an open-minded person in order to ensure that any assignment or task given by lecturer to me and my friends will be done without having any difficulties. If any of my groupmates face problems and difficulties to cooperate with my group’s plan, an alternative strategy will be given to him to ensure that no one will become a passenger in the group and at least will contribute something to the group.


          Moreover, I will also try to change my learning style to a better one. As I already created new friends with both local and international friends, it is easy for me to ask any of them about certain course if I do not understand about it. All this time, I prefer to study alone and have no one to ask if I face difficulties in studying. Thus, for the next semester, I already have new friends to interact with if I face any problems regarding studies. Although I am not fond with the idea of study group as I prefer on doing self-study, it does not mean I cannot ask them the questions I do not understand. I can even join any group discussion to do and answer the assignments given by the lecturers. In that way, our answer will be more precise and the probability to get it correct will be higher as it is reviewed and done by a few people, not only one.


          In addition, my learning also will be advanced as I am not scared to ask questions that I do not understand in classes. I know that there is supposedly no time to be shy to ask questions to the lecturers as it is important for me as a student to understand the content of the learning during classes. As a result, as I manage to understand what the lecturers are teaching, it is easier for me to review back what I have learnt and hence do extra practices to enhance my knowledge about specific course. I also can share what I understand about certain information better with my friends as I will implement the tips of how to have a good communication skill. My friends thus will be able to understand each of my words easily without having any difficulties to relate it with the studies. Clear and smooth explanation will then be able to occur between me and my other friends. In result, not only I manage to practice my speaking and listening skills, I can also enhance my understanding about certain knowledge as I will keep repeating and teaching the same information to my friends all over again.


            In order to achieve success, it is normal to face hardships and challenges, especially as a student. I think the greatest challenge that I have ever face and currently face in my life is regarding socializing with people. I must admit that I am an introvert person. It is hard for me to create new friendship with people I do not know. Other possible reason of why I choose socializing as my hardest hardship is because at certain time, I enjoy being alone. However, I realize that I need to become more talkative to enhance my socializing skill as it relates to other important skill, which is communication skill. By socializing with others, it can also develop my thinking skills. I get to hear so many opinions and thoughts about certain issue. Thus, I will solve my socializing problem by making more new friends and talk to them often. The confidence I have built up from Dr Hadi’s class will help me a lot in talking and communicating with new people. I also will try to leave a good impression to my new friends so that they can be comfortable when talking to me.


            Next, I also must admit that I am the type of person who is hard to accept new changes in life. I can say that my childhood was not the same as most other students experienced. I always moved to a new house and school in different state as my father’s job has always changed. At first, I do not understand why we must move to a new house and school. I think due to this incident in my life, it made me become who I am today. The one who prefer to be alone, not a great talker, and once became a timid and quiet girl. However, as I grow up, I realize that all my parents did are just for their children’s happiness in the future. They do not go through all the troubles just to get rich, but they want to have a stable financial so that all of their five children will have a bright future, for instance get the chance to further their studies in any course they like. Thus, from this hardship, I learn that developing an open mind is essential for every student and I also will always try to think positive whenever I in pressure in the future. Although at certain time life can be mean to me, I must always know and remind myself that after facing hardships in life, ease will come to me.


            Furthermore, I must admit that I am easy to get homesick. Since my father lived separately from my mother and I, I am closer to my mother. She is the one who grow me up with care and love and managed in shaping me in becoming a great person.  She is always there for me when I face difficulties and hardships. Although I am not the type of person who will share my problems with my parents, her presence to me is already enough to give me strength in facing this world. Thus, when I have to separate with my parents, it is hard for me as I will always remember them in whatever I do. The thought of them being alone at home has always made me worry and sad. Hence, as a solution, I will try to socialize more with my close friends and at the same time, implement all the knowledge I got from Dr Hadi’s class regarding communication. Not only that, I will also strengthen my bond with my creator as He is the one who will help me in overcoming my homesickness. As I make myself busy with activity that will bring benefits to me, I will then soon adapt to the surrounding and reduce my homesickness.


            Finally, I also have faced problem in academic matter. As a normal student, it is a norm to always worry about academic achievement. However, the stress and pressure of getting good academic achievement is sometimes overwhelmed. Each lecturer has different expectations and style of grading. Thus, I will need to adapt myself with each of their style of teaching and grading. The level of doing writing and reading assessment will of course be higher than before. Thus, by implementing the knowledge I get from Graduate Success Attributes, I hope that I can be more relax in studying my courses. I do not want myself to have an extreme concern and worry about things in the future so that I can truly enjoy what I experience at current moment.


            To sum up, Graduates Success Attributes course has indeed help me a lot in becoming a better student and human. I have received a lot of lesson from this course that will help me to advance my student’s life to a better and higher level. Moreover, the knowledge I got from this course will also help me in finding and choosing the best solution for me in solving any difficulties and hardships in my life.


Science and Technology Thinking

Refleksi Permulaan Semester

           Pemikiran sains teknologi amat penting buat setiap rakyat di sesebuah negara. Kandungan utama dlm kursus ini sudah jelas mampu melahirkan individu yang mempunyai jati diri yang kukuh di samping menjadi penunjuk arah buat memanfaatkan kemahiran-kemahiran tertentu buat masa depan kemajuan negara. Tidak dinafikan lagi bahawa kursus sains dan teknologi amat berkait rapat dengan bidang Sains Komputer (Kejuruteraan Perisian) di mana ia merupakan satu bimbingan dalam mempelajari kursus Sains Komputer dengan cara yang benar seterusnya menggunakannya dalam kehidupan harian tanpa sebarang penyalahgunaan ilmu. Hal ini kerana kewujudan kursus ini dapat melahirkan pemimpin yang semestinya setia untuk mencurahkan bakti kepada negara dengan penuh integriti. Salah satu manfaat mengikuti kutsus sains dan teknologi adalah para pelajar mampu menjadi seorang rakyat yang cinta akan negara seterusnya menggunakan segala ilmu dan kemahiran yang diperolehi untuk membalas jasa negara. Kemahiran dan jati diri dalam seseorang individu dapat menjadi salah satu asas penting untuk melahirkan rakyat yang menjalankan tanggungjawab kepada negara dengan penuh setia dan sanggup berkorban demi negara tercinta. 


Refleksi Pengakhiran Semester

          Pada pandangan saya, setelah mempejari kursus ini selama satu semester, kandungan bahan dan asas ilmu yang telah disusun dan diberikan kepada para pelajar amatlah releven dan sesuai dengan kehidupan pelajar dalam era globalisasi ini. Kandungan utama yang terdiri daripada 11 bab mampu memberi dorongan kepada para pelajar untuk menjadi seorang individual yang berwawasan tinggi dan berguna kepada negara tercinta.

         Kursus ini juga amat berkait rapat dengan saya dan para pelajar yang lain daripada bidang Komputer Sains Kejuruteraan Perisian. Bidang kami merupakan bidang yang berkait rapat dengan teknologi. Justeru, kursus ini amat releven dengan, pelajar Sains Komputer untuk membentuk kami menjadi seorang yang sentiasa prihatin akan keadaan semasa. Saya dan pelajar juga seharusnya mengambil pengajaran akan peristiwa yang belaku pada masa lalu.

         Oleh itu, kursus ini mampu membimbing kami dalam menjadi seorang inidividu yang bertanggungjawab dan berperikemanusiaan dalam apa jua keputusan yang kami ambil ketika sudah dewasa kelak. Ini kerana dengan adanya kursus ini, kami didedahkan dengan cabaran-cabaran yang kami akan hadapi pada masa hadapan malah diberikan juga cara dan solusi yang kami patut ambil bagi menyelesaikan cabaran tersebut.

         Akhir sekali, tidak dinafikan bahawa kursus ini mampu menjadi kami seorang individu yang tidak takut akan komitmen seterusnya dapat memberikan kami keupayaan untuk memberi sumbangan terhadap masyarakat dan negara. Kursus ini telah berjaya meningkatkan keyakinan saya untuk melakukan tanggungjawab saya. Bukan sahaja itu, komitmen yang dipegang seterusnya akan mampu mendatangkan hasil yang baik kepada saya dan orang lain.


Video Presentation of Project 1 PSDA


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