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Self potrait

About me

  • Student ID: A21EC0100
  • Display name: NEREA LANAI ANAK NEOL



My entire résumé

Cover letter

Hi, I'm Nerea Lanai, usually being called Nerea. I was born in a beautiful modern city at Johor Bahru and currently pursuing my 1st year of Degree in Bioinformatics at the age of 19. As a kid, I am a very active person who likes to socialize a lot with people around me hence my philosophy in life is ' be as bright as a burst of sunshine who can lift up people around you.' Growing up, I changed my dreams a couple of times depending on my current interests in life. However, one day I discovered about the courses related to computer science and it makes me curious about a lot of things especially things that are related to modern technologies. This is maybe the reason why I found Bioinformatics very fascinating and decided to pursue this field of study. I believe that once I got a grasp of what Bioinformatics really about, I can create or invent something useful for the public because I am full of creativity and determination. If my plan didn't go the way I wanted, I can pursue another dream as an educator in this field of study because I would like to be able to contribute in the field that I am interested in in many forms of ways.


  • Fashion trend, Digital Arts & Interior Design 


Here is my Pinterest mood board link :



Personal information

Date of birth 24 June 2002
Place of birth Johor
Citizenship Malaysian
Visa status -
Gender identity Woman
Marital status Single


Personal goals
  • To do more than what's expected of me
  • Planting the good seed my future
  • Strive for excellence : getting Dean lists every semester
  • Travel or participate in exchange student programme


Personal skills

Personal Skills

  • singing (Member of AKSARA RESAK UTM)
  • cheerleading
  • theatre
  • nail art
  • kricket sport
Academic skills
  • Deeds software
  • Arduino IDE
  • C programming language
  • C++ programming language

Language skills

  • Bahasa Iban
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • English
  • Mandarin 
Work skills
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • WordPress
  • Google Slides
  • Google Docs
  • Google Drive
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Canva
  • Capcut
  • Inshot
  • VN


Employment history
Address: 17, Jalan Kempas 3, Taman Megah Ria, 81750 Masai, Johor
Education history

Address: Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Dengkil,43800 Dengkil,Selangor

Address: Jalan Besar Masai, Bandar Baru Seri Alam, 81750 Masai, Johor

Address: 100, Jalan Kempas, Taman Megah Ria, 81750 Masai, Johor

Certifications, accreditations and awards

Here I attached the Certificate of Completion for AWS Academy Graduate-AWS Academy Cloud Foundationsphoto_2022-01-25_18-31-55.jpg

Attached files (1)

Here I attached the Certification of Participation in UTM COMPFAIR2021of me as the MODERATOR for 

Attached files (1)

Here I attached the Certification of CERTICICATE OF COMPLETION-SPARK X program that was sponsored by MAVCAP & delivered by StartupMalaysia

Attached files (1)


SECJ2203 Self Reflection video:Leadership RSS

Youtube video link :



SECP1513 TIS E-portfolio project - Content on AWS RSS

Content on AWS


1. The journey of getting the AWS badge

(how do you get the badge? the learning path from knowing nothing about AWS until you get the AWS badge, the process of learning , exploration, and understanding ,when do you tart, how do you complete the 10 modules, how long it took for you to complete the 10 modules, what does the badge look like, etc)

   Firstly, I managed to get the badge by completing the 10 modules first. My knowledge about cloud computing is quite vague since the only information that I can get are only from the lecture slides that Dr.Azurah provided and from Industrial Talk. Hence, completing the AWS module is pretty crucial for my zero to none knowledge about cloud computing. I kicked start late by only completing 1 module at first and then gradually I began to delegate my time to finish the module one by one by using " a module a day " method. But regardless of that, I still could not managed to consistently keep up with that method because module 6,7,8 contain lots of sub-videos compare to the other modules, so it took some time for me to complete the rest of the modules.

  Despite that, I really enjoyed the AWS academy overall it just that I find it hard to understand some difficult terms and explanation due to the language barrier. I do hope that there are Malay subtitle for it to boost my understanding without the need for me to re-read it again and again to understand the explanation as sometimes an 8 minutes video took me 20 minutes to complete due to the difficulty in understanding. However, I still managed to take several notes by each modules so that I can jot down important information while watching the lecture videos. The laboratory works and the demos really helped me to boost my understanding on how to use the AWS account and it is less boring that way since we don't have to retrieve information by just watching the lecture videos. 

 Shortly after done completing the 10 modules, I had claimed and received the AWS badge. I am very satisfied with owning the badge because it is a proof of my hard work in completion of these modules. The badge design is really simple and clean, I did not expect to receive it since I thought that we will be receiving the certificate only. Now , I finally have some hands-on experience on AWS services and gained much more insightful knowledge about it which will be helpful for me in the future.



1. A Summary of what you have gained from completing the course(get a badge)

   From completing the short course, I managed to claim a completion AWS Badge and its certificate after thoroughly go through the completion of the given 10 modules provided by the AMAZON WEB SERVICES TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION ON THE AWS ACADEMY GRADUATE-AWS Academy Cloud Foundations.

2. Your motivation to complete this project


   From what I know and been taught of, this technology and information system industry has been increasingly apply the usage of cloud computing which AWS is one of them. Because of that piece of info that I've got it intrigued the curiosity in me to see what is this AWS Cloud Computing all about because as far as I know at that time, I know nothing. I'm glad that this AWS short course Academy exist and became a medium for students to learn and being train virtually about it. This self-learned journey is not easy since it required a lot of time and energy to complete but I still have the strong will to force myself to complete it since I keep finding the topics became more interesting throughout the modules. In fact, by learning this in my TIS course, it sure helped me a lot as I don't have to worry about learning this by myself in the future since I've already been introduced to the foundation of AWS in my semester 1 TIS subject through the AWS Academy.

3. Your opinion whether getting the badge is easy or difficult ? Which modules is the easiest/most difficult.

   Getting the badge is easy if you are really enthusiastic for this cloud computing topic however if you find this topic hard to digest and understand it might be boring to you as it contains lot of useful information and background. In my opinion, like I said before, I am really interested on how cloud computing works and looking forward to gain knowledge about it. However the hard part for me must be the language barrier especially when fancy terms or deep vocab were used. Other than that, delegation of time to complete all modules are quite a challenge for me too, but Dr.Azurah always pushed us and reminded us to complete it on schedule so I managed to complete it and got the badge at the end. Besides that, the most difficult modules for me to understand is module 7.


4. What is a badge worth?

   The AWS digital badge would come in handy to upgrade my future career resume. My employer  can acknowledge that I am familiar with the foundation of AWS Cloud Computing so maybe in the future I when I work in company that might use the other cloud computing services such as Microsoft Azure, it should not be a problem to me as I already have a grasp on the cloud computing concept. I mean who didn't want to stand a chance to work with a company that are implementing the knowledge that you had gained in university into their real world working experience right? 

5. Feedback on whether getting the badge to improve you knowledge and skills on Cloud Computing

  Undoubtfully yes, because I get to experience the hands-on lab test and explore the usage and functionality of the services provided in the AWS cloud. I would love to extend my knowledge and level up my skills more by attending any cloud computing related seminar in the future.

6. Your opinion on whether every company should shift to Cloud Computing?

   Cloud Computing sure has a lot of advantages and unlimited features that it can provide to existing company in this 21st century 4IR era. However it still depends on the company criteria whether their fund is enough or not to invest on it, the scale of the company etc.

7. Your opinion on whether every computer science /UTM student should learn Cloud Computing?

  I think it depends on your interest . But I do really recommend to get the badge as early as you can since it is an easy badge to get because you don't have to spend any money to get any special equipment to complete the modules and the knowledge, the demos, the videos, even the lab can be conducted on the screen virtually. So, it is an easy job for us and there are no practical exam to attend to complete the badge too.

8. Any advice to your friends who have not gotten the AWS badge yet?

  Dear friends, don't be afraid to gain knowledge and this badge will really boost your future career prospect and even your future assignments! Do not give up halfway while going through each module because trust me the hard work will really paid off when you finally receive the notification upon completing the modules and receiving the AWS Badge.

9. What is your direction after completing the badge?


   I will try my best to attend any online seminar or Industrial Talk related to this Cloud Computing topics and share some info about Cloud computing if I encounter any of it o my various social media platforms. Other than that, I will also try to self-learn and find reading materials for other cloud computing service provider such as Alibaba Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and so on to compare each of the providers.

10. Your opinion about getting the AWS badge that is included in SECP1513 subject.

  I've mentioned how I'm grateful for this before and I'm going to mention it again here where AWS badge has been implemented into TIS subject study syllabus. If this opportunity did not come, I must have been struggling on how to find an online resources to learn and train myself to use Cloud computing service provider in the future if my work field requires this cloud computing knowledge. It is good that university lecturer encourage students to get the certification and it is also free of charge which is a bonus point for us student. By that being said, I'm thankful that TIS subject gave me an open pathway to self-learn this AWS cloud computing.


Reflections SECR 1213 Task 6B

This report is individual and unique. It MUST be your own individual point of view. It does not need to be submitted together with the group report, but you must submit it. You must describe your contributions in the project work, as well the contributions of others in your team. Be honest. This is where your integrity comes in.
The report is 2 pages long (maximum). The report must include the following:

• Your group name.
• Detail your contribution to the group and the project work
• Detail the other members contribution to the group and the project work
• Explain how you work as a group.
• Explain what you have learned from working as a group.
• Explain what you have learned from doing the project.
• Your comments and suggestions on the project.


The TASK 6B report is in attached file below


TASK 6C Video Reflection :


SECI2143-01 PSDA Project2 Reflection RSS


In order to complete Project 2, we had to collect information from the already-existing data set and conduct research on it using a variety of techniques, including the hypothesis test (1- or 2-sample), correlation, regression, and good-fit test, chi-squared test of independence, and ANOVA. To present the statistical analysis for the water quality of each state in Malaysia that affects the rivers, my group and I used data from a variety of government departments in Malaysia, including the Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Water, LAKU Management Sdn. Bhd., etc. This study compares Malaysia's water quality and air pollution emission to determine which state has the most scheduled waste, metered water usage, and production of supplied water.

Through this effort, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of the many test types that could be used in our research. We brainstormed the methods to follow in a group of four, and then we built codes in R studio to generate the graphs for correlation and regression, as well as t-tests to double-check our calculations. Although it was challenging to learn, with the help of my fellow members of the group, it became simpler for us to adapt and implement.

According to the critical values and t values we discovered, we learned to write conclusions for every hypothesis we have developed, deciding whether to reject them or not. With this, learning more about this subject, probability, and statistical data analysis became simpler for us. We all benefited greatly from this endeavour, without a doubt.





1.What is your goal/dream concerning your course?


  In my Bioinformatics course, my goal is to be able to fully understand about this field and manage to have a sense of career path direction after pursuing this course that I had chosen. For Example, after exploring, experiencing and going through many Bioinformatics related resources I can implement my knowledge in Data analytics into any medical healthcare field.


2. What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?


  In this industry, I am planning to take action on upgrading my network and find some opportunity to represent my university in competitions. My plan is to at least experience 3 competitions no matter whether it is held by UTM itself or another organizations available out there. Through the competitions, it not only could help me gain some networks , it also can enhanced my skills and make me find out which area of I'm good at as well.


3. Your opinion on whether this subject contributes to your knowledge of a specific area?

   In my opinion, of course this TIS course plays a huge role in my knowledge of Bioinformatics which helps in a way to understand what people in real-life working field had experienced in this Technology and Information system world. The knowledge that I've gained the most are from the Cyber Security and Data Visualization and Data Analytics Industrial Talks. I finally realized the use of and the important of raw data resources which can turn into numbers that could give us various different information.

4. Acknowledgement for your lecturer.

  I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Azurah Binti Abu Samah as our TIS course lecturer, for her patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of our assignments and also for her advice and assistance in keeping our assignments progress on schedule. I also like Dr. Azurah managed to brief us about course works ,assignments in the beginning of our first lecture which gave me an overview of how this course would look like and how much I should prepare myself for it. The fact that she managed to make this course fun and insightful enough for us to learn by inviting different speakers in Industrial Talk really make me appreciate her hard work more. Hence, thank you so much for being good at it and helped us throughout this semester.

5. Others- You can add more reflection based on your opinion, idea, and creativity.


  First of  all, I'm really glad that this TIS subject is included in my Bioinformatics course as it is quite appealing to me who always want to know and learn from the real world experienced technology and information system scope workers. Throughout this semester ,despite the online distance learning constrictions, I am glad that we can still be connected through technology itself and learn about the root of this area of study.. Of course, I would like to be thankful for my team members who managed to went through this semester together and complete our assignments together as a group despite the ups and down we were having while completing it. They made me realized that we need to always be accepting towards each other and no man is better than the whole team itself when it comes to doing groupworks.

