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Hello everyone :D

Hello everyone :D

So, without further ado let me introduce myself first. Hai there! I am Aisyah but I have people around me calling me Aisy as well. In term of professionality & formality, I am much more preferably to be addressed as Aisyah Nadzri.

Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor was where I lived in since I was still a little child but my family and I have decided to move to Semenyih in December 2020, therefore now I am living in Semenyih, Selangor.

I will be turning 20 years old this May 1 and at the present time, I am a student of Computer Science (Bioinformatics), here in University of Technology Malaysia, UTM.


To let all of you to get to know me better, I have several things I am into. Just like other people, I also like to read books and informative writings. For me, reading helps me view the perspective of others, both fictional and reality. I get to know better how the world works and not only that, it helps me build a healthy mindset. As to fictional reading, I would like to suggest a novel named ‘Breathe’ written by Dr. Beni Rusani. It is a leisure yet knowledgeable book. Meanwhile, the non-fiction one is ‘Atomic Habit’ by James Clear. Other than that, I am also into survival and outdoor activities. This is one of my favourite coping mechanisms as it tricks my brain to become relaxed and it also educates me on how can I become more independent and stronger in facing this tough world.

My résumé

Personal information

Date of birth 1 May 2002
Place of birth Ayer Keroh, Melaka


Personal goals

Personally, I want to work on my time management and self-worth by learning the patterns of my productivity and be discipline, genuine and driven in things I am doing. I can logically see this as a drastic way to improve myself in any sector as it outgrows my potential and create a path for me to specially be open to new opportunities and persistent to obstacles as well as starting new impressive habits.

Academic goals

Talking about academic goals, it is changeable according to my environment. It can be presented better for people to acknowledge but as for now, my personal academic goals or in entitling a student of UTM in general is to accomplish my duty as a degree student successfully. When I said 'successfully', it means to obtain and sustain my results in the next semesters with flying colours, so that I can assure and secure myself a position in this industry soon. Considering that I am a Computer Science student, there are some skills I really want to master which are coding skills and mathematical skills all together. I want to cope with and power up my programming languages, likewise learn a new programming language which is Python. I aspire to be as compatible as my peers in this Computer Science field and as well as competent to my dearest self as my biggest competition is me, myself after all. To pull that off, I am planning to build good study habits and constantly checking on which part I am lacking of so that I can reflect myself in an immediate time as semester 1 has certainly taught me a lot of things including ways on handling and organizing my university life better.

Career goals

With the permission of Allah SWT, I desire to work in the field I am studying right now which is Bioinformatics. I find that Bioinformatics is intriguing and I hope to become one of the Bioinformaticians we have here in Malaysia one day. Not to mention, the intention of mine to serve in this industry is also rising due to the rapid 4th Industrial Revolution development and high demand of Information Technology (IT) skills. I also wish to maintain networking as it benefits a lot in my career development. I set to attend at least two networking events monthly or spend my semester break with voluntary work & part time job that is related to my course of field, so that it I can add worth to my marketability.


Personal skills
  • Baking
  • Survival
  • Financial Literacy
Academic skills
  • Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing
  • Presenting & Explaining
  • Social & Cooperation
  • Time management & Flexibility
Work skills
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership & Organization
  • Willingness to learn
  • Positive
  • Communication



Employment history
Address: No. 1, Jalan Eco Majestic 9/1, Eco Majestic, 43500, Semenyih, Selangor
Address: No 14B, Jalan 3/70, Seksyen 3 Bandar Baru Bangi, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Education history

Address: Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building, Jalan Iman, 81310 Skudai, Johor

Address: Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Mukim, 42700 Banting, Selangor

Address: Jalan 4/10, Seksyen 4 Tambahan Bandar Baru Bangi, 43650 Bangi, Selangor

Address: Jalan 2/1, Bandar Baru Bangi, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor

My Academic & Non-academic Activities

Academic activities:

  • AJK Ibnu Sina (2016)
  • Bahasa Melayu Essay (2017)
  • UKM'S Faculty of Science & Technology Visits (2018)
  • Month of Mathematics & Science: Biology Video (2018)
  • Lonjakan Saujana Matematik (2019)
  • Code On Weekend (2021)
  • Hygrow Pot Workshop (2021)
  • ESC Video Editing Workshop (2021)


Non-academic activities:

  • Archery Participation (2014 & 2015)
  • Softball & Baseball Awards (2014 - 2019)
  • Rambu Pengakap Remaja (2018)
  • International Youth Softball Tournament (2018)
  • Penarafan Pengakap Raja
  • Ketua Pengakap Negara Award (2019)
  • National Level of Gold Curricular Award (2019)
  • Chairman of Final Curricular Project (2021) 
  • Leave it today (2021)
  • Back at it again (2021)
  • POKE '21/22 (2022)
  • Committee member of KLKM UTM JB (2021 - ongoing)

My Planning


SECR1213: Reflection Video

My reflection RSS

My goal on this Computer Science (Bioinformatics) course

I aim to enhance my coding as well computational skills and be able to carry out the whole semester effectively. Upon completion of this course, I want to have reliably possessed the ability and wisdom of Computer Science and Bioinformatics. I hope to gain a broad range of knowledge and skills that is related to this course so that I will be able to find a job that is linked to this industry once I have graduated thereupon.

Action & plan necessary for me to improve my potential in this industry

I first plan to take control of my ability and skills, likewise perhaps attend a lot of programs that give exposure and experience to my education and course of the field. This can help me to be more self-motivated and trigger love and interest in this specific course of mine so that I can excel productively. Not only that, but I also think of gaining advanced certificates to add value to my salability as well as my marketability in the workforce.

My opinion on whether this subject contributes to my knowledge on specific area

To be frank, this subject contributes a lot to my knowledge specifically to the computational system, software and hardware. What I favour the most from this subject specifically are the Industrial Talks. I love the idea of inviting professionals to give a speech in their specific area. This convinces me a lot of things as they gave the talk based on their genuine involvement and working routine. I aspire to be as successful as those people.

Acknowledgement for Dr. Azurah A Samah

I would like to give a big shout-out to Dr Azurah A Samah for being such a highly dedicated and passionate lecturer. Sincerely, thank you so much for your assistance in making sure I understand this subject. Without your help, I might not have gained this much knowledge and participation, and Dr Azurah is also a considerate lecturer. I cannot thank you enough.


I hope I can pass this subject with an overwhelming victory as this subject is one of my favourite subjects for this semester.




Assignment 1

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Online Dashboard:

Screenshot (111).png.1

Project: Part 1

Project: Part 2

Project: Presentation Slides

Project Video

My AWS Journey


With both benefits of entitling SECP1513 course student as well as Dr Azurah’s commitment in making this journey of gaining AWS Badge happens, I get to achieve this worthy badge. To be very honest, at first, I have no idea what cloud computing really is. Not to mention, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) itself. I have never come across it in my entire life. The first class of the SECP1513 course was when I first heard of Amazon Web Services (AWS). From that moment, I was so excited to know more about it.


On the 17th of December 2021, Dr Azurah informed the class that she has already registered us for the AWS academy. AWS academy is technically a platform where the students can have the study material of AWS. That was generally how I learnt, explored and understood the course. I started the course quite late which was on 19th December of 2021. Two days away from the registered date since there was a personal matter I encountered at the moment. However, I took only 9 days to finish this course. The reason for that was, for me to have the best out of the best journey of learning the AWS course in depth and detailed. I took time to absorb the lesson so that I can contribute ideas on the project we were assigned to accomplish later on. Not only that, I also can return that as a way for me to renew my resume skills in the future.  


Below is the table for you to read how I accomplished my AWS course in the 9 days:




Module 1, 2, 3, 4

Hours spent: 4


Module 5

Hours spent: 2.5


Module 6

Hours spent: 2.5


Module 6

Hours spent: 2.5


Module 7, 8

Hours spent: 4


Module 9

Hours spent: 2.5


Module 9

Hours spent: 2.5


Module 10

Hours spent: 2.5


I finally completed the 10th module on the ninth day. Excitingly, I eventually get to earn the badge.


The badge that was being awarded to me looked like this:


Reflection on AWS Journey RSS

Precisely, what I have learnt from module 1 until module 10 is I get to know the components of cloud computing, its benefits and also how can it be applied in the project we were assigned to do. For example, why is it recommended to be used? Because it is cost-effective and easy. What are the components they have? Storage, cloud architecture, databases and so on. How can it be applied in real-life? As I have mentioned, the project we were assigned to do was to make a mock-up system and we needed to think of its cloud architecture to build one. Thus, in this case, we applied a few AWS features which were AWS DataSync, AWS S3, AWS SageMaker, AWS Lambda to make the project happen. So, this really shows how the AWS can be adapted to in real life.


Talking about what motivates me to complete this project, I could say that the thought of the team working itself plays a big role. Group assignments have always helped me extract the finest version of myself. I become extremely committed, disciplined and motivated knowing that I have several people involved in what I am doing at the moment, thus I am very much aware that I must keep my professionality and formality mode on. I am blessed to have such committed and thoughtful group members. On the other hand, not to mention Dr Azurah A Samah who constantly checks on the progress of the group I am in, likewise gives a major impact for me to keep myself driven. As a mere human being, I always tend to forget things and daily reminders are the ones that keep me going.


For me overall, the course was not really difficult to comprehend but it was the unfamiliar terms used that sometimes I need to replay the videos again and again. Examples of the terms I was not used to were on-premises, cloud scaling and load balancing. I needed to search for the meaning of those terms and then and only then I could proceed with other modules. For me, module 6 to module 8 were quite tough as they had so many console demonstrations and labs to be done. However, I enjoyed it after all as it was so interesting and beneficial to me that I did not mind at all pulling off the challenges I was facing. 


The badge is worth it! Not only is the badge worth but I also think that it enhances my familiarity in this computational field. The badge is also not very common in society. That really makes this badge unique, special and valuable.


Yes, the badge does improve my knowledge and skills in cloud computing! It contributes a lot to my understanding. At first, I thought cloud computing was only something like filing or storing files narrowly in a certain software similar to Google Drive but it is actually beyond that. The functions are a lot more outstanding and beneficial once I figured it out.


In my opinioncompanies that play with data on a daily basis really needs to shift to cloud computing. It provides cloud security and storage, so the data information would not really be easy to be leaked or lost. It is also flexible for work practice as it unlocks job opportunities for people.


I think every computer science student shall learn cloud computing in which specifically get the AWS badge. I know this might sound repetitive but yes, it adds value to your marketability. We all want to secure a stable position in this industry, right? So yeah, go and get your AWS badge now! Meanwhile, for the UTM students in general, it is advised to have one. Consider it as a life achievement that will help you in the future. We never know, right? Just be prepared. 


For my friends out there, let me know if you have any intention of achieving the AWS badge. I will assist you with open arms. The course was easy and enjoyable that all of you have to try. This is a long-term life investment!


I think my direction after the completion is to survey more on cloud computing badges as well as other than that. I can learn from many places and combine all of the study materials for future use.


I am so thankful to have had this golden opportunity. I cannot be grateful enough. I cannot imagine if I need to earn the badge all by myself. Hence, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for including this AWS badge in the SECP1513 subject.



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