LU QI YAN's profile picture LU QI YAN

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About me

HELLO! My name is Lu Qi Yan. I am currently studying Computer Science (Bioinformatics) in UTM. I born in Perak but live in Johor, JB. My favorite subjects is physics but i always want to learn new things, so I choose to take the course of computer science in UTM. 

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  • First name: LU QI YAN
  • Faculty: ENGINEERING
  • Student ID: A21EC0049
  • Display name: LU QI YAN
  • Country: Malaysia

profile information

I like outdoor activities such as sports and trips.



My hobbies are coloring, drawing and take pictures. 


My Planning

my planning.png

My entire résumé


  • Cleaner
  • Waitress at two restaurants
  • Accountant assistant
  • Promoter
  • Working in McDonald



SJK(C)PANDAN (2008-2013)

UPSR (6A 1B)

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Daya 2 (2014-2018)

SPM (1A+ 5A 1A- 1B+ 2C+)

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Daya (2019-2021)

STPM (CGPA 3.42)

University Technology Malaysia (2021-ongoing)




  • Able to use Microsoft office proficiently
  • Editing skills
  • Communication skills with 3 main languages which are Malay, English and Mandarin


My goals concerning my course which is computer science (bioinformatics) is I want to learn more about computer science include programming techniques, all the advanced technologies such as cloud computing and gain more understanding about bioinformatics. To improve my potential in the industry, the action needed for me are did more exercises about programming techniques, participate more projects to improve my skills and learn more about bioinformatics. In my opinion, I think that this subject (Technology and Information System) help me to learn the knowledge about internet and computers such as cloud computing. In my opinion, this course also help me to improve my designing skills because we did posters, newsletter and magazine as our assignment.

Lastly, I would like to express my appreciate to my lecturer, Dr Azurah Binti A Samah. Dr Azurah is a good and nice lecturer. She shared all her experiences and knowledge to us and she always answer our question patiently. Dr Azurah always encourage us to try, to learn and use something new. During the period that our group was doing the assignments and projects, we always had a lot of questions and confusion. She always answer us and even our project is not perfect, she still give us some best compliment. Thus, I would like to say that, thank you Dr Azurah. 



Content on AWS RSS

Journey of getting AWS badge

The journey of getting AWS badge is actually quite easy. Why do I say like this? Let me explain. 

On 17 December 2021, my lecturer for SECP1513 registered all class for AWS and gave us all the instructions for us to get AWS badge. I started to watch the first module video on 18 December 2021. The first module is very easy and I passed the knowledge check for just one try. During learning all the modules by watching the modules video, I find that all the modules are easy and understandable because all the content in modules video are explained clearly by the speaker. I can also refer the notes which is the slide given and if I still have confusion, I can just watch the video again without limitation. All the knowledge checks can also be repeated unlimited. I complete all 10 modules by just watching the modules video and it help me to gain understanding on cloud computing and AWS. I took only two days to complete all 10 modules and I get the AWS badge on the second day after I finished all 10 modules.


This is how the AWS badge looks like: aws-academy-graduate-aws-academy-cloud-foundations.png


      After completing the course, I gained many new knowledge about cloud computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS). On the journey of gaining the badge, I complete all 10 modules video, lab and knowledge check. All of these have helped me to have a more detail understanding about cloud computing and AWS. It is very useful and helpful for me to complete my project. These knowledge I gained will absolutely help me in the future.

      My motivation to complete this project is my thirst of knowledge. I really want to know more about cloud computing and AWS. For example, I wanted to know about all the services provide by AWS and the function of it. Thus, this helps me to keep my motivation on completing the project.

      For me, I think the path of getting the AWS badge is easy. This is because all the modules video can be repeated and I can choose what time I want to watch the videos and when I want to stop watching. At the same time, all the questions in knowledge check can be find in the videos and even we did not pass the knowledge check, we can still answer the knowledge check again unlimited. The easiest module is the first module while module 9 is the most difficult.

      The badge is really worth for me to pay effort on it. This is because the badge represent all my knowledge gain in the project and all the effort I paid for it. It can be said that the badge does improved my knowledge and skills on Cloud Computing.

      In my opinion, I think every company should shift to cloud computing because cloud computing really brings a lot of benefits. For example, a company that does not have the equipment to store large data or maybe a company that does not have the ability to create a software can use cloud computing as cloud computing provides solutions for them in a low price.

       I think every UTM student should learn about cloud computing and get the AWS badge. In this globalization era, everything is transfer into online and most of the services provides through online platform. Thus, it can be say that cloud computing play an important role in nowadays. Learning cloud computing can bring a better future for UTM student.

       My advice to my friends who have not get the AWS badge is do not be afraid to new things, new knowledge and new skills. AWS badge is useful and it is not difficult to get it.

       I would like to participate in more activities, project and learning course like this course to improve my knowledge and skills as it can help me in my future.

        I am really happy that I have the opportunity to get the AWS that is included in SECP1513.


Activities and Assessment

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

link of our web :

Project 1

Project 2

Video showing MOCK-UP

Download 2022_01_19_231305.mp4 [25.28MB]

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Throughout this project, we gain a lot of new knowledge and skills. First, we need to decide on our dataset for this project. However, to choose a dataset that is suitable for our project, we need to understand all the requirements for our project and also need to understand all the topics and chapters in Probability and Statistical Analysis. After that, our group members search for a suitable dataset using the website links provided by Dr. Azurah. We first decide on a dataset that is about heart disease. However, after we discussed this dataset, we think that this dataset may not be that suitable for our project. Thus, we searched for another dataset, then we decided to use a dataset about academics. We decided to do 4 analyses which are hypothesis testing for one sample, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and goodness of fit test. To perform these tests, we use Rstudio. We really appreciate that Dr. Azurah teaches us how to use Rstudio because it really helps us a lot throughout this project.


By completing this project, I have a chance to test my understanding and knowledge of Probability and Statistical Analysis. Other than that, I also learned some new skills such as how to use Rstudio to conduct our analysis. By using Rstudio, I can easily calculate the test statistic, critical value, and mean. I can also use Rstudio to plot the figure or graph just by a few steps and import my dataset into Rstudio. Next, I have learned how to cooperate with my group members and complete this project by having online discussions. My lecturer Dr. Azurah also spent a lot of time guiding us on this project and this really helped us a lot. Last but not least, I am thankful and appreciative for the help of my lecturer and group members who always assist me and work together to finish the project smoothly.

Report project PSDA






I am Lu Qi Yan from group 3, The Phoenix. In this project, I did the briefing for tasks 1, 2, and 4. I contribute to all the tasks by involving in different parts of the project. For example, for task 2 I do research and answer 2 questions. For task 3, I did 2 parts of LAN devices which are wireless access points & cables. For task 4, I did Part A which is sketching and Part C. For task 5, I did IP addresses for the IOT Lab. 


Other members also involve in each task and contribute a lot. Lee Rong Xian and me always responsible for checking the finalized project to make sure the project is correct and in the right format. Lee Rong Xian and I also lead the discussion for each task while other members which are Yusra and Harchana always respond to us.


It is not easy to work in a group as all of us have different opinions and ideas. However, teamwork is important to make the task finish smoothly. In a group, I always listen to other members to make sure all the members feel comfortable in our group. At the same time, I always divided the task in an equal way to make sure everyone can do their part equally. Everyone gives the same effort and everyone has the opportunity to learn.


Throughout the project, I learned about the importance of team working and the importance of communication. If a team is lack of team working and communication, it will make the group work become more difficult. At the same time, I also learned that designing a project is not easy as we need to consider many things such as client requirements, budgets, and the location of the rooms.


My comment for this project is a good way for us to test our understanding of this course as all the knowledge we learned during this course will be used. I have no suggestions for this project.