Member of



Programme Information:

  • Date: 16th September 2023
  • Venue:Facebook Live
  • Organizer: PERMATA UTM


  • Committee - Committee member

Mini Report:

The Annual Grand Meeting (AGM) PERMATA serves as a crucial gathering, fostering engagement among members on financial reports and board member elections. This forum ensures my active involvement in decision-making and keeps me informed about PERMATA's performance.


Participating in the AGM offers a unique exposure to effective Communication Skills. Experienced members serve as valuable role models, showcasing confident expression during discussions. As part of the committee, the AGM environment provides insights into the intricacies of Teamwork and Collaboration, highlighting the significance of collaborative efforts for a smoothly executed program. Additionally, the AGM acts as a learning ground for Leadership Skills, illustrating seamless transitions into leadership roles.


The AGM provides invaluable insights into communication strategies and leadership qualities, fostering personal and professional growth. It enhances communication abilities, navigates significant meetings effectively, and offers firsthand experience in roles of higher status. Overall, the event is pivotal for learning and development, contributing to a holistic growth experience.



Engaging in the Annual Grand Meeting (AGM) has left me feeling enriched with insights into event management and the intricacies of operational flow. The experience has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth.


Participating in the AGM has significantly enhanced my Communication Skills. Observing experienced members express ideas confidently during discussions has been invaluable. As part of the committee, I gained insights into the intricacies of Teamwork and Collaboration, essential for a smoothly executed program. Additionally, the AGM has acted as a learning ground for Leadership Skills, showcasing the seamless transition into leadership roles.


Joining the activities has bestowed upon me the advantage of practical exposure, fostering my abilities in communication, teamwork, and leadership. This engagement has provided a platform to witness effective role models, shaping my own strengths in these key areas.


While challenges inevitably arose, the AGM experience has been a source of continuous self-improvement. Reflecting on these challenges has sparked ideas for future improvements, contributing to a more efficient and fulfilling engagement in similar activities.


Programme Information:

  • Date: 5th November 2023
  • Venue: Banquet Hall
  • Organizer: PERMATA UTM


  • Committee - Committee member

Mini Report:

The special event organized by PERMATA UTM aims to honor and express gratitude to alumni who have made significant contributions to the organization. Additionally, it recognizes high-achieving Terengganu students, celebrating their outstanding CGPA and curriculum accomplishments. The program serves a dual purpose: acknowledging the hard work, dedication, and positive impact of past members, and fostering a sense of community to strengthen ties among new and old PERMATA members.


This initiative aligns with several graduate attributes. Cultural Competence is evident in the recognition of diverse achievements, promoting inclusivity and appreciation for varied accomplishments. Leadership Skills come to the forefront as the event aims to encourage positive contributions, fostering a culture of leadership and service. Furthermore, the emphasis on gratitude and acknowledgment enhances Communication Skills, promoting effective expression of appreciation and encouragement.


Anticipated outcomes include strengthened community bonds, inspired leadership, and a positive impact on the recipients, encouraging continued dedication and contribution within the PERMATA community.



Engaging in the activities brought forth a sense of happiness and fulfillment, especially as I had the opportunity to meet numerous PERMATA members. The camaraderie and connections made the experience truly enjoyable.


Participating in these activities contributed to the enhancement of several graduate attributes. The interactions with diverse PERMATA members cultivated Cultural Competence, fostering an appreciation for varied experiences within the community. Additionally, the event emphasized the importance of Communication Skills, as effective communication played a pivotal role in building connections and sharing experiences. The shared joy and celebration of achievements underscored the development of a supportive community, aligning with the attribute of Teamwork and Collaboration.


My personal strengths and advantages from joining these activities include an expanded network within the PERMATA community, facilitating future collaborations and connections. While challenges were minimal, the event served as a reminder of the significance of clear communication for effective engagement. Looking forward, continuous improvement in fostering open communication and inclusivity within the community remains a key focus.


Programme Information:

  • Date: 14th May 2022
  • Venue: Microsoft Teams
  • Organizer: Kelab Bahasa Mandarin (KBM)


  • Participant

Mini Report:

Kelab Bahasa Mandarin UTM hosted an online Mandarin class in response to the pandemic, extending an invitation to all UTM JB students. The program spans 8 weeks (10/4/2022-09/6/2022), offering 8 lessons on weekdays from 8 pm to 9:30 pm through Microsoft Teams.


The primary aim is to introduce students to Mandarin, fostering language learning in an engaging virtual environment. This initiative aligns with various graduate attributes, notably enhancing Cultural Competence by exposing participants to a new language. Additionally, Communication Skills are honed as students actively engage in Mandarin conversations during the online sessions. The collaborative nature of the class promotes Teamwork and Collaboration, as students work together to grasp the fundamentals of the language.


Anticipated outcomes include the development of foundational Mandarin speaking and listening skills. This initiative serves as a stepping stone for beginners, providing a valuable foundation for future Mandarin language proficiency.



Participating in these activities has brought immense satisfaction, with teachers proving both informative and friendly. This positive experience has contributed to my personal and educational growth.


The activities notably improved my Communication Skills. The approachable teachers fostered an environment conducive to questions, enhancing my ability to articulate thoughts. Furthermore, exploring language and cultural nuances promoted Cultural Competence.


My strengths include increased confidence in interactions, bolstering effective Teamwork and Collaboration. The experience offered insights into diverse perspectives, aligning with the development of Cultural Competence.


While challenges were minimal, occasional difficulty in grasping concepts was overcome through proactive engagement with teachers and peers. Looking ahead, I aim to enhance Critical Thinking by delving deeper into subjects and propose incorporating more interactive elements for heightened engagement.


PSM1 Presentation

PSM1 Reflection

Download PSM1 Reflection.mp4 [39.26MB]


About Me

Name: Muhammad Izat Bin Md Kamil

Student ID: A21EC0082

Hobbies: Writing, Learning Foreign Languages and Gaming

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Course: Computer Science (Bioinformatics)

Year: 3

School: School of Computing

Philosophy: 'I want to dedicate my life full of knowledge and intelligence so that I can live a simple life, by constantly learning new things and always instilling curiosity in myself, I can distinguish between what is good and what is bad as well differentiate between those that are useful and useless.'

Contacts Information


Phone: +60193370372


"Knowledge is the only logical solution to conflict as an accessory to intelligence must be used for the benefit of society."


TExMIC Finals

24 October 2018

SECR1213 Self-Reflection

SECJ2203 Self-Reflection

My entire résumé


One of the things that I prefer to be doing in my leisure time is writing. Writing is one of my own ways of expressing myself and release tension. Besides writing, I enjoy learning and strengthening other languages, currently I am learning 3 foreign language apart from my mother tongue and English. These 3 languages are all self-learned along with a little help from online friends. Reading and gaming is one of the things I do on my spare time as well. These things sometimes helps me to relieve my stress but on the other hand I read to gain knowledge and enhance my vocabulary, and I game in order to be more equipped to the virtual world.

Personal information

Date of birth 15 February 2002
Place of birth Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
Citizenship Malaysian
Gender identity Man
Marital status Single


Personal goals
  • To be a more creative and artistic person as time goes on and so that I could express my emotions through a painting or drawings. To be someone with a high painting or drawing skill is like one of my dream because I love to write stories and whenever I wrote one, the characters are all inside my head or they are depicted as just pure description and to illustrate them visually and seeing them coming to life rather than just imagining is more than pleasurable. 
  • I aspire to be someone who does not get offended quickly or aggravated so easily and to change my attitude is to transform myself into a better person as well as to learn to be more patient and easygoing with others.
Academic goals

In terms of education, I will never see myself as someone who would stop learning. I believe we humans will always be learning about something, I feel like someone would never be able to reach a full maximum of knowledge or education and that is why I find education is very important in order to expand our minds and to think beyond human bounds. 

Career goals

Just like most humans in the world, I would like to be one of those people who are successful in terms of their career. Having a successful career is nothing more than a dream for me, to finally have a decent income and to not have to worry about money any longer.  There would occasionally be times where I wish my family would be more financially stable even though we still have a roof over our head and food on the table, there are things that requires money such as education. 


Personal skills
  • I am a very curious person. 
  • Anything that is within my radar of interest I would gladly and voluntarily sign myself up for that particular work, job or assignment.
  • I value education and knowledge a lot.
  • I am willing to learn new things a lot quicker and efficiently.
Academic skills
  • I have a pretty creative mind because writing does not have any boundaries, everything is up to me and how I want things to turn up eventually I made that decision. I am free to explore and express myself through writing.
  • I am currently learning my 5th language and although not all of them are fluent but it is enough for other people to understand what I am saying and it is enough for me to understand what they are saying.
  • With regard to time management, I usually finish up my work or assignment pretty quickly because I hate doing things on the last minute unless I really needed to.
Work skills
  • My working skills relies on technological related activities because I am used to electronics. 
  • I have a pretty decent computer proficiency because I like working with computers and nothing gets me more into the zone other than working with computers. Apart from that,
  • I have many leadership experiences all the way back from primary school until matriculation, this is due to the fact that I have been elected or nominated to become a prefect or something close to prefect a good deal of times and I think from that alone,
  • I can say that I have a prominent leadership ability.


Education history

Also known or called the Secondary School Certificate, a matriculation certificate is a certificate of proof awarded to students who have successfully cleared their class 10th examination. The matriculation exams are indeed one of the most common and entry-level exams in India. This is because the number of seats for students enrolled in class 10th is generally more than the number of students enrolled in class 11th making the matriculation certificate and matriculation exams the most common and accepted in India.  

Having said that, clearing this basic level of education (matriculation exams) is extremely important in India as it is rightfully considered the gateway to all other educational opportunities for our country’s students. Even if the students wish to study further in class 11th and 12th or want to pursue an ITI course, completing matriculation exams and earning a matriculation certificate is of utmost importance and mandatory. 

Address: Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia,, 26300, Gambang, Pahang, 26300
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The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), or the Malaysian Certificate of Education, is a national examination taken by all fifth-form secondary school students in Malaysia. It is the equivalent to the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland; Nationals 4/5 in Scotland; and GCE Ordinary Level in the Commonwealth of Nations. It is the leaving examination of the eleventh grade of schooling.

SPM is the penultimate examination sat by secondary school students before further studies in foundation, STPM, matriculation or diploma. The examination is set and examined by the Malaysian Examinations board (Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia). For those who attend international schools, the equivalent exam they sit for is the International General Certificate of Secondary Education exam. On the other hand, the Unified Examinations Certificate is equivalent to Advanced Level.

Address: Jalan Sungai Kerak, Mrg 21600 Marang Terengganu
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Form Three Assessment or PT3 for short , is a summative assessment to assess the academic achievement of students at the lower secondary level in Malaysia. PT3 is an assessment used to replace the Lower Secondary Assessment which has been conducted since 1993. This assessment covers the scope of the syllabus from Form 1 to Form 3 based on the goals, objectives and content of the subject. 

There are four tests to be done by the candidates, namely specific work for the subjects of Geography, History, Technology Design and Fundamentals of Computer Science, oral speaking test and listening test for English and Malay, as well as written test for further subjects.

Address: Jalan Sungai Kerak, Mrg 21600 Marang Terengganu
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Certifications, accreditations and awards

An English Club is a place for language learners to use English in a casual setting. Practicing your skills in the classroom is important, but it is not like real life. In the classroom, you often focus on one skill and one item (for example: grammar - future tense).

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Malaysian National Chemistry Quiz (K3M). Malaysian National Chemistry Quiz (K3M) is a chemistry quiz opened to all students studying in Malaysian secondary schools. There are 2 levels namely the ordinary level and the advanced level. The ordinary or asas level is for students currently in fifth form and the advanced level is obviously for upper sixth formers. The quiz consists of 50 multiple choice questions. Questions are similar to those you'll get during SPM and STPM.

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Exxon-Mobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc. (EMEPMI) continued its support for education programs in Terengganu by backing the annual state-level competitions – Terengganu-ExxonMobil-Mathematics Innovation Challenge (TExMIC) and Spark Your Creativity Challenge (SYCC).

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Exxon-Mobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc. (EMEPMI) continued its support for education programs in Terengganu by backing the annual state-level competitions – Terengganu-ExxonMobil-Mathematics Innovation Challenge (TExMIC) and Spark Your Creativity Challenge (SYCC).

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The TExMIC competition is held in collaboration with the State Education Department while the SYCC is held with the support of Terengganu Science & Creativity Centre (PSKT). “ExxonMobil is committed to raising awareness of STEM subjects and motivating young people to consider future careers in these fields. STEM knowledge is not only applicable to the workplace, but is also useful for solving the issues we face in everyday life.


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A competition sponsored by UNITAR to unleash talents and ideas from students regarding their future.

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