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Self Portrait



About Me

  • Faculty: ENGINEERING
  • Student ID: A21EC0137
  • Email address:
  • Town: Klang
  • City/region: Selangor
  • Country: Malaysia
  • Mobile phone: 019-8806364

My entire résumé

Cover letter

Hi, I'm Thuvaaritha from Klang, Selangor. I'll be turning 20 years old in July this year. I'm currently in my first year of Computer Science majoring in Bioinformatics in UTM Johor. I'd say I'm a very easy going person and I always take each day as it comes. One quote that I always keep in mind is 'A little progress is still progress'. 


  • Reading novels
  • Outdoor activities
  • Listening to music
  • Museum and library visits
  • Scrolling through Pinterest

Personal information

Date of birth 19 July 2002
Place of birth KPJ Damansara
Citizenship Malaysian
Gender identity Woman
Marital status Single


Personal goals
  • Work towards becoming a better version of myself
  • Break out of my shell and gain new experiences
  • Have a successful career in the future
Academic goals
  • Improve my understanding of this whole course
  • Get good grades consistently


Personal skills
  • Proficient in speaking, reading and writing in English and Malay
  • Able to communicate and work in groups
  • Organised
Academic skills
  • Deeds Software
  • C++ Programming Language
Work skills
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Docs
  • Canva


Education history

Certifications, accreditations and awards


1. A summary of what you have gained from completing the course.

Completing this course enabled me to get a deeper understanding of cloud computing and its benefits. After completing all 10 AWS modules, I got a clearer picture of how AWS works as well as its advantages. For example, AWS  increases speed and agility and helps you go global in minutes.  I also did acquire a badge and a certificate upon completion. 


2. My motivation to complete this project.

Due to how significant cloud computing is in our current era of technology, I was interested in getting a more in-depth understanding of it. This project definitely helped me achieve that and I did learn a lot more than I was expecting. Since there were video explanations for every module, it was easier to understand the whole concept and its function which made the learning process more fun and not stressful. In short, my main motivation to complete this project was my interest and curiosity in cloud computing.


3. Your opinion whether getting the badge was easy or difficult. Which module was the easiest/most difficult?

In my opinion, getting the badge was easy as there was a lot of guidance and just enough explanation for every single module that was to be completed. However,there was some tough and unfamiliar words that I could not quite understand but google helped me with that. Personally, I found module 3 the easiest because it was obviously the shortest module which means the amount of content to be learned was much less as compared to all the other modules. The hardest module would have to be module 6 because it was the longest one with the most activities too. There was a lot to be learnt and understood and the multiple unfamiliar words made it even tougher. However, it was not impossible to complete and I definitely did gain a lot of knowledge from it.


4. What is a badge's worth?

I think the AWS badge would be useful when landing future jobs. It is definitely a great addition to my resume and would show my employers that I'm familiar with cloud computing which is good skill to have in certain careers. It might come in handy during future job interviews and careers itself.


5. Your opinion on whether every company should shift to cloud computing?

I do think every company should shift to cloud computing, that is if they can afford it. Cloud computing could definitely benefit the company in many ways. For instance, companies could benefit from massive economies of scale, increase in agility for the organization, since the cost and time it takes to experiment and develop is significantly lower as well as go global in minutes.


6. Your opinion on whether every computer science/UTM student should learn cloud computing?

I do think every computer science student should learn cloud computing. After completing the modules and receiving the badge, I think it should definitely be an option to all students considering how easy it is and how much you can learn from it in just 20 hours. Computer science students especially could benefit from this immensely as it provides a base for them and cloud computing could probably come in handy for their future career. As for all UTM students, I think it depends on interest and should not be compulsory but it would be a great skill for them to have regardless.


7. Any advice to your friends who have not gotten their AWS Badge yet?

Dear friends, please do try to get your AWS Badge as soon as possible. 20 hours may seem like a long period, hoewever it does not have to be completed in a day. Do it over a course of a week maybe but do not delay too much. The modules might feel a little lengthy half way through but do not give up as it is definitely worth it. So much knowledge can be gained from the completion of the badge and all the knowledge is essential for certain assignments and could also be useful for future job interviews and careers.


8. What is your direction after completing this course?

After completing this course and getting a more in-depth understanding of cloud computing, I would like to read up and self learn more about this specific field. I'd like to try a few more activities too and get a more hands-on experience if thats possible.


9. Your opinion about getting the AWS Badge that is included in SECP1513 subject?

I think the AWS Badge being included in the subject is a good thing because students get to learn about cloud computing which is something very new for many of us. If it was not included, I know for a fact that many of us would not have known about cloud computing or even had the interest to learn about it. Therefore. I am grateful and thankful that it was included and that I have obtained the badge as well as some knowledge that will come in handy in the future.



1. What are your goals/dreams concerning your course/program?

My goal is to completely understand this course and field, as well as gradually increase my interest in and passion for computer science. I’d also like to learn more on the career path of this course so I can focus on a particular occupation in the near future. I also want to make sure I fully benefit from all knowledge gained throughout this course.


2. What are the actions/improvements/plans necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

I know for a fact that I still have a long way to go in this industry and many necessary improvements can and have to be made. I would first like to improve on my computational skills and increase my passion for it, as well as get a deeper understanding of my Bioinformatics course. I also need to improve on my cloud computing skills in terms of understanding, architecture and application in daily life. Major improvement needs to be done when it comes to coding because that is where I get so easily confused but I know I do need to practice more. I believe I also have to overcome my negative mindset that guides me to think I am not capable of something even before starting it. Reading the instructions of a project that include terms I am not familiar with creates a sort of mental block that tells me I would not be able to do it. However, that needs to change and I will definitely take the necessary measures to make sure my mindset is more optimistic and does not bring me down. 


3. Your opinion on whether this subject contributes to your knowledge on a specific area?

I genuinely do think this subjects contributes to my knowledge on this field specifically when it comes to cloud computing. This subject has given me a clearer view and a deeper understanding on cloud computing and its benefits. It has definitely made me realise how interesting cloud computing actually is and has left me wanting to learn as well as up read up more on this particular topic.


4. Acknowledgement for your lecturer

I would like to thank Dr.Azurah for her kindness and dedication throughout this semester. She has always been kind with her comments on our projects and has constantly helped us improve on our quality of work. Thank you giving me the chance to not only work on multiple interesting projects with great teammates but also learn new and important skills that have benefitted me in multiple ways. I really do appreciate everything that Dr.Azurah has taught me this semester.

