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About me

Hi. My name is Ain Batrisyia binti Norazlan. You can call me Ain. I'm 19 years old and live in Rawang. I'm an introverted girl who always wants to do my best in everything. I might be quiet or noisy at some time depending on my mood. 

Currently, I'm majoring in Science Computer (Bioinformatics) as a first-year student at University of Technology Malaysia. 

I always enjoy staying at home and listening to music! I’m not much of an outdoor person, as you can see. Besides, I love taking blue sky photos.


  • Faculty: Computing
  • Student ID: A21EC0009
  • Email address:

My Entire Résumé

Cover letter

My name is Ain Batrisyia Binti Norazlan. I’m 20 years old and I live in Rawang, Selangor. Currently, I’m continuing my studies at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor in the Faculty of Engineering, majoring in Computer Science (Bioinformatics). I excelled in my secondary and higher school certificate with excellent results. I have no knowledge at all in science computers, but since I was given the opportunity to try new things, I will gave my all to this course. I am very dedicated to my academics and work projects, and I always complete them very well in time.


  • Singing 
  • Playing games
  • Reading 
  • Photography

Personal information

Date of birth 8 August 2002
Place of birth Kuala Lumpur
Citizenship Malaysian
Gender identity Woman
Marital status Single


Personal goals

I want to become a successful person and acquire more skills. I also want to get out of my comfort zone and try new things that can improve me to be better than before. On top of that, I hope I can improve my personal relationship. I should carefully control my emotion so that I won't harm myself as well as others.  And the most important thing is to make my parents proud and feel happy about my achievement.

Academic goals

My goal is to score 3.70 CGPA and above for every semester and graduate with my Bachelor's degree. To achieve this goal, I have to acquire more skills that will give benefit to me. I believe I am good at managing time. Good time management helps me to accomplish more in a shorter period, take advantage of learning opportunities, help me focus, and lead to more free time. I plan my day by creating a timetable to make sure I didn’t waste so much time on something not important. Besides, I want to participate actively in any club or organization to gain knowledge, skills, and experience in leadership, communication, and group management as well as making new friends. 

Career goals

I am a very ambitious individual. I see myself becoming a leader that would help the company to achieve its goals as well as create a good career development opportunity for myself. I would welcome any opportunity for advancement, perhaps to a higher level of position, where I can continue and grow with the company, influencing and supporting other employees in their career paths.


Personal skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Problem-Solving skills  
  • Communication skills
  • Teamwork skills
  • Time-management skills
Academic skills
  • Planning skills to detect what my goals and directions are and how they will be achieved. I also have my own objective which is to pass tests every semester that will get me to a goal of graduating with a degree. Next, time management skills.
  • Time management skills to improve productivity and quality of life especially to me as a student, by making better use of time.
  • Research skills that involve knowing the questions I want to answer, finding credible sources, and using effective search strategies. Well-developed research skills will help me to find a better job.
Work skills

I have no work experience but I always bear in my mind that I must have work skills that will allow me to keep pace with the future of work. Firstly, I must have a positive attitude where I am calm and cheerful when things go wrong and try to handle the problem with care. I am also willing to learn new things.  Other than that, I must willing to learn new things and do multitask. I believe I'm not afraid of failure because failure makes me strong. If I failed once, I get less afraid of failing again and have more confidence in my ability to succeed. Communication is also an important skill that I should have. Professionally, in applying for jobs, I will almost certainly need to demonstrate good communication skills.


Education history

SMK Taman Desa 2

Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Certifications, accreditations and awards

Excellent Student Award PT3
Anugerah Cemerlang Matapelajaran Tingkatan 4
Bendahari Kelab Koperasi
Secretary of Pandu Puteri Malaysia
Secretary of Sahabat Al-Irfaan



What is your goal/dream concerning your course/program? RSS

Honestly, this course is not on my list, however, I'm grateful because at least I am able to continue my study in degree. I hope I can excel in this course as well as I did in pure science course during my matriculation. I want to graduate with flying colors and use my knowledge, skills, and experience I have to seek a professional career. As soon as I found out I was given the opportunity to continue my degree in Science Computer (Bioinformatics), I searched for the job scope related to this course which is a web developer but I would welcome any job opportunity that is suitable for me.


What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry? RSS

I believe there are many improvements necessary for me to improve my potential in the industry. Firstly, I will read something new about technology every day to make sure I don’t miss out on current issues. I also need to have analytical and research skills so that I can give out creative ideas on the project I work on. After all, teamwork is the best way to help me to improve my potential in the industry. Working in a group effectively can make all processes smoother.


Your opinion on whether this subject contributes to your knowledge on a specific area? RSS

I’m very sure that this subject really contributes so much to my knowledge. I was exposed to Amazon Web Service (AWS) by my lecturer who wants us to know more about AWS. For example, in Project 2, I got to know how to create a low fidelity prototype which I was never familiar with. Besides, I get to know a lot of technologies and their importance where I don’t really interest with. All of these become important to me because I get so much information from AWS itself.


Acknowledgment for your lecturer RSS

I would like to sincerely express my appreciation and thanks to my lecturer Dr. Azurah for being helpful and always guiding me to complete all my projects and assignment. Without her support and willingness to share her knowledge, it would be impossible for me to complete all the assignments given.




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