Extra-Curricular Experiential Learning


Aksara Resak audition day !

Audition Poster


Mini Report

Aksara Resak Audition Day unfolded with enthusiasm as aspiring musicians gathered for a night of talent and passion. The event commenced at 8 pm with a warm welcome and the efficient registration of audition participants. Each participant received a unique number, creating an organized queue as they eagerly anticipated their turn.

At 9:15 pm, the audition sessions kicked off, starting with vocalists showcasing their vocal prowess, followed by instrumentalists displaying their musical finesse. The judging panel for vocal auditions consisted of Nerea, Iqbal, Anna, Saddam, and Mimi, while Saddam, Amos, Sufri, Ben, and Joshua took on the responsibility for evaluating the instrumental performances.

As the clock struck 11 pm, the audition sessions concluded, marking the end of a night filled with remarkable talent. Participants joined forces to tidy up the venue, fostering a sense of camaraderie. The evening concluded with a vibrant photography session, capturing the memorable moments and fostering a sense of community among the Aksara Resak music club members. The Audition Day not only showcased the diverse musical talents within the club but also provided a platform for creative expression and collaboration.

Self Reflection

The Aksara Resak Audition Day served as a platform for the development and showcasing of various graduate attributes, emphasizing the importance of communication skills, leadership and teamworking abilities, adaptability, and critical thinking.

1.Communication Skills:
The event underscored the significance of effective communication as participants engaged in a smooth registration process and expressed their musical talents. Judges played a crucial role in providing constructive feedback, emphasizing the importance of clear and articulate communication in conveying constructive criticism.

2. Leadership and Teamworking Skills:
Organizing and executing the audition day required effective leadership and teamwork. The registration process showcased leadership in managing the flow of participants, while the collaborative cleanup effort demonstrated the power of teamwork in maintaining a cohesive and organized environment. The judges, as leaders in their roles, effectively guided the event, contributing to its success.

3. Adaptability:
The dynamic nature of the audition day highlighted the importance of adaptability. Participants had to adjust to the schedule, waiting for their turn with patience. This attribute was also evident in the judges' ability to adapt their evaluation criteria to the diverse talents presented, showcasing flexibility in their roles.

4. Thinking Skills:
Critical thinking skills were prominently featured during the audition sessions. Judges had to assess each performance objectively, considering musical proficiency, creativity, and stage presence. Participants, in turn, demonstrated their thinking skills by presenting unique and innovative performances, showcasing their ability to think creatively within the parameters of the audition criteria.

In essence, the Aksara Resak Audition Day not only celebrated musical talents but also fostered the development of essential graduate attributes, enriching the participants' overall learning experience.

Activity details

Date : 19-20 October 2023

Venue : Bilik Kebudayaan,Dewan Sultan Iskandal(Level-4)

Organizer : AKSARA RESAK

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Thinking Skills

My Role

I was the Vice Director of this programme.