
1.What is your goal/dream concerning your course?


  In my Bioinformatics course, my goal is to be able to fully understand about this field and manage to have a sense of career path direction after pursuing this course that I had chosen. For Example, after exploring, experiencing and going through many Bioinformatics related resources I can implement my knowledge in Data analytics into any medical healthcare field.


2. What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?


  In this industry, I am planning to take action on upgrading my network and find some opportunity to represent my university in competitions. My plan is to at least experience 3 competitions no matter whether it is held by UTM itself or another organizations available out there. Through the competitions, it not only could help me gain some networks , it also can enhanced my skills and make me find out which area of I'm good at as well.


3. Your opinion on whether this subject contributes to your knowledge of a specific area?

   In my opinion, of course this TIS course plays a huge role in my knowledge of Bioinformatics which helps in a way to understand what people in real-life working field had experienced in this Technology and Information system world. The knowledge that I've gained the most are from the Cyber Security and Data Visualization and Data Analytics Industrial Talks. I finally realized the use of and the important of raw data resources which can turn into numbers that could give us various different information.

4. Acknowledgement for your lecturer.

  I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Azurah Binti Abu Samah as our TIS course lecturer, for her patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of our assignments and also for her advice and assistance in keeping our assignments progress on schedule. I also like Dr. Azurah managed to brief us about course works ,assignments in the beginning of our first lecture which gave me an overview of how this course would look like and how much I should prepare myself for it. The fact that she managed to make this course fun and insightful enough for us to learn by inviting different speakers in Industrial Talk really make me appreciate her hard work more. Hence, thank you so much for being good at it and helped us throughout this semester.

5. Others- You can add more reflection based on your opinion, idea, and creativity.


  First of  all, I'm really glad that this TIS subject is included in my Bioinformatics course as it is quite appealing to me who always want to know and learn from the real world experienced technology and information system scope workers. Throughout this semester ,despite the online distance learning constrictions, I am glad that we can still be connected through technology itself and learn about the root of this area of study.. Of course, I would like to be thankful for my team members who managed to went through this semester together and complete our assignments together as a group despite the ups and down we were having while completing it. They made me realized that we need to always be accepting towards each other and no man is better than the whole team itself when it comes to doing groupworks.