Selamat Hari Malaysia !



Mini Report

The KERETAPI SARONG 2023 event, organized by Hub & Locco, unfolded as a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity and national pride during Hari Malaysia. Participants, including myself, embarked on a memorable journey that seamlessly blended traditional elements with a sense of unity and festivity.

The day commenced at 7 am as participants checked out from their hotels and gathered at Legaran Segget, eagerly anticipating the cultural march that lay ahead. A sense of excitement filled the air as we boarded buses at 7:30 am, ready to embark on a journey that would intertwine cultural appreciation with community engagement.

Upon arriving at Legaran Segget at 8:30 am, the participants seamlessly transitioned into the heart of the event. At 9 am, the cultural march kicked off with a spirited procession. Singing and dancing to patriotic tunes, participants showcased their traditional costumes infused with the iconic Batik Sarong element, creating a vibrant tapestry of Malaysia's rich cultural heritage.

The march, punctuated by checkpoints, became a showcase for various cultural performances from NGOs and university students. Our UTM students took charge at the third checkpoint, leading an energetic zapin dance session that saw the entire crowd enthusiastically joining in. The palpable sense of unity and cultural exchange at each checkpoint underscored the event's commitment to fostering understanding and appreciation among diverse communities.

By 11 am, the cultural march reached its crescendo at the final checkpoint, situated at KOMTAR JBCC. A moment of reflection ensued, as the event commenced with the singing of the national anthem. I had the honor of representing the participants in reading the national pledges, and my patriotic spirit found expression through a heartfelt singing performance on stage.

The festivities continued with a unique dance session, where participants, in a train-style formation, danced joyously to cultural tunes that resonated with Malaysia's rich heritage. This spontaneous expression of joy and unity encapsulated the essence of the event.

As the clock struck 2 pm, the KERETAPI SARONG 2023 event drew to a close. Participants, brimming with memories of cultural exchanges and shared experiences, boarded the buses to return home. The event not only celebrated Malaysia's cultural diversity but also reinforced the importance of unity and patriotism, making it a resounding success for all who participated.

Self Reflection

The KERETAPI SARONG 2023 event served as a profound reflection of various essential graduate attributes, emphasizing the participants' development in communication skills, leadership and teamworking abilities, adaptability, and the cultivation of a global citizen mindset.

1. Communication Skills:
The event provided a dynamic platform for honing communication skills. As the representative reading the national pledges and delivering a singing performance, effective communication was paramount. Additionally, the cultural march allowed for the exchange of ideas, expressions, and cultural nuances among participants, fostering a rich atmosphere of communication and understanding.

2. Leadership and Teamworking Skills:
The cultural march, with its multiple checkpoints and diverse activities, underscored the importance of leadership and teamwork. Participants collaborated seamlessly, displaying effective leadership in organizing dance sessions and cultural performances. The checkpoint led by UTM students showcased leadership qualities as they guided the energetic zapin dance, creating an inclusive and engaging atmosphere for everyone involved.

3. Adaptability:
The day's itinerary, with its various activities and checkpoints, demanded adaptability. Participants had to adjust to the changing dynamics of the event, from the cultural march and diverse performances to impromptu dance sessions. This adaptability highlighted the participants' ability to thrive in dynamic environments and embrace the unexpected with enthusiasm.

4. Global Citizens:
The KERETAPI SARONG 2023 event encapsulated the spirit of global citizenship. The celebration of Malaysia's cultural diversity showcased an appreciation for different backgrounds and traditions. Participants, by donning traditional costumes blended with Batik Sarong, not only expressed their cultural identities but also contributed to the broader narrative of global citizenship by fostering understanding and unity among diverse communities.

In essence, the event went beyond a mere cultural celebration; it became a transformative experience that enriched participants in the realms of communication, leadership, adaptability, and global citizenship. By actively participating in this vibrant celebration, individuals not only enhanced their personal growth but also contributed to the collective development of a more interconnected and harmonious society.

Activity Details

Date : 16 SEPTEMBER 2023

Venue : Legaran Segget & KOMTAR JBCC 

Organizer : NGO (Hab & Locco)

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Global Citizens

My Role

I joined as participant (dancer & singer) for this event