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Courses (Sem 2)

1. SECI1113-02 COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS by Dr. by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Roselina

Courses (Sem 1)

1. SECI 1013-04 Discrete Structure by Dr. Haswadi

2. SECJ 1013-04 Programming Technique by Ms. Lizawati

3. SECP 1513-03 Technolgy and Information System by Dr. Johanna

4. SECR 1013-04 Digital Logic by Ms. Marina

5. UHMT 1012-43 Graduate Success Attributes by Dr. Norhaida

6. UHIS 1022-72 Philosophy and Current Issues by Dr. Bushrah

7. UHMS 1182-31 Appreciation of Ethics and Civil by Dr. Fauzi


Game I play


Internship Reflection Video


PSM1 Reflection

Download PSM1 Reflection Video.mp4 [37.9MB]

PSM1 Presentation

About me

Hi everyone, the name is Jonathan Ting but a lot of people just call me Jon (not John btw). My hometown is in Sarawak. My favorite food is kampua (non-halal but can find halal one at someplace). I also like Nasi Lemak and Ayam penyet especially their SAMBAL. I play squash during my free time but since lectures have begun, I got less time to play. I am left-handed and FYI there is an International Lefthanders Day celebrated every year on the 13th of August. GS025656.jpg

  • Faculty: Computing
  • Student ID: A20EC0194
  • Display name: JONATHAN TING MOI YAO
  • Country: Malaysia
  • Occupation: Student
  • Industry: Computer Network and Security

Social media accounts


1. Just live a happy life. 2. Earn a slightly better salary just in case there is a medical emergency where a lot of money is needed. 3. Know how to manage my own income well. 4. Do no overspend money. 5. Credit card is fine but pay it all at the end of the month to improve credibility.

No tasks to display.

My entire résumé


Computer hardware

Personal information

Date of birth 3 February 2001
Place of birth Miri
Citizenship Malaysian
Gender identity Man
Marital status Single


Personal goals

Live a happy life

Academic goals


Career goals

Make a lot of money


Personal skills

Techno geek

Work skills



Employment history
Warrant Officer The Boys' Brigade 5th Miri Company
September 2022
Helper The Boys' Brigade 5th Miri Company
December 2020 - September 2022
Cashier Mr. Sia
March 2019 - April 2019
Education history

Address: 34-50, Jalan Kebudayaan 1, Taman Universiti, 81300 Skudai, Johor.

Address: Pejabat Am Sekolah Menengah Riam, Jalan Riam Willow, 98000 Miri, Sarawak

Address: Pejabat Am Sekolah Menengah Riam, Jalan Riam Willow, 98000 Miri, Sarawak

Address: Pejabat Am Sekolah Menengah Riam, Jalan Riam Willow, 98000 Miri, Sarawak

Certifications, accreditations and awards

ICDL: Big Data
November 2022
Senior Prefect

Professional memberships

Member of World Squash Federation (WSF)
April 2017
Officer of The Boys' Brigade
December 2020
Member of Squash Racquets Association Malaysia (SRAM)
April 2017


This is almost the end of Y2S2. News just come pouring in, good and bad,  until I cannot handle the stress. Why am I this useless at times like this? How will I be ever to face situations in real life? I feel tired. Not because I did not get enough sleep but mentally tired. How did I end up here? How I was born to this world with bad luck? All I hope is that everything can end soon. 

Today is my birthday....Happy birthday to me

Sometimes, life is just unfair. Sometimes, other people can easily get what they want and even if you had given your 200%, you still get nothing. The world is not fair in a way. To me, there will always be people who worked hard and got nothing, and I am one of them. Let us put it this way, if everyone on Earth can get easily what they want, the resources on Earth would be depleted. "Rare is precious" and when things are running out, the price would go up and this is where the unfair theory kicks in. There will always be someone who got nothing so that another group of people would get what they want. Today, I can study in UTM is just a pure coincidence. UTM provides their foundation courses is to let other people get into UTM  more easily other than through UPU. ANd with the help of COVID-19, I excelled in the final exam because every exam is just a take-home-exam. What can I do in the future? I am lost in the sandstorm with nowhere to go. I do envy people for their success and I would always congratulate them on their success. Because only this way, I can felt I AM a part of success. Other than that, I am just an average person with average results and average life. What can I request more from what I have and what can be provided for me? "The world is cruel" and I stand for that statement.

Today is the last day of Week 12 of Semester 1. What have I learned? A lot, but also, nothing. Left three weeks before our revision week. Everything is rushing, a lot of assignments are due and a lot of quizzes and tests are on going before our revision week. I had experienced these once during my foundation year here at UTM. Without a doubt, it will be the same for the rest of my 7 semesters at UTM. But hey, isn't real life always like this?

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SECI2143-03 Probability & Statistics Data Analysis RSS

PSDA post-project Reflection

PSDA is an important subject when learning compute science. It is one of the fundamentals when you are working as an IT officer. The subject itself is not that hard, just we need more exercises to understand the concepts. 


This project let me further understand what we are learning and have a better understanding of it. In this project, we learned data analysis such as hypothesis, correlation, regression, and chi-square testing. At first, I am not very clear on these testing, but I got to know more when doing exercises, assignments, and projects. Before this project, we were not very good at the testing listed in the introduction. But during our discussion, we slowly learn how to use the formulas
correctly and which formula is the best suited for the instance.


Before PSDA class started, I looked on the Internet for calculators required for statistics subjects. I stumble upon a calculator named Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator and it costs MYR619.50.Luckily I did not buy it because the subject does not require it. But to my surprise, they are 48 units being sold and most of the customers were Malaysians. Maybe they are post-graduates or are from somewhere's Faculty of Mathematics or something. I do not know where my future would end, but I hope it would be a good one.


Thank you and stay safe everyone. 


Reflection RSS

What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

The first thing is not having a 4 flat result. That is not necessary. To me, the necessary action is to try to attend a sort of webinars/seminars or workshops related to my program. This is to expose me to different kinds of techniques that may be useful when I am in my working field. A 4 flat result does not mean I am really good at it but merely showing that I had memorized all the stuff I had learned. 

Conclusion: do not just study hard, learn some other things ouside of your syallabus but do not show off in class when the lecturer asked something related to it. 

What is your goal/dream concerning your course/program?

The goal of my course, TIS, is to teach us about the hardware of the computer. My goal to learn this course is to further my knowledge about those stuff and to make the stuff I thought I already know clearer. My dream for this computer science program is yet to be found. The only thing I know is that I love computers. 


Overall Semester 1 reflection RSS

Semester 1 reflection

Semester 1 is about to come to an end. Left about two weeks before our revision week. Because of COVID-19, everything was done online and the time just flew so fast. There is nothing to complain about it and we can't complain about it. The courses I have for Semester 1 are all the fundamentals knowledge that we need to know before we enter into network and security. I hope that we can go back to campus to study because I am slacking off the whole time when studying online. The only thing that I am good at is completing assignments. How I hope that the course is based in assignments and coursework rather than tests and exams. Oh well, let me just wait and see. 


SECP 1513-03 Technolgy and Information System's Reflection RSS

Overall Reflection

TIS is by far my most favorite subject. Maybe it's because I like computer hardware more than the rest of the subjects. Dr. Johanna is also a great lecturer giving us almost no pressure when doing her assignments or quizzes. The class is not boring because this subject is my interest. 

Industry Talk 3

This talk was given by our graduated seniors and their topic was on Inspiring Work Experience and COVID-19 challenges. It was moderated by our TIS lecturer, Dr. Johanna Ahmad. 

Tan Yong Keong told us that a beautiful resume and taking part in competitions would lead you to get a good job. During the study years in UTM, he participated in various types of competitions and these could be useful for us when writing a resume. It does not matter if we win or lose in those competitions, but the most important part is that we can learn something in the competitions. 

From Zamarul, he said that soft skills are also key to job employment. People that have soft skills are more to being hired compared to those who have only hard skills. Though hard skills show off your experience and understanding of a measurable ability, soft skills often indicate your ability to work with other competitions because we will need to and grow within a company.

From Batrisyia, she told us that she was managed to get her job because she showed her passion and capability to the subject that she was assigned during her intern. Thus, her supervisor wants her to continue her works after she was graduated.

Zamarul also shared his tips which are to learn new technical skills. He advised us to learn other technical skills different from the fundamental things that we have learned in university. Having skills that others do not have is huge merit to secure a job.

Batrisyia shared her tips that we should not limit ourselves to learning new things. We should try our best to learn it and do not wait until people tell us what to do. Being a proactive person that always ask question will improve our images.

Besides, three of the speakers agree that enhancing soft skills is important. Soft skills are not only needed in a company to blend with our colleagues, but it is more important when we are facing our superiors. As we know, doing things alone is much slower and low efficiency Therefore, employers tend to investigate our soft skills rather than what we can do.

Industry Talk 2

Good management in a company is the key for the company to succeed. In the previous industrial talk, it was about project management and what is the trend for that management to succeed in their projects. To me, the most important thing is to be on the same page. Once everyone has the same goal, things can be achieved easily because everyone can work together. Aside from that, that company must analyze the market demand. For a company to succeed in business, it must know what do the people wanted or what will the people want. Other than that, one company also needs to think about the risk of investing in one project if it would be worth it. A good example of an entrepreneur is the late Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc. He launched the iPhone (1st gen), not many people wanted a touchscreen computer slash iPod that can dial numbers and surf the internet. After the launch, it gained fame and smartphones were beginning to take the market which superseded the older phones such as Nokia 3310. Lastly, to succeed, we also need to be brave enough to take the first step and try to think outside the box.EENZmHcU4AAkOk5?format=jpg&name=large

Industry Talk 1

During the Industrial Talk, Mr. Redzuan Shah Yussoff, Director of Southern Strategic Economic Region at Telekom Malaysia talked about Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) and the technologies that come with it. Those technologies include autonomous robots,  cloud computing, and Internet of Things (IoT).

Since the implementation of IR4.0, Malaysia has also improved its technology infrastructure. Sadly, the implementation of 5G network would not be available until the year 2022. Aside from that, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has also announced to stop giving permits to 3G devices and devices without 4G-LTE capabilities. With the upgrade of the network, people can enjoy a seamless internet experience and lower latency. With lower latency, technology such as a driverless car can perform faster and more accurately. This would also help the people in the inland areas to communicate with the outside world. 

Other than that, job opportunities in the relevant field have also increased over the past few years. Technology companies in Malaysia have been demanding more and more professionals in technology to realize IR 4.0. The most demanding field is Internet of Things (IoT) with 73 companies looking for fresh graduates followed by cybersecurity. These are the opportunity for students in UTM especially us in computer science to find jobs more easily.Screenshot (97).png.1

Screenshot 2020-12-12 225541.png

Design Thinking Project

Finally, at the end of our Design Thinking project. During the past few weeks of this project, I had learned some new knowledge and has a better understanding of Technology and Information System. Also, through the interview with the experts, I had also gained new information about the technology around us. Aside from if the questions I asked for our group’s project, I had also asked one of the experts about their comments on underwater data centers are. The underwater data center is one experimental project of Microsoft. The expert reply is that if the underwater data center is being handled well, it is an optimum environment for data storage and transfer. As we all know, data centers generate a lot of heat and we need to get rid of the heat as fast as we can before it comes to overheating. Underwater datacenters can cool down the heat as it is deep down under the sea.

Aside from the knowledge I had gained, I also learned that designing a new project is not an easy job at all. First, I learned about the five basic steps of design thinking, that is, empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Each step is very important as it all will contribute to the final product. Each step-less then it will not meet the requirements or have defects in it. To design a new product, we must first know what the market demand is and what the people want. We think about the questions related to it and asked the experts during the sessions with them. After getting the opinions, we will have a basic idea of how the product should work. After this we will be brainstorming for ideas such as the name, how it works, why it works, and how do other people think about the project to make. This then will come down to the prototype. Then we test it to see if it works and if it will produce the results that we intended.

Team-working is the most important lesson that I can learn from this project. It is not an easy job for an individual to carry out the whole project from scratch. Different people have different kinds of skills and that is why we need a group of people to complete a task. For example, I have a good Internet, so I have been assigned to record the whole interview with the experts. Other group members for example one with good at making the slide shows had been asked to help to complete that part of the task. The soft skill to be able to work as a team always is required by the employers so that if there is a big project, everyone will have the chance to be in a part of it and everyone can gain experience from the project.




SECJ 1013-04 Programming Technique's Reflection RSS

Course's reflection

This course and what is taught during my foundation year are the same. Just the name of my foundation program is called Fundamentals of Computing. Ms. Lizawati was my foundation friend's lecturer but now is my PT1 lecturer. Everything learned in PT 1 is about C++ programming. I don't like programming actually. I chose network security because I thought there wouldn't be any programming courses in the program but I was too young. I always thought that network security was all about hardware and maybe a little bit of theory on how this hardware works. My second choice of the degree program is actually Urban and Regional Planning. But all well, guess I have to give my 200%. 


SECR 1013-04 Digital Logic's Reflection RSS

Course's reflection

At first, I thought that I would never touch physics ever again, but boy was I wrong. Digital logic is ALL ABOUT PHYSICS. Not that I hate physics but there is too much stuff for me to learn. As I wrote in the previous reflections, I always thought that network security was all about hardware and practicals. But, all well, let us see how far can I get through this degree program. 


SECI 1013-04 Discrete Structure's Reflection RSS

Course's reflection

Well, I both love and hate math, to be honest. I love doing math because the sense of accomplishment after every question is the most rewarding part. I hate math because there are tons of formulas I need to connect in order to understand the questions. My mind does not spin as fast as anyone else. I am poor at maths actually, it's just that because of COVID-19, everything is done online. Literally online. But it's still fun to do maths, at least for me. 


UHMS 1182-31 Appreciation of Ethics and Civil's Reflection RSS


It's basically learning sejarah


UHIS 1022-72 Philosophy and Current Issues' Reflection RSS


This one teach us how to be a better person


UHMT 1012-43 Graduate Success Attributes' Reflection RSS


This course teaches us soft skills and what kind of attributes do we need at our workstations. 
