SECP 1513-03 Technolgy and Information System's Reflection /
Industry Talk 3

This talk was given by our graduated seniors and their topic was on Inspiring Work Experience and COVID-19 challenges. It was moderated by our TIS lecturer, Dr. Johanna Ahmad. 

Tan Yong Keong told us that a beautiful resume and taking part in competitions would lead you to get a good job. During the study years in UTM, he participated in various types of competitions and these could be useful for us when writing a resume. It does not matter if we win or lose in those competitions, but the most important part is that we can learn something in the competitions. 

From Zamarul, he said that soft skills are also key to job employment. People that have soft skills are more to being hired compared to those who have only hard skills. Though hard skills show off your experience and understanding of a measurable ability, soft skills often indicate your ability to work with other competitions because we will need to and grow within a company.

From Batrisyia, she told us that she was managed to get her job because she showed her passion and capability to the subject that she was assigned during her intern. Thus, her supervisor wants her to continue her works after she was graduated.

Zamarul also shared his tips which are to learn new technical skills. He advised us to learn other technical skills different from the fundamental things that we have learned in university. Having skills that others do not have is huge merit to secure a job.

Batrisyia shared her tips that we should not limit ourselves to learning new things. We should try our best to learn it and do not wait until people tell us what to do. Being a proactive person that always ask question will improve our images.

Besides, three of the speakers agree that enhancing soft skills is important. Soft skills are not only needed in a company to blend with our colleagues, but it is more important when we are facing our superiors. As we know, doing things alone is much slower and low efficiency Therefore, employers tend to investigate our soft skills rather than what we can do.