SECP 1513-03 Technolgy and Information System's Reflection /
Design Thinking Project

Finally, at the end of our Design Thinking project. During the past few weeks of this project, I had learned some new knowledge and has a better understanding of Technology and Information System. Also, through the interview with the experts, I had also gained new information about the technology around us. Aside from if the questions I asked for our group’s project, I had also asked one of the experts about their comments on underwater data centers are. The underwater data center is one experimental project of Microsoft. The expert reply is that if the underwater data center is being handled well, it is an optimum environment for data storage and transfer. As we all know, data centers generate a lot of heat and we need to get rid of the heat as fast as we can before it comes to overheating. Underwater datacenters can cool down the heat as it is deep down under the sea.

Aside from the knowledge I had gained, I also learned that designing a new project is not an easy job at all. First, I learned about the five basic steps of design thinking, that is, empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Each step is very important as it all will contribute to the final product. Each step-less then it will not meet the requirements or have defects in it. To design a new product, we must first know what the market demand is and what the people want. We think about the questions related to it and asked the experts during the sessions with them. After getting the opinions, we will have a basic idea of how the product should work. After this we will be brainstorming for ideas such as the name, how it works, why it works, and how do other people think about the project to make. This then will come down to the prototype. Then we test it to see if it works and if it will produce the results that we intended.

Team-working is the most important lesson that I can learn from this project. It is not an easy job for an individual to carry out the whole project from scratch. Different people have different kinds of skills and that is why we need a group of people to complete a task. For example, I have a good Internet, so I have been assigned to record the whole interview with the experts. Other group members for example one with good at making the slide shows had been asked to help to complete that part of the task. The soft skill to be able to work as a team always is required by the employers so that if there is a big project, everyone will have the chance to be in a part of it and everyone can gain experience from the project.

