CHA ZHI YE's profile picture CHA ZHI YE

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Hobby and Interest

  • Programming                            programming - GIF on Imgur
  • Games                                        Some nice GIF : Genshin_Impact
  • Anime                                          Pin on cosas bonitas
  • Sports                                          Jogging GIF - Jogging - Discover & Share GIFs

Personal information

I am first- year student in Computer Network And Security. I am looking forward to study in UTM and befriends with people. I would like to take part in various of activities and programs that can benefit me. Invite me to play anything especially games and I am would always join when I am free.

  • First name: CHA ZHI YE
  • Faculty: School of computing
  • Student ID: A20EC0022
  • Display name: CHA ZHI YE
  • Postal address: 32, Jalan Markisar, Taman Kota Jaya, 81900 Kota Tinggi
  • Town: Johor
  • Country: Malaysia
  • Home phone: 078836303
  • Mobile phone: 01115670422


My planning

Improve my soft skills

  • Be confidence to approach with others
  • Able to present my thoughts well

Get good results

  • CGPA 3.7 and above
  • Able to improve my hard skills
  • Stop being lazy

Get enough sleep

  • have enough time to relax
  • be happy

Mind Explode GIFs | TenorAcademicMind Explode GIFs | Tenor



Year 1

Semester I 


Semester II



Year 2

Semester III


Semester IV


My reflection RSS


This education webinar with Language Academy is organized by UTM library on 5th April 2021 (Monday) at 11 am. This program is held using Webex by Dr Haliza Zainal. The objective of this webinar is to introduce about UTM library and how to search in the library with a more efficient way.

Role: Participant

This activity possesses such attributes:

  • Enterprising Skills.
  • Thinking Skills.
  • Adaptability

The webinar started with the introduction of UTM library, which is its vision, mission and goals. Then, they introduced the UTM organisation chart and its location. There are many branches of UTM library, such as Raja Zirith Sofiah Library, UTM Library KL, Menara Razak Library KL, UTM-Pagoh Library and Institute Bioproduct Development Library. After that, Dr Haliza showed us how to make a library account and explained the function of the account. Then, she showed us the tips to find the desired resources. First, the user should make a task definition by searching only the significant words. Secondly, consider what sources we can use and what is the best resources for us. Then, find the location of the materials using UTM library portal. We should be able to find it if the material is in UTM library. Finally, evaluate the information requires by examining every ASPECT, which is authority, source, purpose, evenness, coverage, and timeliness. After this, Dr Haliza has explained about the application such as Turnitin and Endnote. In the end, we are requested to do a survey and wefie. The webinar end at 12.30pm.


In this webinar, I have learned the way to search for materials and resources in UTM library. Besides, I have also learned how to create a Turnitin account and the way to use it. In my perspective, it is an important application that every student needs to use in university. Besides, I am impressed by the functionality and the number of materials that UTM owns. I am excited to go to the library when I have a chance to live in the campus.

            In this webinar, I have found the importance of thinking skills. In order to find the desired resources, I should have to specify my objective and clear my thoughts. Besides, I will have to check whether the material I get is suitable for the purpose of my use. All steps are in sequence so as to find the resources quickly. Besides, adaptability is needed for me to suit into the library here. In my surrounding, there are no library that is comparable with UTM library. Finding books are just easily walking around and searching it without any help. I am sure that I could not find my desired resources without the help of UTM library portal. Other than that, I should have enterprising skills since UTM have provided such a good facility and it give me the opportunities to improve myself. In UTM library, they have provided air-conditional and study room for students to do our revision. After finding the resources, I should stay at there and do revision in a comfortable study environment.


Network Communication Project- Self reflection

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PSM 1 Presentation Video- Online Voting System Using Blockchain

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PSM 1 Reflection Video

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Industrial Training 2024 sem 1

Industrial Training Reflection Video

Industrial Training Reflection Video

SECR1013-04 Discrete Structure



Reflection Through the semester 1

      Time flies and the semester 1 has come to an end. There are lots of joy and tears doing the quizzes, tests and assignments with my friends. I am really happy of my friends that although we are doing our work at home, we can still able to chat a lot and finish our task in time. I am very appreciate to my friends that teach me in academics and point out my mistakes. 

     I am also appreciate to my lectures who really cares us a lot. Although I do not mean to join this course at first, now, I am glad and I feel very lucky to join this course as every lectures are willing to teach us patiently. The lectures even extend the due dates and make sure there is enough time for us to finish our work. They also try to reduce our pressure by modifying the assignments to become easier. 

    There are a few goals that I want to achieve. First of all, I want to get a permanent job that is related to Information Technology (IT). It is very unfortunate if I study so hard to master in my course but I do not have the place to use it. Besides, it is hard to find new career that I am interested. Doing something that I do not like will only make me suffer and I hope that this will not happen. Secondly, I want to find my specialty regarding IT. There are many things that I am interested and I must know which aspect is the most suitable for me. So, in order for me to improve my potential in the industry, I should study hard to get flying colours in my examination. Besides, learning soft skills will make me to fit into the work place more comfortable as the relationship between friends and superiors are important. I should also change my bad habits and become more mature so that my colleagues will not be disappointed.

    In a nutshell, I have learnt a lot in this semester and I have improve my skills in programming and mathematics. I have also learn a lot of knowledges in the webinars. However, I am disappointed that I do not manage to get into any clubs. So, when the time comes when UTM is opened again, I will strive my best to participate in activities.

Excel Report 1

HUAWEI CONNECTED CAMPUS 2021 is an online program talk organized by the Huawei Recruitment Team on 27th April 2021 (Tuesday), 2.30 pm. This program is held using Facebook live. The objective of the program is to introduce current technology that Huawei company have and the impact of future technology.

Role: Participant

This activity possesses such attributes:

  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Adaptability

Different from before, this year, the program was held only due to Covid-19. Therefore, many things and event that have the previous program has been changed to introduction. In this program, they have firstly introduced for the latest technology in the world. They have emphasized what technology have Huawei created by having a showcase, such as virtual reality, 5G, Internet of Things (IOT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Huawei cloud, smart cities and smart devices. After that, their presenters who are Huawei company leaders presented their thoughts and views of the future. They have also given the information of requirement to work in Huawei company. After that, they have shared their experience in the company and give lecturer about the way to success. Lastly, there was a lucky draw that all participants can have a chance to win the price.


In this program, I have learned a lot about of the latest Huawei technology. The things they have invented shocked me as I now have the knowledge of the Information Technology (IT) after studying in my course and I know the difficulties that they have faced. They have also taught me the extra knowledge that I can get by now before graduate to improve my chance of being employed. For example, I can now learn python by myself although there is no lecture in my course needed. It is because that python is the most common used programming language in big companies. Besides, by listening to their thought, I have realized that technology is the future need that all sections of economy will be included.

            In order to improve myself, I must have leadership and teamworking skills. In the company, all information must be shared by one and another to constantly monitor the progress of a project. Besides, critical thinking is important in problem solving as we will have to think for a suitable solution for each problem. Adaptability for the change of environment is needed when we step into the society. The companies do not need an employee that still have an immature mental.


Excel report 2

This webinar is organized by Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA) on 8 January 2021(Friday) at 3pm. This program is held using Facebook live by Dr Zulfikar bin Ahmad, the UTM’s counselling Director. The objectives of the webinar are:

  1. Acquire knowledge about mental health
  2. Able to identify your own problems and ways to cope with them.
  3. Get advice on how to help people around us with these situations

Role: Participant

This activity possesses such attributes:

  • Communication Skills.
  • Thinking Skills.
  • Adaptability

To ensure that students can unleash their full potentials unaffected by psychological problems, so we need to make sure our mental is stable. Due to this COVID-19 pandemic, many people experience issues with mental health such as stress, anxiety and depression especially students who are currently attending online classes. So, the webinar starts with the introduction by DR. Iqbal Tariq, the advisor of Persaka and immediately get into the point. Dr Zulfikar have shared the definition of stress, anxiety and depression and gave the reason why many people cope with these problems. For example, many first-year student does not able to adapt to university life and their results dropped a lot. After that, the presenter replied students answer one by one, hopefully it helped to solve their problems. He suggested that students can get mental treatment by finding counsellors when they cannot cope with their stress. Students should not be shy as this is a serious problem. People will not know what one has gone through if he does not talk to others. He has also suggested that students should find a people to talk with, whether a friend or their family. Else, things might get worse. For about 1 hour and 40 minutes, the webinar ended.


In this webinar, I have learned the way to overcome and avoid stressfulness. I am glad that I participated in this webinar because the presenter has really provided lots of ways to cope with stress and anxiety. After listen to the reason of being stress, I have found that most of the time I aim myself for too high. It is better to start step by step and accomplish what I can do presently.

            In this webinar, I have found that communications skills are important. I should always talk with my friends or family that I trusted when I am stress. They often will invite me to play game or going out together during hard times. Besides, thinking skills are needed to prevent myself from overthinking. I should not always thinking of the worst situation. In reality, sometime the problem will be gone by itself when time pass. Adaptability is the most important part. When I come into a new environment, I should find new friends who are comfortable to communicate. Besides, I should not over rely to my previous experience when working in a new place.


Excel report 3

This education webinar with Language Academy is organized by UTM library on 5th April 2021 (Monday) at 11 am. This program is held using Webex by Dr Haliza Zainal. The objective of this webinar is to introduce about UTM library and how to search in the library with a more efficient way.

Role: Participant

This activity possesses such attributes:

  • Enterprising Skills.
  • Thinking Skills.
  • Adaptability

The webinar started with the introduction of UTM library, which is its vision, mission and goals. Then, they introduced the UTM organisation chart and its location. There are many branches of UTM library, such as Raja Zirith Sofiah Library, UTM Library KL, Menara Razak Library KL, UTM-Pagoh Library and Institute Bioproduct Development Library. After that, Dr Haliza showed us how to make a library account and explained the function of the account. Then, she showed us the tips to find the desired resources. First, the user should make a task definition by searching only the significant words. Secondly, consider what sources we can use and what is the best resources for us. Then, find the location of the materials using UTM library portal. We should be able to find it if the material is in UTM library. Finally, evaluate the information requires by examining every ASPECT, which is authority, source, purpose, evenness, coverage, and timeliness. After this, Dr Haliza has explained about the application such as Turnitin and Endnote. In the end, we are requested to do a survey and wefie. The webinar end at 12.30pm.


In this webinar, I have learned the way to search for materials and resources in UTM library. Besides, I have also learned how to create a Turnitin account and the way to use it. In my perspective, it is an important application that every student needs to use in university. Besides, I am impressed by the functionality and the number of materials that UTM owns. I am excited to go to the library when I have a chance to live in the campus.

            In this webinar, I have found the importance of thinking skills. In order to find the desired resources, I should have to specify my objective and clear my thoughts. Besides, I will have to check whether the material I get is suitable for the purpose of my use. All steps are in sequence so as to find the resources quickly. Besides, adaptability is needed for me to suit into the library here. In my surrounding, there are no library that is comparable with UTM library. Finding books are just easily walking around and searching it without any help. I am sure that I could not find my desired resources without the help of UTM library portal. Other than that, I should have enterprising skills since UTM have provided such a good facility and it give me the opportunities to improve myself. In UTM library, they have provided air-conditional and study room for students to do our revision. After finding the resources, I should stay at there and do revision in a comfortable study environment.


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