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This is almost the end of Y2S2. News just come pouring in, good and bad,  until I cannot handle the stress. Why am I this useless at times like this? How will I be ever to face situations in real life? I feel tired. Not because I did not get enough sleep but mentally tired. How did I end up here? How I was born to this world with bad luck? All I hope is that everything can end soon. 

Today is my birthday....Happy birthday to me

Sometimes, life is just unfair. Sometimes, other people can easily get what they want and even if you had given your 200%, you still get nothing. The world is not fair in a way. To me, there will always be people who worked hard and got nothing, and I am one of them. Let us put it this way, if everyone on Earth can get easily what they want, the resources on Earth would be depleted. "Rare is precious" and when things are running out, the price would go up and this is where the unfair theory kicks in. There will always be someone who got nothing so that another group of people would get what they want. Today, I can study in UTM is just a pure coincidence. UTM provides their foundation courses is to let other people get into UTM  more easily other than through UPU. ANd with the help of COVID-19, I excelled in the final exam because every exam is just a take-home-exam. What can I do in the future? I am lost in the sandstorm with nowhere to go. I do envy people for their success and I would always congratulate them on their success. Because only this way, I can felt I AM a part of success. Other than that, I am just an average person with average results and average life. What can I request more from what I have and what can be provided for me? "The world is cruel" and I stand for that statement.

Today is the last day of Week 12 of Semester 1. What have I learned? A lot, but also, nothing. Left three weeks before our revision week. Everything is rushing, a lot of assignments are due and a lot of quizzes and tests are on going before our revision week. I had experienced these once during my foundation year here at UTM. Without a doubt, it will be the same for the rest of my 7 semesters at UTM. But hey, isn't real life always like this?