ExCEL-3: User Education Webinar - Advanced Information Searching Skills

Activities Information


Event: User Education Webinar with Language Academy

Date: Sunday, 28th March 2021

Time: 10:00am - 11:30am

Venue: Webex

Link: User Education Webinar

Organizer: UTM Library

Role: Participant





Graduate Attributes

  1. Adaptability
  2. Thinking Skills


Report Writing

Mini Report

User Education Webinar with Language Academy was organized by the UTM library on the 28th of March 2021. This program was held by Dr. Haliza Zainal. The program started at 10:00 am on Webex. The graduate attributes of this program are adaptability and thinking skills. The objective of this event is to help students how to take information or learning materials from reliable sources other than Google searches as most of the results found on a normal google search are just information on the Internet without reliable citation of sources. It is very important for the undergraduates to learn how to correctly use the available resources and how to cite the sources when they are doing their thesis. The summary of this webinar is to introduce how to enhance information gathering skills on how to search online databases on UTM Library, Endnote, and Turnitin. The program started with the introduction of the UTM Library, including the vision, mission, and goals of the UTM Library. Then, Dr. Haliza introduced the UTM organization chart and the locations of all the libraries under the UTM Library. Those libraries under the management of UTM library include Raja Zirith Sofiah Library, UTM Library KL, Menara Razak Library KL, UTM-Pagoh Library, and Institute Bioproduct Development Library. Next, Dr Haliza showed us how to create a library account and explained the functions that can be used with the account. Dr. Haliza later showed us tips on how to find the desired resources. After this, Dr. Haliza explained applications such as Turnitin and Endnote. After the sharing session, we had a group photo over Webex. The webinar ended at about 11.30 pm. The benefits of this event are that I have a better understanding of how to use online databases and how to obtain information online properly with the right sources accessible. This experience has really enhanced my ability to acquire information.

Self Reflection

After the program ended, I am grateful to UTM Library to organize this study to teach students how to find resources correctly and efficiently. This is especially important to those who are doing their thesis or writing academic reports. Turnitin, pronounced turn-it-in, is a great tool for checking plagiarism. I am thankful for UTM Library to be able to give students free accounts and classes in Turnitin to submit their papers for checking. Next is the database of the UTM Library. With the account created for UTM Library, all students have access to thesis, past exam papers, journals, and many more. This is helpful for those who need learning materials for their academic writings. Endnote is another great tool that is available for all students. The function of Endnote is to cite sources correctly. I have used it several times and I like it. Thanks to UTM Library and its team, students from UTM can enjoy useful tools that needed subscriptions.