Computer Forensic

Tags: TIS




Computer forensic is a branch of digital forensic science pertaining to evidence found in computers and digital storage media. But it specializes in the scientific analysis of computer communications and the data on computer storage devices, such as disks and CD-ROMs.


The field of computer forensic career need knowledge and skills in a broad range of computer storage devices, operating systems, programming languages and software applications open more doors. 

  • File formats
  • Software drivers
  • Networking, routing, communication protocols, and security.
  • Cryptology
  • Reverse software engineering
  • Investigative techniques
  • Computer forensics tools, such as password crackers and email converters
  • software applications



Computer forensic has the aim of identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and presenting facts and opinions about the digital information. It can be used in the detection and prevention of crime and in any dispute where evidence is stored digitally. 


There are some stages of examination of computer forensic : 

1.   Readiness

2.   Evaluation

3.   Collection

4.   Analysis

5.   Presentation

6.   Review


If you have strong and good knowledge and skills in IT field, you must learn more additional computer skills to improve yourself as the technology is getting improve nowadays. Then you can have a good performance in your job