Chapter 5 - System Software

Tags: TIS

System software is a collection of programs which handle the technical details. So it is not a single program. It includes the kind of programs which is operating system, language translator, utilities and device driver. System software works with end-users and enables the computer hardware to interact with the application software to carry out the operation of computer. System software is “background” software that helps the computer manage its own internal resources.




Operating System

  • Manage resources
  • Provide user interface
  • Run applications (Multi-tasking)

Most popular and familiar operating system is Mac OS X (runs on Apple computer) and Window 7 (widely used). They are owned and licensed by a corporation but Linux is an open source program.




3 basic categories :

  • Embedded operating systems (handheld) (Mobile operating system)

- Symbian – Nokia, Sony

- BlackBerry OS or RIM OS

- iOS- for iPhone OS, iPod Touch, iPad and other Apple computers only

- Android – owned by Google

- Windows Phone 7

- WebOS – HP smartphones and tablets

- on smartphones, cable TV tuner boxes and video game systems


  • Network operating systems (linked computers)

- Windows Server

- UNIX (Server on Web)

- OS stored on network server which coordinates all communication between the other computers


  • Stand-alone operating systems (desktop)

- client operating system



- support multiple operating system on a single physical machine


Virtualization software

Physical machine logically separate into :

Host operating system - OS of the physical machine

Guest operating system - OS of virtual machine (independent virtual computer)



- specialized program to make computer easier, for example to avoid hard-disk crashes and decrease operation slow downs


Most essential utilities :

  • Troubleshooting or diagnostic programs
  • Antivirus programs
  • Uninstall programs
  • Backup programs
  • File compression programs


Window Utilities

  • Backup and Restore

make a copy of files and save in disk, prevent loss of data in case of disk failure


  • Disk Cleanup

to get rid of these unnecessary files, eliminate non-essential files and improve system performance


  • Disk Defragmenter

eliminate non-essential fragments files, rearrange the files which the files having to be broken apart into smaller parts so it can be stored wherever space is available and speed up file access


Utility Suites

- package of programs

- low cost

- Popular suites : Norton 360, McAfee Office, V Communications System Suite


Device Driver

- works with operating system to allow communication between devices and computer

- new device drivers must be installed when a new device is added

- Windows already has many drivers within the system software

- Drivers can also be easily updated in Windows by utilizing the Windows Update functionality


