YONG ZHI YAN's profile picture YONG ZHI YAN

Member of elearning.utm.my

About me

  • First name: YONG ZHI YAN
  • Faculty: engineering (computing)
  • Student ID: A20EC0172
  • Email address: yongyan@graduate.utm.my

Social media accounts

  • Instagram ID: zy.yong

Aims to achieve

Completed Master C++ - Completion date: 1 March 2021
Completed Get all assignments done - Completion date: 1 March 2021

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Project 2- SECI2143 Probability and Statistical Data Analysis RSS

Reflection on Project 2

In this project, we had done an analysis for the dataset of students' performance in examination. We had applied the statistical data analysis knowledge that we learnt throughout the whole semester in conducting this analysis. The techniques used by us included hypothesis testing, correlation, regression and chi-square test. 


As the dataset given was huge, we decided to use the R-programming for the calculations and graph-plotting. Throughout the project, I had done some research via Google regarding the way to code R. I had also gained lots of extra knowledge about R coding that was not taught in class, for example how to conduct a t-test, chi-square test, correlation test, and regression test, how to plot scattered graph, how to transfer data from Excel table to R, and etc. 


Since this is a group project, the communication and cooperation among the team members are significantly important in ensuring the work can be carried out smoothly and successfully. I had learnt how to communicate with my team mates and work effectively together as a team even though we cannot meet up face to face due to the current pandemic. 



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