ExCEL Activity Report 3



1. Activity information

Date: 14 October 2020

Venue: Facebook Live at UTM Student Affairs

Organizer: MMM2020


2. Graduate attribute

  • Thinking Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Enterprising Skills
  • Communication Skills


3. Position / Role

  • Participant


4. Mini Report

On 14 October 2020, I attended an industry inspiring session conducted by the MMM2020 with a title of "CEO of Industry Inspiring Session" in conjunction of student orientation week of 2020. The talk was presented by Mr Muhammad Arif bin Tukiman, the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of RunCloud company. During this talk, Mr Muhammad Arif had shared with us his route in creating the RunCloud company, a information technology based (IT-based) company with his team. He had also shared his experience in how to start a business from scratch and also the challenges he had faced along with the way he used to overcome them. Before the talk ends, he was generous in providing encouragement to us. He had encouraged us to be creative, innovative and perseverance in order to success in our goals and also life. 


5. Self-reflection

From this session, I had gained insight on how to start a business. I had learnt that as a computing student, we need to be creative and innovative in order to survive in this challenging world where the market demand's on IT related workforce standard is getting higher and higher. I had also learnt that leadership skills and teamworking skills is very important for us to survive in the work field. Besides that, communication skills are the most important skills that we need to acquire in this highly-competitive society. I had also been encouraged by Mr Muhammad Arif at the idea of creating my own business. In my opinion, I think it is a good try to start my own business to create more work opportunities to the society. 


6. Certificate / Photo / Video

