ExCEL Reflection Report 2



1. Activity information

Date: 10 January 2021

Venue: YouTube

Organizer: Academy of Islamic Civilization


2. Graduate attribute

  • Thinking Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Global Citizen


3. Position / Role

  • Participant


4. Mini Report

On 10 January 2021, I attended an informative talk conducted by the Academy of Islamic Civilization with a title of "Wacana Dekonisasi Intelektual". The talk was hosted by Prof. Dr Kamaruzaman bin Yusoff and Dr Nasruddin bin Yunos. In this talk, we were introduced about the concept of decolonization. The panels had described how decolonization happened in our history and the effects of decolonization towards our country and communities. They also discussed the issues of decolonization in modern world and how it affects us and the relationship between the countries involved. We were encouraged to reflect ourselves and our communities in order to become a better person which can contribute to the country in future.  


5. Self-reflection

From this session, I had gained insight on what is decolonization. I had learnt that how decolonization affected our country in the history. From that, I conclude that we as the citizen of our country, need to be cooperative in fighting the outside forces, and also be loyal to our leaders. Other than that, in this modern world with full of technologies, we are able to obtain all sort of information easily, hence we need to be rational in filtering the information we get from the Internet, so that we would not got influenced by the negative culture. 


6. Certificate / Photo / Video

Screenshot 2022-06-18 220202.png
