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About Digital Logic

This subject about Digital electronics is the foundation of all microprocessor-based systems found in computers, robots, automobiles, and industrial control systems. This course introduces the students to digital electronics and provides a broad overview of many important concepts, components, and tools. Students will get up-to-date coverage of digital fundamentals-from basic concepts to programmable logic devices. Laboratory experiments provide hands-on experience with the simulator software, actual devices and circuits studied in the classroom.

My Reflections RSS

My reflections on this subject

Mini Project - Xerox Machine

Date : 22 December 2019

Venue : 328-02 (Digital Logic Lab)


The first thing we do in our project is the coding of PLD programming for 2-bit and 3-bit followed by wiring the IC on ETS5000 training kit. We first overwrite the generated code in WinCUPL, compiled it and brought the .JED file to the lab and programme the code into GAL22V10 IC using Wellon Universal Programmer & Tester. After programming the IC, we tested our circuit as we wiring the IC on ETS5000 training kit.

Throughout our lab session, our reflection is teamwork is a main role where both of us need to co-operate with each other to get the accurate output and complete the task. Therefore, both of us work together to focus on not making any mistakes throughout the lab work. Although is a tough project but we still manage to get the exact output that we want. 

The achievement for our mini project is we are able to make our own PLD device by writing the code in WinCUPL and program the IC using Wellon Programmer. Besides that, we also able to apply a simple Hardware Description Languages whereby we had specified a logic function for our mini project, which is Xerox machine.

Throughout the lab, our strength is we are able to work together to complete the mini project by guiding one another and contributed each other in completing mini project. But our weakness is we sometime make some careless mistake by inserting the wire into wrong pins on the GAL22V10 IC chip. However, we helped each other to troubleshoot our mistakes.

Expectations and what I have learnt so far in Digital Logic

From the beginning of the semester, I expect to learn various electronic components inside computers and how their logical functions takes place. This subject help me to understand the computer language that works on binary values. In the first three chapters we learnt about logical circuits. I learnt to build logic circuits based on the problem specifications and how different logic circuits work together to get desired output. Then, the following two chapters were about boolean algebra and expressions. This is basically the theoretical part of logical circuit where we derive the expressions from the circuits. This problem-solving skills is essential to think differently in solving various different complex problems.

My first Impression on Digital Logic

After going through the subject textbook and content, I was able to understand that this subject is about electronics and logic circuits related to computers. This subject requires the basics that I have already learnt at high school as well as in matrics. This subject helps me stimulate logical thinking to solve the problems. However, we have to do alot of exercises in order to master this subject.


Let's March towards Finals

Plan on how to prepare for exam on 3 Jan 2020

Tags: FinalsSem1, Sem1

Revise the chapter and do exercise completely in the book by 20 Dec 2019

Revise Chapter 8 and complete the exercise in module by 20 Dec 2019
