SECJ1013-02 Programming Technique I

Nama Pensyarah : Dr. Lizawati bt Mi Yusuf

/* WELCOME C++ */


Introduction to Programming

As a fundamental subject, this course equips the students with theory and practice on problem solving techniques by using the structured approach. Students are required to develop programs using C++ programming language, in order to solve simple to moderate problems. The course covers the following: pre processor directives, constants and variables, data types, input and output statements, control structures: sequential, selection and loop, built-in and user-defined functions, single and two dimensional arrays, file operations, pointers, and structured data types.

My Reflections RSS

Expectations and what I have learnt so far in PT 1

Throughout the learning of subject content, I was introduced to programming using C++ language. There are various things that I have learnt till now such as ;

1. Flow Control

2. Functions

3. Array

4. Pointers

5. Input & Output

6. Data Structures

C++ is a intermediate-level language and also Object-Oriented Programming language (OOP). Multiple objects of a particular class can be defined to implement the functions within the class. Objects can be defined as instances created at run time. These classes can also be inherited by other new classes which take in the public and protected functionalities by default. C++ includes several operators such as comparison, arithmetic, bit manipulation and logical operators. One of the most attractive features of C++ is that it enables the overloading of certain operators.

My first Impression on Programming Technique 1

Since I'm a matriculation leaver, I already have the basics of programming before attending PT 1 lecturers and did know what to expect from the subject. However, C++ programming language is known to be one of the most challenging languages to be learnt and I'm looking forward to learning the language in details soon in this subject. The subject content covers majority of the aspects fundamental in coding such as arrays, function, pointers, data structure and many more
