SECP1513-02 Technology and Information Systems

Nama Pensyarah : Dr. Aryati binti Bakri


As a primer subject, this course will introduce students to information systems and technology (IS/IT), as well as its uses in daily life both at home and at work. Various aspects of IS/IT encompassing hardware, software, network, communications, internet, multimedia, graphics and systems applications will be introduced. Students will be equipped with basic skills in handling PC installation and productivity tools via practical work in the labs, which shall comprise a major part of the study. At the end of the course, student should be able to distinguish basic IS/IT component and applications.

My Reflections RSS

Design Thinking Assignment

This assignment was interesting since we have to do a design thinking project based on the topic given to us. My group was assigned with System Analysis and design. We planned our assignment accordingly to complete the design thinking video and report. We were able to come up with a system that help developers to create information system following all the phases in system analysis and design.

CICT Visit

We were given the opportunity to visit Gallerium CICT @ PSZ Library, UTM. I was amazed by the items exhibited there which were previously used in our university. It was a very useful visit where i got to know more about the developments in Technology and how it help humans to carry out our tasks easily. The CICT Technician gave us valuable input about the technologies used over the time in our university from the beginning up till now. 

Industrial Visit to Petronas & Big Data Week

It was an amazing experience to visit Petronas Digital Collaboration Centre @ KLCC. We were welcomed and given briefing about digitalc data operations at Petronas. We were able to understand how data engineering can be essential in industry and how we should be prepared with all the relevant skills to be a professional data scientist. Besides, we also meet our 4th year seniors who are currently on thier internship with Petronas. They shared thier experience and gave us useful advise that we value high. Thank you Dr. Aryati for this exposure and I appreciate it very much.

What I have gained so far

This subject is a very demanding subject  as it consists of various assignments involving both individual and also in group. Industrial visit reports, CICT visit report and design thinking assignment are some of them. I got to learn alot of things throughout completing the assignments. 

1. Industrial Visit Report : While doing the report, I was able to reflect on things that I've gained through the visit and how it could help me n the future career progress. Besides, team work is also essential since there are various components that should have to be covered in the report, thus everyone have to do their respective tasks in order to complete the assignment. 

2. Design Thinking Assignment : This coursework consist of making a design thinking video based on the topic assigned and also do a report about the coursework. This assignment was quite challenging since I got a little challenge in understanding the requirements of this assignment. However, me and my teammates work together to overcome the challenges and produce the best output. 

3. CICT Visit Report : This is a very interesting assignment since we were able to visit the Gallerium of CICT @ PSZ Library, UTM. I got to learn various ancient electronic items used in the past times in our university. The hands-on experience together with the informative explanation given by the CICT Technicians were very helpful in discovering the tranfomations of CICT Technologies from the past to the current day.

My first Impression on TIS

At first, I was really surprised and exited since even my first class was a industrial visit to Petronas Twin Tower and Big Data Week @ KLCC. Then, i understand that this subject consists of topics that will be covered on surface level in this semester. However, this topics will be taught in detail over the upcoming semesters. My lecturer, Dr. Aryati gave us clear explanation about the subject, the expectations and also why the subject is also unique for data engineering course students. This subject has 3 visits apart from the theoretical knowledge inside the class. 
