Malaysia Studies

Welcome to Malaysia Studies


Reflection Malaysia Studies

This lesson is pretty fun for me. All the assignment that lecture gives is all a fun activities. Some of the assignment told us to do a visit worship place, eating a local fruit, eating traditional food, wear a traditional food, and playing a traditional games. Its all fun activity but not the report. All of this assignment must do in a group, so each group must contain 5 member. My group members are Rafly, Irfan, Ilyas, and me. We are the only that has 4 members because we can't get more member, we are actually the last group that been picked. But that don't stop us to be a greatest group ever in the Malaysia Studies . All of the assignment that I do is always with my group start from the first time until the last assignment. I have upload several picture that we spend to do an assignment before.



Lecturer-Faizah binti Mohd Fakhruddin


Picture of Us

when we do our assignment the lecture said that we should put our photos in the assignment.

so this is a couple of picture that i want to share with you.


This is our picture during visit worship place



This is our picture during the fruit locals assignment


Our Assignment


Our Assignment


Our Presentation


Our Game Traditional Report


Our Local Fruit Reflection
