Digital Logic

Welcome to Digital Logic


Reflection Digital Logic

Digital logic is like my favorite subject in this semester because I have the best lecture in this subject. The way of he teach is so great because for people like me the slow learning, can understand the subject easily with no prob.  I don’t know it is the subject or it is because the lecture but I grateful having Dr.Firoz to teach Digital logic in this section.


So actually my lecture doesn’t give much assessment to do. But sure he did a lot of lab section. All of the lab section is so fun I enjoyed it so much. He just know how to make this lab section became fun and interesting to do.Its rarely for me to enjoying study because I’m not the type that to enjoy study. I have upload all of my work in my lab section its not every lab section I record it because i have lost the file.



Lecturer-Dr.Firoz Bin Yusuf Patel Dawoodi

