Discrete Structured

Welcome to Discrete Structure


Reflection Discrete Sturcture

Discrete Structure is like an another math lesson for me, I love it because I love a simple math. This lesson actually not so hard because its basic math, but the thing is when it comes to exam this lesson suddenly become so so hard to do. But at least I did it my best. I just realize there's a big different with high school and college when it comes to lesson assessment, when in high school teacher are tend to give an extra mark for student to trying his best to answer the exam, but in college the examiner are don’t care about how student trying his best to answer the exam. All they care about it’s the result and the way to get that answer. Even though your answer its correct but the way of doing it is wrong according to the examiner, it still wrong because all they want is doing it in their way. The way they teach to the college student. In this past few months I feel my skills on math is increasing thanks to my great lecture I have. His way to teaching his student is stunt me. i hope she keep trying his best to teach the student and be kind.


However my lecture is constantly give me an assignment it called tutorial. This assignment that lecture gives me is helping me so much in math. Because I can keep practicing my math skills. I have upload it in my display page, but I didn’t put my result likes every subject I did. Because I do it on my paper so I cant record it.



Lecturer-Dr.Suhaila Binti Mohamad Yusuf
