Graduate Success Attributes

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Reflection Graduate Success Attributes

Actually this lesson has a big impact to my future. Because this lesson teach me so much about how we’re gonna handle world of work. How to be an entrepreneur and be a good leader. First week of this lesson it totally boring, because what are the lecture said is like nonsense to me. but when it entered the second and third week, suddenly like all of the lecture said begins make sense to me and I begin to realize that this subject is important to me and I start to be more serious to this subject. The last week of this subject is very hard. The lecture give us tough assignment. He give us to do a proposal, for the exchange we don’t have his class for a month. I know its worth it but still its very hard assessment to do. But I’m glad my lecture told us to do a proposal, it gives me an idea how to make the proposal. Even though it is not 100% me that do the proposal.



Lecturer-Muhammad Afzamiman Bin Aripin


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