Technology and Information System

T.I.S Timeline

Design Thinking Reflections.....

After we finished this design thinking project, we realized that we actually gained so much reflection that related to our course or program. Firstly, we need to figure out what is our dream or goal that we actually want to achieve in our life so that it is easier for us to make a planning in order to make our dream happen. Our goal is all the same, which is we want to be graduate with an excellent result 4 year from now and then we get to make in to the industry related to our course and program. This design thinking progress make us realized that there is no easy way to become success. There will be a lot of steps that we need to take and pass before we achieve what we want just like the design thinking phases. So, what can we do is we need to be ready to faces all that steps one by one and never give up no matter how hard it will be. We have to improve our mindset, skills, and knowledge to increase our potential in this industry for the future.

CICT Reflections...

There are many objective of CICT which are to increase the adoption of Information Technology in all university activities, to provide guaranteed ICT infrastructure and facilities, to become a reference center in ICT services in the university, to become the center of software and application development in the university, to explore new technologies in ICT services and implementation, and to increase ICT competencies of the university’s community. Basically, their main function is as a support unit that offers and delivers ICT services for the university (staffs and students) especially in ICT infrastructure, system development and academic/administrative activities.

One Maker Reflections.....

In reflection, this kind of event had a strength to expose the students about Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things in fun and interesting way to teach the students. So, This will make the students more focus to learn. Other than that, this weakness of the event is there is some knowledge that cannot be delivered to the students because the duration of the program is on a short time. Moreover, they also do not provide the students with a spacious room. So all the students are not comfortable because they must sit closely with each other. From my observation, the students had been learned many things during the activity such as how to program the movement of a drone without using a controller, 3D printing and basic principle of how Google Talk worked. From our friendly question and answer with one of the students, he said that this program expose him with new things such as 3D printing since he only watched it on television before this. 

Future School

Robot Time

Download 20181124_123053.mp4.1 [66.16MB]

My Video Resume

Industry 4.0 Reflections.....

There's a lot of reflection and knowledge that we had gain from this industrial visit and the talk such as the different between this industry. Besides that, we can point out what the benefit of this industry 4.0 and how important it was in our current days. Other than that, we need to improve ourselves to make sure we are able to get used in this technology era as we can see how much the technology are being used in our daily life in our current days.

GLOW Reflections.....

My reflection from this talk is the GLOW program is a very good program as it can influence many graduates and employee to start freelancing as it give so much benefits and knowledge, one of the benefits is of course it can improve financial problem, it also can help improvising communication skills as freelancing required to do so. Next, this talk and program is helpful to me as it gave so much information while researching for the task given. For example before this I did not know that this program exist and are able to help many other people with jobs issues including me. Thirdly, this program had finally open my eyes to plan what to do in the future after graduates. Lastly, this program also can expand knowledge on how to promote yourself better using a right technique and platform for future employment and give a good impact to the company.

NALI Reflections.....

In conclusion, after we attend this industrial talk to do our research and complete our report, we realize on how important innovation is in teaching and learning process. To ensure the teaching and learning process is always effective and relevant in this technology era, an innovation must be done. It has been proven that with innovation, student’s achievement has increase and they are more enjoyable in their studies. Thus, we need to support this innovation program that will give a lot of benefit to student in their studies.