Member of

Industrial Talk 1 : GLOW

A talk by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) was held on 24 September 2018 from 4.00pm until 5.00pm at Seminar Hall,Faculty of Computing,University Technology of Malaysia,Skudai,Johor.The talk intention is to introduce their programme,e-Rezeki. A program which focussing on low-income groups to help them generate their own income by doing digital assignments on the platform provided via online.Each participants will be matched with digital works in line with their own skills. This programme goal is to attract all graduations from this university to participate and at the same time will reduce the number of unemployement graduations all over Malaysia.


Industrial Talk 2 : NALI

New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) and the new technology and invention that has been demonstrate at the NALI exhibition on 25th – 26th September 2018 at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM.


Industry Visit 1 : CICT

On 1st October 2018,Monday, we visited the Centre of Information and Communication Technology which also known as CICT in University Technology of Malaysia.It is the main service provider to meet the needs  of university involving administrative and academic computing, ICT infrastructure and training, research and consultancy.It is located at Jalan Lingkaran Ilmu near to the Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) in the area of university.The main purpose of this visit is to gain more knowledges and informations about the background,services provided,management and many more regarding of CICT.This visit takes time from 2.00 p.m until 4.00 p.m.


Industry Visit 2 : IOT

On the 18th of November, IOT Open Day was held in Room 221, P03 at the Faculty of Electrical, there are four available slots four us to attend to gain more knowledge about the internet of things or as known as IOT. The first speaker whose named is Mr SyahrulHafidzSuid presented a topic about IOT (predictive maintenance gets an extreme makeover). He is an Enterprise Consultant at Hewlett Packard Enterprise and his slot start at 11a.m until 12pm. The next speaker is a Solution Design Architect from Maxis Berhad. He gives a Transaction Based Networking and his talk is from 12pm to 1pm. The third speaker touched on things that are related to IOT (Technology and Application) is Ir. Dr.Hafizal Mohamad from MIMOS Berhad. On the room besides, Dr ThomalOoi from Intel Corporation gives a talk about Industry 4.0 (purpose, benefit and promises) on the same slot as Ir. Dr.Hafizal from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. Besides seminar, there are a lot of other activities on that day. For an instance, there are posters, exhibition, IOT Hands-On Workshop for high school students and not to forget sales, demo from the related companies. Our group have discussed and decided that the first speaker attracted us the most. Mr Syahrul Hafidz gives a broad exposure about Internet of Things and he explained perfectly how IOT are really are. He also shared his knowledge and impactful experience to help us understand clearly.  


Industry Visit 3 : MAB

On the 7th December 2018, our class Technology & Information System (TIS) of section 7 under Dr.Hairudin, were going to the Senai International Airport at Senai, Johor.


Assignment 1 : CGPA Calculator / Brochure

Brochure :




Assignment 2 : PC Assemble

On 22th October 2018,Sunday, Dr.Hairudin Bin Abdul Majid instructed us to assemble a PC at room 322.02 N28 Level 3. Some technicians also help to guide all the students by showing demonstration of PC assemble.





Reflection on TIS

After first semester with my group, Aniq , Haikal and Naqib. I've discovered that I do not want to ever stop the learning process.  I want to be a lifelong learner.  The more I learn and explore, the more I see that looks valuable and interesting that needs exploring. Thanks to technology, there are now so many new ways to explore and learn.  But more importantly, I have also discovered that it is not just about me and my learning process. Rather, the true importance becomes how I am able to inspire and motivate others (my students) with learning that uses technology as a catalyst.

Empowerment comes from finding multiple ways to show students that technology can help them to perhaps learn more easily and on a higher level. This in turn helps them to develop their own love for lifelong learning.  The empowerment continues as I create situations for learning in such a way that students decide what they need to learn and how they will go about learning it. The use of technology creates many opportunities for self-directed learning. 

I have come to understand that learning is dependent on interaction with others. Hearing and seeing the ideas and experiences of others, sharing my ideas, discussing and learning from each other produces a richness of truth and learning.  Technology helps to foster this interaction among many learners.

Industrial Training Reflection Video (2021/2022)


Design Thinking Project

Pest Detector 1.0

They creep, crawl, hop, jump, scamper, slither, fly – you name it.  Some have fur, others feathers, maybe armored scales.  And they’re generally things you don’t want around - that’s why they’re called pests. One definition of a pest is “a plant or animal detrimental to humans or human concerns (as agriculture or livestock production)”; another – “one that pesters or annoys; nuisance.”  Think about the things you generally regard as a pest around the house and garden - ants, rats, flies, snails, spiders, mosquitoes, fleas, gophers and moles, deer or weeds.  Those are the visible ones.  There are also the invisible microbes that cause disease and can wreak havoc in your garden.  They may all fit the description of something that you consider detrimental to you, your family, your pets or your plants – they’re pests.  

It’s not enough for pests just to be gross, weird and freaky. No, pests need to make even more problems for humans. Pests are kind of overachievers that way. Some of these problems can be a major annoyance–not to mention expensive!

Every kind of common pest in Malaysia can do its own unique form of damage to your home and health. If you have any of these pests, keep an eye out for ways you can protect yourself and your property from their destructive tendencies.

Pest Detector 1.0 is the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, a member of the animal kingdom that impacts adversely on human activities. The human response depends on the importance of the damage done, and will range from tolerance, through deterrence and management, to attempts to completely eradicate the pest. Pest control measures may be performed as part of an integrated pest management strategy.


Pest Detector 1.0

Download IMG-2762.mp4 [18.65MB]

Storyboard : Smart Watch

Digital Photos : Smart Watch




Paper Prototyping User Testing





HCI : Smart Watch

TASK 6C : Reflection on SCSR1223

Download video_2019-12-11_12-02-01.mp4 [16.14MB]

About me

  • Faculty: A18CS0063
  • Student ID: A18CS0063


EXCEL Reflection RSS

Below are some of the activities that I have participated and experienced throughout my journey in UTM. As a finishing touch, I would like to reflect on both of these activities on how they shaped me into a better individual more specifically as a graduate.
Tags: excel

Activity 1 : Computer Fair 2019

CF 2019.png

To see more, click on the link below to e-portfolio:

Activity 2 : Love Mangrove 2020

Love Mangrove 2020.png.1

To see more, click on the link below to e-portfolio:



My Beloved Sifu


Name : En. Hairudin Bin Abdul Majid

Age : unknown

Status : Married