TIS Sem 1

MagicX Exhibition 2019

At MagicX, we visited all of the booths there explaining some of the new and latest technologies that are still developing

MagicX Exhibition

On 15th of September, section 4 of the Faculty of Computing had visited the Media and Game Centre of Excellence (MagicX) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai as for our first industrial visit. We were divided into several groups which consists of four to five persons per group. Each group has to take note, picture and video to make a report later. This event was proposed by our lecturer, Dr. Ruhaidah Binti Samsudin and were organized by the MaGICX staff. The purpose of this visit is to expose the student to new technology that had been develop by the MaGICX that focuses on gamification and enrichment of digital content and to let the student know their potential in this industry.







From MagicX we have been shown there are so many product and innovation that they have currently produced and doing. For example, the first station that us visit is the AR station which is AR stand for Augmented Reality. So, basically AR is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. In this station, they show us their invention which is a learning ABC kids book that have AR ability by using a device such as an iPad. Then, for the second section, they show us about their invention by using Kinect which is Kinect Interactive Wall. From this station, they invent an interactive menu about MagicX that can be controlled by hand gestures. This is because they are using sensor which is Kinect from Kinect Xbox 360 sensor. Next, in the third section we have been shown a 3D printer that can print almost anything by using filament. Based on the talk, they are several types of filaments to print a specific product. For example, if we want to print a flexible thing, we need to use a flexible filament such as Soft PLA. Then, for the fourth section, we have been presented a VR which stand for Virtual Reality. In this section, we play a simple game by using VR gear, then we can play the game through the headgear. So, for the last section we had visited is a driving car simulator. We can experience like driving a real car in this section. This is because they have a driving set in the room, and a display on three monitor. Thus, based on those section, we realise that we can create and innovate so much new thing with our current technology, especially by using programming which is our main study as a software engineer. So, these visit have give us a motivation and encourage us to keep on study this course in order to keep producing new innovation. Not just stop after we over taking this degree, but we need to keep on study in another word is continuous study because technology has never stopped growing. Thus, we need to keep on study about current technology. Last but not least, this visit gave us so much inspiration to invented more useful technology in the future as a Software Engineer. As a first year student, this visit have open our eyes about our course, then right away make us feel more excited about technologies and make us really excited to try it by ourselves in the future.