TIS Sem 1

Design Thinking Video for TIS

We made a video on the steps for Design Thinking.

Design Thinking


For Design Thinking task, we have to make a video on the 5 steps of design thinking which are:

  1. Emphatise
  2. Define
  3. Ideate
  4. Protype
  5. Testing

Link for Video


Firstly, in Design Thinking we need to be empathize. In this step, we need to conduct an interview that will give you idea on what people really care about. We need to empathize with their situation, with that we will know what they really felt. Second step in Design Thinking is define. By looking in the interviews, we can now understand the actual needs that people are trying to fulfill with certain activities. One way to do that is by underlines the verbs that they mention when they tell us about their problem during the interviews, then analyse it and finally formulate a problem statement based on that. Third, ideate. In this step, we need to focus on problem statement then come up with the idea that solve the problem. Next, we sketch the best idea that we come up and show it to them and get their feedback. Step 4, we need to build a prototype. In this step we build a prototype that is just good enough to be tested. Last but not least, for the last step is test. In this step, we testing our prototype with an actual users and get their feedbacks for improvement.

Finally, by doing all of those steps. We come up with a product that will help our society to communicate within each other because our application will evolve the way we communicate right now.

To me, this task is very useful especially for the students. This is because by doing this task, I can learn about the 5 steps of Design Thinking which are very crucial when it comes to designing a product or app. By applying what we learn from here, we can become a better software engineer in the future