TIS Sem 1

Innovate Johor 2019

Some reflections about Innovate Johor 2019 event.

Innovate Johor

This exhibition is held at Dewan Sultan Ismail , UTM Skudai.

The main reason this event is held is for all of the innovators to present each of their own creative and innovative products. For this task, we move in a group of 4, Irfan, Hasif , Adam and me myself. We visited some booths that piqued our interest and gain many profound knowledge.

For this, Dr. Ruhaidah asked us to design a poster and here is the design:


Reflections on the event:

The first booth that we visited was the I-Tap Project. The main goal of the project is to make it easier for the muslims to take ablution. This product utilizes the a new way of opening the pipe. This in turn, could save water and money to pay bills.

Secondly, we visited Accurate Indoor Positioning Model. It is an application designed for android by an Indonesian Entrepeneur. The main purpose of this app is to map the indoor using mobile data or wifi by utilizing the the ray tracing propagation. This makes it respond fasterĀ  and uses low power consumption. Moreover, it very accurate and simple.

The last booth that we visited was Synapse Innovation by DR. Afnizanfaizal, a UTM lecturer himself. His team uses A.i (Artificial Intelligence) to tell companies about the expiry date of the tools their use at the Oil Petronas. It notifies the user one week before the expiry date so that he will take it to the maintenance.

My reflection is, to me , this innovation event had opened my eyes about the endless possibilities and creativity of human being, By discovering new technologies, humans continue to make their lives easier and better