CICT Visit

We visited CICT at Library


On 21st of October, School of Computing UTM has organized an industrial visit program to Center for Information and Communication Technology (CICT) UTM for Technology and Information System course. The visit took place at Galerium Sultanah Zanariah library. We were divided into several groups which consist of four to five persons per group. Each group has to take note, picture and video to make a report later. The purpose of this visit is to expose the student to the history of technology that has been used by UTM in the old days and how technology have been evolved since then until today.






As a student of computer science faculty, we must think outside of the box to create new things and technology that will help us a lot in the future. Although there are so many technologies that are already created, there are also some problems that exist along those products, so we must think of a way to make these technologies work better and more efficient to all the users and also the environments. Other than that, we also must work hard to create new technologies that certainly will help the community to live a better life with less energy and for that to happen, we must work very hard towards achieving our goals and make it come true. We also must apply all the things that we learned during our classes such as the design thinking process so that we can make a really beneficial technology