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Date of birth 25 August 1999
Place of birth KUALA LUMPUR
Citizenship MALAYSIAN
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Data Engineering

SEM 1 2018/2019 Reflection RSS

Reflection SADAM

                During the class I learned how to gather user requirements using questionnaire and interview. Other than that, Madam Hawaniah also remind us the analysis stage in System Development Life Cycle. It is because next week we have to meet our client in order to gather the user requirement for the system. After a long meditation that been given by Madam Hawaniah, we are ask to do some activity. The activity requires us to do mock interview and questionnaire as a practice before we meet our real client.

                During the activity, some group are assigned to do questionnaire and some are assigned to do interview session. My group (Quantum) are assigned to do interview session. During the activity also, some groups have to present their questionnaire and perform mock interview. After the activity finished, madam hawaniah give some feedback on the activity that we have done.

                As a reflection, I realised how important the activity that we have done in the class. It’s make me feel like, I have to do my best for this big project. I also take note on what have madam Hawaniah mention during the class because for me, what have she said is like a pearl for me. I hope that I can give my full cooperation to make this project become success.


Digital logic is the subject that I love to study the most. It contains some of topic in Physic and some topic from Computer Science. Even though I have stopped learning physic since I was form 5, and there is nothing I remember about what have I learned in that subject. But it can’t stop me to learn this subject.

Digital logic teaches us to solve problem using logic thinking. Compared to programming subject, digital logic problems are easier to solve. The things that I like in learning digital logic is using Deeds software. In coincidence with my learning style, Deeds software help me to build a circuit digitally. During the class, the lecturer also using the software to help us imagine how the circuit build. Thus, it’s make me more understand about the topic that I learned. Sadly, my understanding in digital logic doesn’t make give any output during the test. I am the person that like to last minute study. Thus during test, I always forgot what I have studied.

In conclusion, for me digital logic is easy to understand but not easy to apply what we understand in the exam. Thus, we need to do more revision on what we have learned. Lastly, I hope in this in this one week before final exam, I can improve my logic thinking and do better in the final.


       Programming is the skills that all computer science students must have but for me, I lack some skills on programming technique. During my matriculation, I have learned some basic skills of programming and I succeeded to apply it. After I entered UTM, I didn’t expect that this subject could kill me. The level of hardness makes me want to boil my brain and drink it. But I found my strength to improve myself and be better at programming by the encouragement from my lecturer and my fellow friends. The lecturer, Dr. Zuraini willing to spend her free time to conduct an extra class for us that are not be able to perform very well in this subject. My friends also willingly to guide me to do the tasks during the class and at the room.


I have learned many things through this subject. This subject have the information that i don't know before. Beside the theory that this subject have, i also need to go the industrial visit and industrial talk. Through the industrial activities, i realized that there is many opportunity to the science computer students to have their job in the future but not easy. It is because there is there is also the non computer science students that have entered the computer science fields. Thus, nowadays we must compete with other students to get the job that we want. 


Discrete structure is just like a nightmare for me because from the beginning of the semester until now I can’t understand well what I have learned. For me discrete structure is just like add math. I think I have weakness in study mathematics subject. Thus, I can’t perform well during exam and test that my lecturer conducted.

Discrete structure need us to understand the theory of each topics and not just remember formula or any calculation method. If we understand the theory Insyaa Allah we can perform well in exam. Lastly, I hope this one week before final exam, I can change my attitude and do better in the coming exam.
