SECI Reflection

          This project taught me about how to do one of the inferential analysis tests which is correlation analysis. Not only that, I also learned about other tests like hypothesis sample test, regression test and chi square test when discussing with my teammates. The first thing my group and I did is we gave our suggestions on the secondary data that we would like to use. After we had confirmed it, then I started to take a look on my part and tried to get used to R programming. It is quite hard for me to answer this question in a short time as this project is not like the exercises given in the class, but it is more like the application in our real life. However, this project is absolutely a beneficial experience for me.

          During conducting this project, I had no problem with the programming as my lecturer had explained it in the class. Moreover, there is a reference provided by him. However, I cannot read my dataset in RStudio because my dataset contains “NA”. For this reason, I need much time to be able to complete my part of this project. In order to overcome this, I did extra research on how to solve the problem through YouTube and blog. Above all, I am grateful for being able to manage this project and learn a lot of things in this project as I am sure it will be useful in the future. 

          While presenting this project, my group and I checked on others’ parts in order to make sure our report and video are well and nice. I am grateful for having such awesome teammates for this course. To sum up, I really enjoyed conducting this project because from the correlation test, I am able to know whether the bivariate data have a relationship or not, how much the strength of the relationship and the most important thing is there is no causal effect implied in this correlation test. Last but not least, I hope that I can get a good mark for this course as this project totally increases my understanding in this topic.





My Reflection

My dream for Data Engineering program is to obtain CGPA 4.0. Besides, I want to be a graduate in this program with all demand skills. Therefore, I manage my goal by divide it to short-term and long-term goals. My target doing this goals is I want to keep my momentum and motivation in order for me to achieve my dreams. Therefor, I realize that I must to improve myself in order to improve my potential in the industry. I must increase my leadership skills, programming skills and critical thinking by practice it early. For example, I must always practice programming skills at least a program a day to improve my programming skills. In a conclusion, having those skills will improve my potential in the industry and make me  a better employee.



SECP Reflection

My goal in this course is to obtain the best grade and to practice many skills in order for me to be a best employee in the future. As I had to learning through online, I think I had lost many understanding as this course need me to do practical, so that I can truly understand especially for PC assembly. However, I still enjoyed learning this course as Dr. Aryati will guide me and my groups to do the assignment. Therefore, I learnt from my  I mistakes. Besides, my bonding with my groups also quite strong even though we never met as most of the assignment is conducted by groups. I realize I should involve and contribute to my groups to improve my skills and therefore, I can improve my potential in the industry.

SECI Reflection

My dream for this subject as a student is I want to obtain A for this subject and understand well in this course as I will apply it in my course in the future. Even though I am really love Mathematics, but this chapter in this course like probability was my not my favourite chapter. However, the way Dr. Azizah taught me had made me enjoyed in her classes. I am also had more understanding about probability as this chapter is the hardest one for me. I know that I should practice more and more questions as the questions in the exam require more than understanding.

SECR Reflection

My goal for this subject is I want to get A and have the knowledge about this subject, so that I can apply it in the future. Due to the pandemic, I have to learn this course through online learning and it is quite hard for me as this course had lab that need me to practice it to had more understanding about it. However, Dr. Nur Haliza always conduct additional classes to increase our understanding.  Moreover, Dr. has upload her learning videos on her YouTube, therefore we can always refer and watched it whenever we want. As I had to learn this subject through online, therefore I must work hard and practice more to understand well in this subject as the last two chapter in this subject is quite tough for me.

SECJ Reflection

This course is the most important course for me. Although this is my first time learning programming, therefore, it is quite hard for me but the more I learn it, the more I enjoy it! I'm really grateful to have Dr. Goh Eg Su that really patient in teaching me and my friends. To be honest, it's really hard to learn this course through online learning but Dr. Goh Eg Su manage to teach us well and did activity that need our involvement like rextester, forums, videos and ask us in the class. This course of course will impact my ambition and dream as it is the main skills that I should master as a science computer student. My dream for this course is I want to master it and therefore, I will practice as much as I can in order for me to master this skill.

UHIS Reflection

Melalui kursus ini, saya pelajari bahawa falsafah dan etika saling berkaitan. Ramai pelajar yang menganggap kursus ini tidak penting namun, kursus ini dapat melatih kita agar seimbang dari segi jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelek. Melalui kursus ini juga, saya belajar tentang isu-isu semasa di sekeliling saya yang perlu saya ambil tahu dan bukan hanya belajar semata-mata. Kursus ini telah membantu saya agar melatih diri saya menjadi seimbang kerana elemen-elemen tersebut penting untuk saya aplikasikan untuk menjadi yang terbaik tidak kira sebagai pelajar mahupun apabila saya sudah bekerja.

UHMS Reflection

Subjek ini telah melahirkan perasaan cinta akan tradisi dan budaya pelbagai kaum dalam diri saya. Oleh kerana hal tersebut, saya mempunyai motivasi untuk mendalami subjek ini secara teliti. Saya perlu menghargai akan budaya dan tradisi semua kaum di Malaysia yang tidak boleh dinafikan sangat unik. Sebagai contoh, saya mengambil inisiatif untuk merasa makanan-makanan tradisional dan menghayati budaya jiran saya. Bukan setakat itu sahaja, malah kami juga mempunyai kawan-kawan dari pelbagai kaum dan bergaul bersama mereka di dalam kelas ini. Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa perkara ini dapat meningkatkan sesi percambahan fikiran yang akan diadakan sebelum saya melakukan apa-apa tugasan kumpulan. Perbincangan etika-etika yang diamalkan antara kumpulan yang terdiri daripada berbilang kaum secara tidak langsung akan mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim antara saya dan ahli kumpulan. Di samping itu, saya juga mengambil langkah untuk mengetahui tentang budaya masyarakat di luar Malaysia. Dengan ini, saya akan lebih menghargai akan kedamaian antara kaum yang tidak boleh dicapai oleh banyak masyarakat luar Malaysia.Tambahan pula, saya juga akan memperoleh banyak informasi untuk mendalami ilmu dan membantu kami dalam perantauan untuk menghayati etika dan peradaban. 

UHMT Reflection

I am really grateful for learning this course and having such a wonderful lecturer for this course. Throughout this course, I knew what is the rate of employability of data engineering but the most importantly, I knew skills and quality that I must possess in order to increase my chance to be employed. To be honest, I am really enjoyed in this course because Dr. Nicole always make me laugh with her jokes. Besides, Dr. always conduct activity that need us to participate such as forum, watching video (the most I like is Google Tulip) and the best thing is giving opinions.
I learn from her personal experience and she motivates me to become a good leader and understand others. I'm really enjoyed knowing her story especially the first one. To be conclude, I think this course was really help me and I can apply it throughout my life. So, I can give the best to my company and people in the future.

First day

This is  my first day learning how to use this e-portfolio through those video given by UTM. I learn what the function of dashboard and many more. I tried to upload my profile picture and write reflection.