SECI Reflection

          This project taught me about how to do one of the inferential analysis tests which is correlation analysis. Not only that, I also learned about other tests like hypothesis sample test, regression test and chi square test when discussing with my teammates. The first thing my group and I did is we gave our suggestions on the secondary data that we would like to use. After we had confirmed it, then I started to take a look on my part and tried to get used to R programming. It is quite hard for me to answer this question in a short time as this project is not like the exercises given in the class, but it is more like the application in our real life. However, this project is absolutely a beneficial experience for me.

          During conducting this project, I had no problem with the programming as my lecturer had explained it in the class. Moreover, there is a reference provided by him. However, I cannot read my dataset in RStudio because my dataset contains “NA”. For this reason, I need much time to be able to complete my part of this project. In order to overcome this, I did extra research on how to solve the problem through YouTube and blog. Above all, I am grateful for being able to manage this project and learn a lot of things in this project as I am sure it will be useful in the future. 

          While presenting this project, my group and I checked on others’ parts in order to make sure our report and video are well and nice. I am grateful for having such awesome teammates for this course. To sum up, I really enjoyed conducting this project because from the correlation test, I am able to know whether the bivariate data have a relationship or not, how much the strength of the relationship and the most important thing is there is no causal effect implied in this correlation test. Last but not least, I hope that I can get a good mark for this course as this project totally increases my understanding in this topic.

