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This is my Group Project (Task 6c) - Video Reflection

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Reflection for Project 2 SECI2143-04 RSS

       In the beginning, I have to think of a case study and search for the datasets before conducting the studies. This was given me a hard time because whenever I found any interesting case study, there was not enough data set to use in several testing. With the help of my lecturer, Dr. Suhaila, It takes me around 2 days to finally find a suitable case study with a sufficient data set.

       I decided to analyze suicide cases in Asian countries. Based on my dataset, it can be used in 4 tests, which are hypothesis testing 1-sample, correlation, regression, and chi-square test. In the coding section in R software, I had to refer to the tutorial slides that are provided for the students to learn more functions related to the test. The different tests required different formulas and functions. At the end of the day, I managed to finish all the codings and get started with the writing part.

     As I have already done with the coding part, the writing was not as difficult because I already had the ideas on what to describe, the same goes for the video presentation. From this project, I have learned new things and industrial skills too. I am so glad to be able to do this project because this prepares me before experiencing the work-life in the future.





Technology and Information System RSS

      As a computer science students, Technology and Information System(TIS) can be categorized as a beginner subject because it provides all the information and knowledge regarding the fundamentals of the computer. As a beginner myself, I need to understand this subject very well before I can understand other subjects. This subject is very important because it introduced us to computer hardware, software, operating system, websites, programming and many more.

    Besides that, our lecturer, Dr.Haswadi encouraged us to work in a team to think of a solution and communicates among group members for example during Design Thinking project. Other than that, we also can expand our knowledge and enhance our skills by visiting the industry and making a report from the visits. Overall, I enjoyed learning this subject and I hope that I can practice all the skills and knowledge I have learned in the future.


Dinamika Malaysia RSS

#PR3 Reflection by Team Member[NUR MINHALINA BINTI ABDUL RAZAK] of Team Name[UrbanTech]

In PR3, I was assigned to describe the purpose of our system in the introduction and user interfaces in the external interface requirement’s part. Then, I was in charge to do the use case Manage Student List where the teacher manages the student data in a class. The detailed description of the components and the user interface design follows the use case that I have been assign before so that it easier for the group to keep the consistency of the plan. I had discussed in my group via Google Meet several times to ask for their opinion and brainstorm. Every time I complete any part, I ask their opinion whether my work is acceptable or not.

#PR2 Reflection by Team Member[NUR MINHALINA BINTI ABDUL RAZAK] of Team Name[UrbanTech]

During the class hour, my group has discussed to choose our parts regarding PR2. I am responsible for explaining the purpose of the system in the introduction, describing the user interface, and also define the use cases (Managing Student List and Join Class). While completing this documentation, I had faced so many difficulties in terms of limited understanding, and also lack of ideas. However, I managed to finish it by searching for a deeper explanation, for example, watching a video explanation published by my lecturer. Fortunately, I got a bit of an idea to proceed with my diagrams. It had taken me around a week to finish it.

#PR1 Reflection by Team Member[NUR MINHALINA BINTI ABDUL RAZAK] of Team Name[UrbanTech]

In PR1, I was assigned to do the existing system section to elaborate more on the few systems that are currently available that could use as our reference. The systems must be in a way similar to our proposed system (education learning) to provide us ideas on how to improve the existing systems to fulfill the requirement of our system. During the process, I had to explore or survey many systems to find the weaknesses. Then, I had discussed in my group via Google Meet to ask for their opinion whether they agree or not. After I got the approval from my group, I proceed to do the comparisons and describe each system and provide screenshots of the system to support the description.

Refleksi keseluruhan semester bagi kursus Dinamika Malaysia

     Pada awalnya,pelbagai persoalan bermain di fikiran saya , apakah sebenarnya kursus Dinamika Malaysia ini? Mengapa ia perlu dipelajari oleh pelajar-pelajar universiti? Tetapi selepas melakukan sedikit carian di internet , ternyata Dinamika Malaysia merupakah sebuah kursus dimana ia menerangkan tentang perubahan sosial masyarakat dan politik di negara Malaysia. Di dalam kursus ini, sejarah negara memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam membentuk masyarakat dinamika yang terdiri daripada pelbagai etnik yang berbilang kaum pada hari ini.

   Pelbagai aktiviti yang telah dijalankan semasa proses pembelajaran seperti pembentangan kumpulan, kuiz berbentuk game dan juga pengisian-pengisian yang membina daripada pensyarah kami iaitu, Dr Fadilah. Beliau sering mengingatkan kepada pelajarnya supaya mengekalkan perpaduan antara kaum yang telah kita kecapi selama berpuluh-puluh tahun ini. Pergolakan dan pergaduhan antara kaum tidak akan membawa apa-apa keuntungan kepada negara ini. Justeru itu, pelajar-pelajar tidak boleh mensia-siakan hasil pengorbanan nenek moyang yang telah membawa keamanan dan keharmonian negara.

    Dalam konteks politik negara, beliau telah memberi pendedahan dan perbandingan tentang struktur pentadbiran negara pada era penjajahan British dan pada masa kini. Semasa British menjajah, pentadbiran Tanah Melayu dimonopoli oleh golongan mereka dan menyebabkan kuasa pembesar Melayu terhad, tetapi kini, pemimpin-pemimpin terdiri daripada masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum. Oleh itu, kemajuan dan keamanan negara itu bergantung kepada pemimpin itu sendiri. Sudah menjadi tanggungjawab mereka untuk mengekalkan kesejahteraan dan membangunkan negara demi memacu masa hadapan yang lebih cerah.


Pemikiran Sains dan Teknologi RSS

Refleksi Keseluruhan Semester 1     

     Pada awalnya, tanggapan saya terhadap kursus Pemikiran Sains dan Teknologi adalah kursus ini membincangkan tentang aliran pemikiran yang mempunyai hubungkait antara manusia dengan agama , nilai -nilai murni atau sistem etika dari aspek percakapan dan perbuatan dalam kehidupan seharian serta pekembangan teknologi dan sains daripada zaman dahulu hingga ke zaman kini dimana teknologi di luar sempadan. Ilmu pengetahuan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam perkembangan manusia dan teknologi pada hari ini. Nilai-nilai murni dalam kehidupan amat penting untuk melakukan proses transformasi kepada negara agar setaraf dengan negara-negara maju yang lain. Generasi yang beretika dan kritis dapat menjana hasil yang efektif kepada negara sejajar dengan perkembangan industri 4.0.

     Antara pelbagai manfaat yang diperoleh daripada kursus Pemikiran Sains dan Teknologi ini adalah untuk melahirkan kesarjanaan dan kemahiran berfikir melalui tugasan yang diberikan di dalam kuliah. Sistem nilai dapat diamalkan berdasarkan tugasan yang diberikan secara individu mahupun berkumpulan. Antaranya, ia dapat memupuk sikap berdikari dalam mencari maklumat, dapat melahirkan sinergi dan semangat kekitaan dalam kumpulan.Selain itu, perkembangan pemikiran dapat dilaksanakan dengan pertukaran pendapat dalam kalangan ahli kumpulan.Kursus ini juga mengajar saya tentang bagaimana manusia menggunakan akal ciptaan tuhan dengan begitu kritis sehingga mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi dengan pelbagai ciptaan dan inovasi.

      Kursus ini menyumbang terhadap perkembangan pemikiran dalam kalangan masyarakat dan sekali gus memberi impak yang positif kepada perkembangan transformasi negara.Harapan saya adalah supaya kursus ini dapat dikekalkan terhadap generasi akan datang supaya mereka dapat didedahkan lagi dengan sistem nilai dan agama yang harus diamalkan serta dapat meluaskan lagi pengetahuan agar dapat membentuk sebuah generasi kelas pertama.


Reflection for Project 1: SECI2143 -04 RSS

       As a student, we have so many commitments to do. For example, we have projects and assignments to due, discussions and other activities for our leisure time. Hence, we have to manage our time wisely. We decided to study the time-related problem that students have. One of the major problems we had observed, they have to wait for too long to have their food at Mak Ngah's cafe during dinner. From this project, students will be able to know what is a suitable time to have dinner at Mak Ngah's cafe.

     During the process of collecting the data, fortunately, we did not encounter any problems. We are mainly focusing on students who stay at Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) only. There are two ways of collecting data by observing and through a survey. After a week, we managed to get 40 respondents from the survey. The data we obtained were sorted into categories by using R software.

      The tasks were distributed fairly to every group member. At first, we had some difficulties as we were not familiar with the coding of R software. However, after many trials, we managed to produce graphical representations for the data. Next, we made a video to present our project with a brief explanation for each part. We also included the graphical representation, we made earlier. Based on the project, we can see that there were fewer students eat at Mak Ngah's cafe on Friday night starting from 9 pm and above. The other alternative is to have food that is quick to prepare like Roti Canai. Therefore, from this project, we hope that students have no more concerns regarding this problem.


The link to our video presentation:



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Industrial Training Video Reflection RSS

This is the link to my industrial training reflection video:


About me

Assalamualaikum ,

Welcome to my e-portfolio ! I am currently taking Network and Computer Security course from School of Computing (Faculty of Engineering), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I am very passionate and dedicate when doing my work. I hope the skills, knowledges, and experience I gained here can lead me to discover the opportunity and work with real-life cases.  This is my first personal e- portfolio. I always believe, where there is a will, there is a way. Anyway, it is a pleasure to meet you !


Profile information



  • Preferred Name : Minhalina
  • Student ID : A19EC0135
  • From : Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
  • Nationality : Malaysian
  • Gender : Female
  • Religion : Islam
  • Date of Birth : 11 December 2000


My Life Motto
