Project 1



This subject introduces us to the necessary sections of probability theory and statistics.

From this subject, we learn to understand the fundamentals of statistics, learn how to work with different types of data and  plot different types of data


Project 1 report


Project 1 Reflection RSS

Project 1 is a challenging project. It requires us to collect much data based on our case study. From the data we use R studio to plot the graph. Then, we have to do the report and do a presentation to give explanations regarding to the result we got. However, there are some problems in completing this project.

One, the data we had collected must provide us a different types of graphs. So we need to prepare as many questions as possible. Next, we need to learn a new language which is the R language by ourselves. It takes me two days to learn this new language. Although we use R studio to do the coding and plot the graph as instructed. There is another problem that comes out where we cannot save the R code because we do the coding in the console.

Even so, we come out with solutions to fix all the problems and finally complete the project. Moreover, this project taught me various kinds of knowledge. I learn how to prepare different types of data when making the questionnaire and learn the R language to produce a different type of graph. Maybe this project is not that easy but if we work harder on it, everything can be solved. Overall, I like this project so much as it teaches me new skills. 


Project 1 Video Presentation

