Report Activity No.1 - SCSR BBQ/Spring Cleaning Family Day

Program Details

Program Summary: Spring cleaning for the faculty building in the morning and BBQ at night

Date: 6 March 2020

Venue: Blok N28 and Balai Cerap UTM

Organizer: SCSR Family

Role: Committee member


Graduate Attributes

1. Communication Skills

2. Leadership and Teamworking Skills





Mini Report

The reason why I joined this program, because it has been awhile since I joined my last Al-Quran class which is back in high school. Other than that, I also wanted to refresh my knowledge about tajwid.

In this program there were two different sessions, the first one was the learning session, where it was conducted by Ustaz Mohamad Firdaus Bin Pazim. This learning session helped me to improve my communication skills because the participants always communicating with the ustaz, bombarding with questions. Also, it was a good experience because the ustaz kept two way communcation going throughout the whole program.

While in the second session, there was a quiz about tajwid which was held on the Kahoot website. This quiz helped me to develop critical thinking to find the best way to answer the questions correctly, while competing with each other.After the event finished, there was a photography session took by the organizer. It started at 9 a.m. and ended at 12 p.m.


Self Reflection

It was a valuable and precious experience for me because I had learnt a lot from this program. I had expanded my knowledge about tajwid and improved my critical thinking when I am answering the Kahoot questions. Other than that, I am very surprised that the participants were very active and always answering all the ustaz questions. It made the whole learning experience more fun and energetic.

From this event, I had learnt that two way communication between a talker and the listeners are very important to keep the participants engaged in the program. It also made the program more exciting. Other than that, as a listener, we should also responds whenever a talker asking during a talk. It helps the talker to be more excited to share their knowledge and experience.

Overall, it is a great and simple program. I hope that there will be more program like this in the future,
