Technology Information System - Section 2

  • Name of Lecturer: Dr. Aryati binti Bakri
  • Course Code        : SECP1513 - 02

Industrial Visit

A visit organized by Dr. Aryati under School of Computing for all data engineering students to Petronas Tower 3 and Big Data Week at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC). We all managed to gain experience and receive more knowledge as well as we were given much more exposure on how data engineers really work. 


Industrial Visit Report

Design Thinking

A design thinking project where all groups have to apply the design thinking steps; 1. Define, 2. Empathy, 3. Ideate, 4. Prototype, 5. Test in order to create or to come with a solution that can solve certain problems. Each group will be given a topic or chapter that they have to relate with.


Trip to CICT

As a data engineering student, I have always dreamed of myself sitting around a table with other data engineers where we share a lot information about technology and our inventions in the future. Besides, my goal with regard to my program is that I can always learn new things and explore more about the basic skills needed for me to become a better data engineer. The visit to CICT gallery has undeniably given me an inspiring motion on how I should keep on moving forward and try my best if I want to contribute something to the technology world. From the visit, I can conclude that innovations in this Information Technology (IT) field is endless as we cannot predict what could be invented next. All the IT components shown in the gallery can be the greatest examples on how the technology world has expanded and become like how it is now. The speaker who is one of the IT technicians in UTM also has given us, the computer science students explained clearly to us how they used the old components before and how they transited them to the new ones. It is so fascinating to learn that some of the components can still function very well.

This visit obviously gave me some new perspective in regard to my program. With that being said, while at the gallery, I learn that as a Data Engineering student, I have to bare in mind that I have to become more proactive in finding solutions to all problems that can be found in the program or innovation that i want to make. This can be proven as I learn about the pros and cons of all components, the inventors back then really had tried their best in improving all the components to become more user-friendly and can make our life a lot easier. For instance, the camera back then was really large and hard to carry together. But, cameras nowadays are small but can give a better resolution. The same thing as data engineers, they have to always think on how to give advancement to a system or program so it can be easily used by all people.

Lastly, this visit also has made me realize that there is a lot of things that I still yet to learn. The necessary action that I need to take is that I should not stop learning and should start doing researches about the IT field in order to become a great data engineer. In addition, in order to learn new things, I have to pay attention closely to the things that happen in my life. Innovations are always far from over. That being said, a lot of things I can do if I pay more attention to all things and look on the data engineers’ side.

Big Data Week Trip

We have gained a lot of things from the visit to Big Data Week exhibition at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. From collecting information regarding our course to receiving tips and motivation from all representatives of each company. For us, all companies are trying their best to create and produce something that could fit with the modernization of technologies that will never stop. From the visit, we have learned that data engineering is a high demand sector because industries nowadays are implying big data on their inventions. This made us realize that the roles of data engineers in today's technology world are big as they have to design, build, develop and manage an enormous amount of data for the program installed to the system beside ensuring a big profit for the company.In addition, through this visit, we managed to ask some companies about their opinion on a one-year internship program. Surprisingly, all companies that we asked are open to accept any students from this program. Big Data plays a big role in inventions such as smart city and artificial intelligence. One of the companies there is Wise AI. This company is an artificial intelligence company specializing in face recognition. We were so excited when the exhibitor explained about a website they developed. The website will scan your face then will give you one celebrity that has the same face features as you. To build this kind of website or applications will have to involve a lot of data stored and we were so amazed with how the website works. To sum up, this AI and Big Data exhibition has inspired us a lot in becoming a better data engineer so that we could contribute something in the future.

Trip to Petronas

It was a very amazing experience for me to be given a chance to have a visit to one of Malaysia’s biggest companies, Petronas SDN. BHD. We came to Petronas tower 3 knowing nothing about it’s GTD Team but we came back with full of knowledge. From the visit, I learned that Petronas Sdn. Bhd. is and will always become committed in improving their technical data team each and every year. This has inspired me to keep on trying my best in order to become a really great data engineer in the future. Petronas Sdn. Bhd. data management team works really hard everyday as they need to deal with a really big scale amount of data. The way they put all their efforts so they could produce a really great result and can make their customers happy is so amazing and brilliant. This has made me realize that data engineer is not an easy job because you have to stay alert with all the data and to scan the errors that might have occurred in the system. Nevertheless, this kind of challenges will help you to improve your skills in managing data. A data engineer needs to master the skills of design, build and manage a large amount of data. Therefore, I need to actually explore more so I can increase my knowledge and strengthen my skills in managing data specifically in conducting database. I am very eager to join any seminar or workshop that maybe done by a lot of companies locally in the future as this can be my chance to develop my skills in data engineering.

The presentation given by the person in charge was really understandable and informative. She explained about their technical data team by using some English words to make sure that everyone can simply catch up with everything. We were also brought to take a tour into their office. Upon seeing the workers there, I somehow felt so touched and mesmerized with the commitment they made for great results. We were also got the chance to meet our seniors who are currently doing their internship there. They shared too is some tips and motivation on how to become a great data engineering student. It is all about being hardworking and work as a team so we can create a really wonderful learning environment and good understanding about all the subjects. To sum up, being a data engineer is so challenging but can be overcome with efforts and by being passionate into learning new things.

Technology Information System Subject Reflection

The best thing about this subject is that I can learn a lot about the computer system. As a student, it has been my biggest dream to create and develop my very own computer with my own processor. From this subject, I can learn all the needs that required in order to develop a computer. This subject also has teaches us the steps in creating and designing our inventions that may help people in their daily lives. My hope from this subject is that I can be understand more about all the solution that I can provide for me to solve the real world problems.
