Big Data Week Trip

We have gained a lot of things from the visit to Big Data Week exhibition at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. From collecting information regarding our course to receiving tips and motivation from all representatives of each company. For us, all companies are trying their best to create and produce something that could fit with the modernization of technologies that will never stop. From the visit, we have learned that data engineering is a high demand sector because industries nowadays are implying big data on their inventions. This made us realize that the roles of data engineers in today's technology world are big as they have to design, build, develop and manage an enormous amount of data for the program installed to the system beside ensuring a big profit for the company.In addition, through this visit, we managed to ask some companies about their opinion on a one-year internship program. Surprisingly, all companies that we asked are open to accept any students from this program. Big Data plays a big role in inventions such as smart city and artificial intelligence. One of the companies there is Wise AI. This company is an artificial intelligence company specializing in face recognition. We were so excited when the exhibitor explained about a website they developed. The website will scan your face then will give you one celebrity that has the same face features as you. To build this kind of website or applications will have to involve a lot of data stored and we were so amazed with how the website works. To sum up, this AI and Big Data exhibition has inspired us a lot in becoming a better data engineer so that we could contribute something in the future.