Code on Weekend 2019

Program Information

Programme Information


Date: 16th and 30th November

Venue: Makmal Pengajian 1, Blok N28a

Organiser: Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA) UTM


Graduate Success Attribute

  1. Thinking Skills
  2. Scholarship Skills
  3. Communication Skills


Position: Participant.


  • Impact of the activities on the development of the students Graduate Attributes


In participating the Code on Weekend event, I have gained new knowledge and experiences by being exposed to Machine Learning (ML) and Flutter. Therefore, this event had several impacts on my own Graduate Attributes.

First, this event had impacted my thinking skills by making me think of something that was new to me. Before participating this event, I had little to no experience with either ML and Flutter. Thus, this event had forced me think critically and think outside the box on how to tackle the new problems and challenges when applying and writing code for ML and Flutter. For example, I had to think on how to apply TensorFlow and python in ML to identify numbers from handwritten text.

Second this event also focused on Graduate Attribute; Scholarship Skills. This event motivated to become more motivated to self-learn in my own time. Especially the ML since I had already the interest in ML but after attending this event, I had a solid basis to go on and study on my own.

            Lastly, the Graduate Attribute that focused on was the Communication Skills, this is because I had great two-way communication experience with the speakers being able to ask questions and getting great feedback.

  • Self-strength/advantage towards the activities:


In my opinion, one of the greatest strengths that I am very committed and preserving when learning new things. I am very diligent when learning new things by searching regarding a topic on the internet by looking at tutorials and documents on YouTube. Another strength of mine is that I am quick to learn new things so that helped when learning and adapt new things during the session.


  • Challenges and how to overcome then

One of the challenges, that I faced during the event was that I faced was when installing Anaconda and Jupyter since Anaconda version 3 had clashed with my Jupyter. To troubleshoot this problem I had realised that I had to uninstall Anaconda version 3 and install version 4.


Code on Weekend 2019 Report