Reflection of SECP1513- Technology and Information System

Reflection on Industry talk

This is my reflection on Industry Talk. Try to check it out^^

Industry talk RSS

Industry talk 1 by Mr Nazri Edham from TM

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Industry talk 1 is about the 4th industrial revolution (4IR). The speaker introduced to us cloud computing, 5G and smart cities. From the industry talk, I gained many pieces of knowledge about 4IR. 4IR brings a lot of benefits to human life. It’s changing our lives to become more efficient than before. The fourth industrial revolution is the new way of combining traditional manufacturing practices with advanced smart technologies like analytics, cloud computing, machine learning and the Internet of Things to predict and diagnose issues without much need of human intervention. Thus, it is important for us to continue our effort towards 4IR to ensure that our nation can compete with other countries in every aspect.


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Industry talk 2 by Ms. Sarah Khadijah Taylor of CyberSecurity Malaysia

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In this industry talk, the speaker is talking about the 4IR. She introduced to us the factors that impact the future of manufacturing in Malaysia, Malaysia issues&challenges, and addressing the issues&challenges. From the talk, I found that many sectors have been developing rapidly along with the 4th industrial revolution in recent years. Malaysia’s government has invested heavily in the 4th IR with the goal of becoming a regional leader in the field. Therefore, the Ministry of communications and multimedia founded a cyber security department to provide cyber security information, training and practices in order to advance the 4IR in Malaysia and boost the development of our country into an advanced country. 4 IR brings a lot of opportunities to our country if we make the transformation of 4IR successfully. Thus, everyone including the government, the new generation and businesses play big roles in 4IR. 


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Reflection on Industry Talk 4 by OZEL Sdn Bhd


Augmented Reality (AR) has the true potential to disrupt every single industry on earth. This technology can be involved in many sectors such as education, healthcare, social media and business. As we know, the founder of Facebook has changed their company name to Meta because they are planning to create the next generation of “metaverse” internet. This project involves augmented reality technology. AR technology makes our daily life more convenient. From my knowledge, other than Facebook, Google, Microsoft and others IT companies also involve and develop this technology vigorously. With so many key players in the IT sector now putting the technology to use in the industrial sector, we can expect to see a lot more from AR over the next few years. Undeniably, AR has become more and more significant in this big data world. For example, with the convenience of AR technology, we can have interactive classes. Students can run scientific and mathematical simulations in 3D space and view the results. In conclusion, AR technology is a very useful and important tool for us to advance the 4IR.


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Industry talk by Mr. Isma Redha from ICEP (International conference & Exhibition Professional)


Industry talk 7 is about data analytics and data visualization. Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions about the information. There are a series of techniques that include extracting data and valuable information from extensive and diverse sets of data gathered from different sources and varying in sizes. Microsoft Power BI is a Data Visualization tool that is used to visualize or find insights based on a company’s data. It is also known as a cloud-based Business Intelligence service that allows end-users to produce their own reports and dashboards using a simple interface. It helps to connect a wide range of the data sets, transform and clean the data into visuals that can be better digested and understood. From the talk, we can know the importance of the use of these data in the development of any sector. It brings a lot of benefits to the sectors which applied the data analytics for purposes such as decision-making and improving performances. 



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Industry talk 3 by Dr. Qusay Al-Maatouk from APU

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Industry talk 3 is about Amazon Web Services. From the talk, I know that Cloud computing is one of the 4th Industrial Revolution(4 IR) technologies. Cloud computing has gained wide spreads over the last few years. There are many cloud
computing services that apply in many applications such as Google Drive, Gmail, Facebook and Instagram. Therefore, AWS is an excellent platform that provides a wide range of global cloud-based services. 

Industry talk 5 by Mr. Goh Bih Der


Industry talk 5 is about emerging network infrastructure. The speaker introduced to us the devices of network infrastructure and the places that can apply this technology. Network infrastructure is referring to the hardware and software resources of a network that enable network or internet connectivity, communication, business operations and management of an enterprise network. From the talk, we realised that high efficiency in the network infrastructure is very important nowadays.
Many people and domains rely on the network infrastructure to connect among the people for different purposes such as business, education and communication. The advances in the network infrastructure give a high potential to our country's development.

Industry Talk 6 by Mr. Nicholas Yong of HUAWEI

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The Industry talk 6 is about wifi 6 and 5G. From the talk, I know that Wi-Fi 6 is widely available including in Malaysia. It has been verified for 3 years.  It has large bandwidth, low latency, IoT oriented energy-saving and anti-interference. 5G is a fifth-generation wireless technology system. It has high bandwidth and low latency to allow users to experience super fast speed and a reliable network. From the talk, we can know that our world is entering the era of 5G and wifi6. We can use these technologies to watch 4K videos and even 8K videos smoothly. 
