Reflection of SECP1513- Technology and Information System

Reflection on AWS

This is my reflection on AWS. Please check it out ^^

AWS badge

Reflection on AWS RSS

Reflection on AWS

a. A summary of what you have gained from completing the course (get a

I have learned a lot about AWS cloud computing and how it works. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform offered by Amazon that includes a mix of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and packaged Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. AWS services can provide businesses with tools such as computing power, database storage and content delivery services. Cloud computing is a trend in the technology sector and the 4th industrial revolution. Therefore, this platform provides us especially UTM students to have depth knowledge about AWS. 

b. Your motivation to complete this project?

My motivation to complete this project is the AWS badge. This is because AWS is one of the coursework projects that students who take the Technology and Information Systems course (TIS)  are required to complete. When the badge is received, it meant that we completed the assignment. This prompted me to want to finish the project as soon as possible. Receiving the badge also proves that you have completed all the AWS courses and challenges.  As my life maxim, work hard, play hard. First bitter, then sweet, we work hard first then we can play hard.

c. Your opinion whether getting the badge is easy or difficult? Which modul
is the easiest/most difficult

In my opinion, I think it is difficult to get the badge. This is because there are many courses, challenges, quizzes, labs that we need to complete. It consumed a lot of time and energy to complete. The easiest is module 1 and the difficult modules are 6,7,8,9,10. There is still a lot of things that made me confused. Luckily, I am able to follow the instructions step by step. There are also many quizzes in each lesson, sometimes it takes many attempts to get above 80 marks. 

d. What’s a badge worth?

In my opinion, I think the badge can let me have a resume that is equipped with competitive and experiences about cloud computing. This will increase the job opportunity for my future because nowadays big data is a trend. If I obtained the badge, this meant I have successfully completed the AWS course. It also can help me to complete the AWS assignment to make me can receive a good grade in the technology and information system course.  

e. Feedback whether getting the badge improve your knowledge and skills
on Cloud Computing

This is a very nice course for UTM students especially students in the faculty of computing because cloud computing is one of the 4th Industry Revolution technology. This course benefits our future because there is a lot of knowledge about cloud computing. Through this course, we can have a more in-depth look at AWS cloud computing to enhance our competitiveness for future work or challenges regarding this subject. There are also many lab exercises that can be done in the AWS course.
These lab exercises are very effective in helping me to understand cloud computing. It is easier to understand than reading the slides.

f. Your opinion whether every company should shift to Cloud Computing?

In my opinion, I think every company should use cloud computing. This is because cloud computing can have the benefits of cutting IT costs, more flexibility and increased efficiency. In the era of the pandemic, various industry sectors are busy coping with the economic impact of the epidemic. Thus, cloud computing tools can help companies adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to cater for the fourth industrial revolution, it is well known that the use of cloud computing is essential to remain competitive. Therefore, cloud computing is an essential tool for many companies to stay competitive in 4th industrial revolution.

g. Your opinion whether every computer science/UTM student should learn
Cloud Computing (get the AWS badge?).

In my opinion, every student who takes courses related to information technology or courses related 4th industrial revolution should have to learn cloud computing and involve in AWS badge to enhance their competitiveness. If you are not a computer science student, you can also study this course to enhance your knowledge area. This is because knowledge is limitless.

h. Any advice to your friends who have not get the AWS badge yet?

Stay strong. May all the forces be with you guys. Do not be a procrastinating person. This is taboo for university students because if you procrastinate, your homework will become more and more and eventually pile up. This is also a golden opportunity for us to upskill ourselves.

i. What is your direction after completing the badge?

My direction did not change even after completing the badge. I want to be a data engineering. But for now, at this stage I know I am a beginner in the cloud computing sector but I will try my best to learn more about this course.

j. Your opinion about getting the AWS badge that is included in SECP1513

In my opinion, SECP1513 is a nice course for data engineering students because it has many industrial talks that we can involve in in order to expand our knowledge area and be competitive.  Getting the AWS badge that is included in SECP1513 subject is a very great choice because SECP1513 is a course that is related to the 4th industrial revolution.  Therefore, it is very suitable to have AWS assignment in this subject.
