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Hello there! I'm so glad that you dropped by on my profile  :D

Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Eunice Lim Xian Ni, a first-year student pursuing Software Engineering degree in UTM. The reason why I chose this degree is that after giving some deep thoughts about my future, I realised I developed an interest in programming compared to the science subjects I had studied throughout the years. Although I am new to this field but I hope that I can learn and explore all the programming fundamentals. Another factor that led me to pursue this program is because I also found out that I am a visual person. Since young, I have always been passionate about graphics, visual elements and colours. I used to create simple designs using Canva. Not long after I enrolled in UTM, I was given the opportunity to join the Multimedia Unit for UTM Mandarin Club. The club has opened up chances for me to explore more graphic contents and poster designs using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I even get to design some Instagram posts for the club too. Well, that's all about me on what prompts me to chose this degree. xD

Below are the details of me: 

About Me

EUNICE LIM XIAN NI's profile picture
  • First name: EUNICE LIM XIAN NI
  • Faculty: School of Computing
  • Student ID: A20EC0034
  • Display name: EUNICE LIM XIAN NI
  • Email address:
  • Town: Tawau
  • City/region: SABAH
  • Mobile phone: 010-9359205

Social media accounts

My Reflection

What is your goal/dream concerning your course/program?

My goal concerning to my program is to complete my courses on time (not failing any of the subjects) and able to achieve a good CGPA. Getting good results in my academic will allow me to prove to my future employer that I am a knowledgeable, responsible and hardworking person, which hopefully may increase my chances of getting hired. Talking about my future career, my goal after completing this program is to work as a front-end web developer. This is because front-end web development allows me to go creative. I get to put my ideas in digital form and build a user-friendly platform. I also felt like I enjoy interacting with front-end customers so that I can assist them in fixing their problems. Besides studying, I have another goal concerning to my program, which is to stay active and do well in non-academic areas such as joining clubs, competitions and hosting events. So that I can improve my soft skills as they are important in pursuing my career in the future.


What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

To achieve my goal, I have to understand and equip myself with knowledge regarding web development languages such as HTML, CSS, SQL, and JavaScript.Thus, the first step I have taken is by learning HTML via Codecademy. Besides, I also plan to create a few projects after I have mastered the basics of web development as learning through the application is the best way of learning. I also have to improve my logical thinking skills by practising more questions through online resources such as LeetCode. These resources are indeed helpful and may help me to grow and improve my potential as a front-end web developer. Furthermore, I will try to involve myself in more co-curricular activities in order to develop my interpersonal skills. It definitely won’t be an easy route but giving myself motivation and reminding my passion will help me to strive for success.

My Resume

My E-portfolio Presentation

My Hobbies (as of 2021)

1.  Photo editing, poster design, video editing

random girl-01.jpg.1   

2. Surfing the Internet



3. Playing MapleRoyals

Screenshot (126).png

Non-Academic Activities

Below are the non-academic activities that I have joined. These activities had helped me to grow throughout the years. I am happy and grateful that I have the opportunities to join them. :D

Sports Activity - During Matriculation

This picture was taken during my matriculation days (in 2020), where we held a competition between two classes. It was so much fun. I remembered we had a meaningful bonding time.


UTM Mandarin Club - Multimedia Unit (Workshops)

Few weeks after the lectures commenced, I came across to UTM Mandarin Club through their promo video. The promo video was interesting, with funny effects and interesting contents, which attracted freshies like me to join their club. So, I did immediately submit my application after watching the video and had applied for the Multimedia Unit as I was intrigued and interested in what they will teach me (and what will I do). There was an interview, well, thankfully I passed the interview and became a member of the Multimedia Unit. It was really a wonderful experience as I have learned a lot of knowledge and skills throughout the workshops. 


This picture was taken during our first workshop:


Our first workshop was attended by 6 committees and 6 new members. Unfortunately, one member decided to change the Unit, so we were left with 5 members. The workshops were prepared and conducted by Jing Ting (top left), an experienced and passionate senior, also a Chief Facilitator of Multimedia Unit.


This picture was taken during our last workshop: 


In our last workshop, we learned how to create GIF and videos using Adobe Illustrator and some video editing software.  After that, we had a heart-to-heart session where we shared our thoughts regarding what we learned and our opinions before ending the workshop for this semester.


Our usual posting place:


Picture of Me

My Resume

Personal information

Date of birth 20 May 2001
Place of birth Tawau
Citizenship Malaysia
Gender identity Woman


Personal goals

1. Do workout and slim down :D

2. Able to complete my tasks on time

3. Learn HTML

4. Learn how to create GIF

5. Improve my design and editing skills

Academic goals

1. Do well in my academic (not to drop any subjects)

Career goals

1. Land a job as a front-end web developer


Personal skills

1. Able to speak three languages: Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, English

2. Responsible with my tasks

3. A team player

4. Do self-reflection

5. Flexible

Academic skills

1. Able to code using C++ 

2. Proficient in using Microsoft Office Word, Powerpoint, Excel, One Note

Work skills

1. Proficient in using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Canva

2. Recently just started out learning video editing using VSDC


Employment history

I have learnt how to open invoice, calculate bills, check stocks and create receipts for the electrical appliances.

Address: TB280, Ground Floor, Block 29, Fajar Complex, Jalan Haji Karim, Sabah, 91000 Tawau
Education history

Currently, I am in my first year. Just completed my first sem. 

Address: Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building, Jalan Iman, 81310 Skudai, Johor

Result :

Sem 1 - 4.00

Sem 2 - 4.00

CGPA - 4.00

Address: 87000 Labuan, Labuan Federal Territory

Result: 4A+ 6A 1B 

Address: Peti Surat 124, 91007, Tawau

Result: 7A 2B

Address: Peti Surat 124, 91007, Tawau

Result: 6A 1B

Address: Bandar Tawau, 91000 Tawau, Sabah

Certifications, accreditations and awards

Level : Matriculation

1st Runner Up

Level: Matriculation


Level: Matriculation


Level: Matriculation


Level: District

Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang (Form 5 Category)

Level: National

Represented my school to give a speech about Loving your Community

Level: District

5th Place

Level: District

Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang (Form 3 Category)

Professional memberships

Manage the unit, assign tasks to members, write reports, attend committee meetings

Act as a personal teacher to help weaker students in understanding the concepts for each subject during Matriculation




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