CHUA KEK AN's profile picture CHUA KEK AN

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About me

Hello, welcome to my profile page. I am currently studying Computer Network and Security. Hope you can know more about me from my e-portfolio. Have a nice day.

  • First name: CHUA KEK AN
  • Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
  • Student ID: A19EC0039
  • Email address:
  • City/region: Malacca

Education History


2006 - 2011


2012 - 2016



2017 - 2018




Life Hacks

1. If you are lonely, switch off the lights and turn on a horror movie. After a while you will not feel lonely anymore.

2. If you ever want to call a family meeting, just turn off the Wifi router and wait in the room in which its located.

3. Can't be late for work, if you never leave.

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Interest / Hobby

I will spend my free time by playing game, playing basketball, training, watching movie, listening to music and learning how to play musical instruments. I enjoy doing all these activities as I can relieve my stress through these activities. I love music and have been practice a lot so i can compose my own song. Although I still have some difficulties in the process of playing musical instruments, I won't give up as there is a saying that goes with "No Pain No gain". I also enjoy training and exercising my body so that i could lead a healthy life. 


Life Goals

  • Live a simple, happy life with my family and loves one cause everything means nothing without them
  • Achieve something that can change the society to a better future
  • Become rich

Courses - Sem 1

  1. Programming Technique 1
  2. Digital Logic
  3. Discrete Structure
  4. Technology and Information System
  5. Science and Technology Thinking
  6. Graduate Success Attributes
  7. Dinamika Malaysia

CHUA KEK AN's friends

Reflection On Semester 1

Throughout the first semester in UTM, I had gone through a lot difficulties and learnt a lot of new things. Although there were ups and downs in my first semester's life in UTM, but it is still a great journey. I have learnt how to live independent without causing any troubles to my roommate and neighbour. I have also made some new friends who are caring and dependent, it's them who make my life here cheerful and wonderful. During first semester, there were many assignments, tests, quizzes and presentations that had made me busier than the time of when I was studying Form 6 and the previous school life. From the given tasks, I have learnt many skills such as video editing skill, programming skill, leadership skill, communication skill and much more that are going to be help when I start to work. 

From course Programming Technique I, I have learnt the programming basics that are going to be useful after i graduated. This course has covered pre-processor directives, constants and variables, data types, input and output statements, control structures: sequential, selection and loop, built-in and user-defined functions, single and two dimensional arrays, file operations, pointers, and structured data types. I am glad that I am able to understand the programming knowledge that taught by Dr. Lizawati as I don't have any programming basic compared to those who have learnt the programming skill earlier before they enter UTM.  

From course Malaysian Dynamics, I have learnt the history of the Malaysia. I would like to express my gratitude toward the past warriors that have fought so that Malaysia can achieve independence and free from all kind of imperialism and colonization.

From course Digital Logic, I have acquired many knowledge such as boolean algebra, types of logic gate, functions of combinational logic and so on. All these knowledge are definitely going to help me on the next semester.

From course Discrete Structure, I have learnt how to use set theory, relations and functions to solve computer science problems, apply graph theory and tree in real life problem and use deterministic finite automata finite state machines to model electronic devices and problems.

From course Technology and Information System, I have learnt about the components of a computer and the uses of each components. This course is like a preparation for someones like me who are new to the computer science courses. Design Thinking Project is a project to think of a solution for the problem that everyone has to face. From this project, I have developed creative and innovative thinking so that I can come out with ideas to solve the problem efficiently. 

From course Graduate Success Attribute, I have learnt how to cooperate with the other when working in a team. We also have to think creatively as there is a project that required us to modify roadside stall so that it won't be left unattended at the roadside.

From course Science and Technology Thinking, I have learnt how science and technology developed since the past until now. I have also learnt how to act and edit video as we are given an assignment to make a short video that is related to science and technology.

To conclude, all the skills that i have gained during the process have benefited me a lot. Life is incomplete without challenges, thus I won't complaint about how much tasks have been given to me and ready to take on any challenge so that I can grow into a better person.